HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCC4MM15SIONERS' PROCEE[�1NGS
Week of March 10,1997
The Grant County Commissioners session was catled to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Atiison. AIt of the Commissioners �nrere
in attendance with the Clerk af the Board.
The Cammissione�s r�ad and approved the min�tes af the
previous session as written.
The Commissioners approved #he request by the Sheriffs Office
to purchase a ho�/cold serving cart a�t.the cost of $13,5SU from the Jai!
Commissary Budget.
The Commissior��rs approved #he salary increase O� H�It�i M.
Percy of the Clerks Offic� to $1,975 per month as a Deputy Cterk ii.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Shauna L.
Latimer of the Clerks 4fEice ta $2,'! 30 per month as a D�pu#y Clerk llt.
The Commissianers approved the request by ihe Gran� County
Law Library io purchase various �omputer equipment and programs
in #he tc►tai amaunt ofi $�t7,64�t.
A mot�on was made by Gommissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner- �nead that Resolution Idumber 97-28-CG relating to the
establishment i� th� BuildingfFire Marshal Department a position to be
named D�puiy Fire MarshailAssistant Burlding �}ificial be passed. The
motion carried.
The Ca�mmissioners approved c�ut of state travel and expen�es for
David Nelson, Building/F�re Marsh�! Directc►r io at�end the National Fire
Training Acadea�ny in Maryland.
The Gommissioners held a i�ubtic Mee#ing regarding ihe zone
change request an approximately 67.51 acres from Agrsculture to
Suburban-2 for a future mobile home park in a portion ofthe North half
of the Northwest quarter of Secfiion °I, Township 2�! Narkh, Range 2fi
Easi, W.M. by !V!D Gorpvration. A motion was r�ad� by Commissianer
Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead tc� uphald the Planning
Commission deniai afiihe requested �one change, with Findings offact
as recommended by the Ptanning Department. The motion carriecl.
The Camrn!issioners appointed Kirk �ager to a pos�tivn on the
Grant County Plann�ng �ommissi�+n.
As there v+ras no further business to came before the Baard the
session was continued untii 1Vtarch '11,'i997.
�Ilarch 11,9997
The s�ssion was continued at 9:QQ a.m. with a11 of ihe
Commissioners in altendan�e with �fhe Clerk o� the Board.
The Commissianers rnei with th� Pubiic 1,�arks Direcior regarding
Bid Award Recomrnendation-Herb�cides, Cantract Execu�ion-IlU'endie
Ford, Annuai Certi�cation-GIRAB, Re�mbursable {�Vork-Royal City.
A moiian vvas made by �ommissioner Fan�her, s�canded by
Cc�mmissioner Snea�d to aut�orize Cha�rman A[tison iv sign the
Assignmenf of Franchise from [�o�fi�rwest Sig�al Cable,lnc, to Cable
Pius Campan�, L.P. The mation carried.
The Commissian�rs signed the Pubiic Vllorks Claims Fund
Vaucher �pprvval #2-� through #2-182 in the total amaunt of
The Commissianers approved the Pubfic VYorks Directc►r
recommendation to award item 'i,4,9, and i of the Herbicide k�ids tv
1�lilbur-Ei1is and to award item 2,3,5, and � to EJAP N+or�hwest.
The Commissioners signed a contract wifih Wendie Moic�rs of
Spokan� f�r the purchase of ? Ford Taurus Sedans and 3 Ford F� 50
A r�ation was m�de by C�mmissioner Snead, secvnded by
Commissioner Fancher that R+�satufiian Number 97-29-GC amending
Grani Cc►unty's Policy regarding standards for the deiivery of Pubiic
Defense S�rvices be passed. The motion carried.
A motion wa�s made by Gommissioner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Fancherthat Resoiutian Number97-30-CC appraving the
issuance af nonrecourse revenue bonds of ihe Pt�rt of iVlases Lake
Public Carporatian for the bene�i of hl��ionai Fro�en Foods
CQrpocatian be passed. The mc�tion carried,
A mc�tion was made by Comrr�issioner IFancher, seconded by
G€�mm<ssivner Atlisan that Resvlutic�n Number 97-3�1-CC in fihe ma�ter
of setting a Pu�alic Hearing far Ap��t i,'t99i a� 1:30 p.m. regarding the
saie of Grant County Real Prop�rty b� passed. The mofiior. carried.
The Gommissioners approved the saiar� af f;ary Mansford Jr. as
an eratry level d�puty in the Sheriffs C)ffice at $2,128.80 per month
effective l�larch 24,1997,
The Cammissivners apprc�ved ihe request by �t�e C+�unty Caroner
to purchas� 2 digita! pagers in the amount of $377.0� from her smatl
tc�ols lbudget,
The Commissioner�s approved ihe star�ting satarlr fQr the position
of Deputy Fire Marsha�lAssistani Building C3�ciat which is being fiiled
by Ray Audei effective Aprii '1,�1997 at $2,99v.
A motivn was mad+� by Cc�mmissioner Fancher, secanded by
Cvmmissioner Snead that Resvlut�c�n Number 97-3�-CC dividing and
creatir�g nevrr voting precincts be passed, The motivn carried.
The Commiss�an�rs held a Public �fieeting regarding the Rfat
Alteration request by F�alph and Gertrude Kooy ta replat Trac� 18, Whi#e
Traii Tracts intc� fc�ur Iots appr�oximately '1.13 acres in size in a
Suburban-2 zone. A motion was made �y Comm��sioner Fancher,�
seconded by Gommissic�ner Snead to set the matter far Public Hearing
based on a�cess cencerns. The Hearing will b� held on iVfarch 39 �'199'7
ai 1:30 p.m. The moiic�n carried.
A mc�tion was made by Cammissivner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Fancher authorizing Chairman �ilisQn to sign the 4�57
Deferred Compensation ��a�=�ontract Aenendment. The m�ofiion carried.
A nnotion was made by Co�nmissian�r Fanch�r, seconded by
Commissioner �nead ia s�t a Pubiic Hearing fc�r Mar�h 25,199� a� 'I :30
p,m. regarding th� request for suppiementalinew budgei for the Ja�I
�oncessi�n Fund #'t12, Depar�ment #15�4 fram unan�icipated
state�federal funds in the amc�unt of $'t3,��2. The mot6on carried.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase o€ Carri
Bujacich of the Prasecutr�rs Office io 100% of a Legal Secretary 1.
As of this dat� fihe �aard by a majc�ri�ty vote does app�vve fvr
payment #hc�se vouchers inciuded in �he iist fited in the Auditars Gff�ce
319UI97 in the tc�tal arnouni Qf $3783694.5G.
As th�re was no further business to come befvr� the Baard the
session was adjourned until IVlarch 17,1997,
' �.�.�l.��.t �• h.�.�
Clerk = J� he Boarc�'�
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