HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-027-CCGRANT COUNTY OFFICE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS POST OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA. WASHINGTON 98823 f5091 754-2011 ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMIIIISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF ALTERING � RESOLUTION NO. 97-27-CC LOT #3 OF TF� HIAWATHA DEVELOPMENT � RESOLUTION APPROVING SHORT PLAT LOCATED IN A PORTION OF � SECTION 29, T�WNSHIP 19 NORTH, � RANGE 27 EAST VVII_LAMETTE MERIDIAN � Prefened Farm Lands GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON � �'VHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County ha�e be�n advised by the Grant Cou�aty Planning Commission that a public hearing was conducted on January 22, 1997 on the �atter of altering Lot Three (3) of the Hiawatha Development Short Plat located in a portgon of the Souihwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 19 North, Range 27 East Willametfe Meridian, (srant County, Washington. This alteration was concerning the division of a 15.92 acre lot into twa lots. Lot A is 6.68 acres and Lot B is 9.24 acres in size. ., VV�REAS, the Grant County Planning Commission made a recommendation to approve the plat alteration, WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a public meeting on Febmary 15, 1997 and, W�REAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the Grant County Board of Adjustmen� did grant a Variance to allow the division of said property to a lot size smaller than the minimum lot snze requirements in the Agriculture District on October 9, 1996. W�IEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed plat alteration is consistent to the Grant County Comprehensive Plan. W�REAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the public use and interest will apparently be served by this plat alteration. VV�REAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this plat alteration will not adversely effect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public in the vicinity of this P�Posal. CONDITIONS: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have concluded that condi�ions of approval fo� this pIlat alteration is in the best interest to the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of Grant �ounty, _ � V�I-�REAS, the Board of County Commissioners have conditioned this zone change approval on the following stipulations: .� 1. Development shall be in compliance with the Growth Manage�ent Act, The County-�Vide Planning Policies, The Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Grant County Zoning Ordinance, and all applicable local, state, and federal regulations, rulings or requirements. 2. Development shall comply with all applicable requirements of ghe Grant County Fire Flow guidelines and the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code. 3. Developme�at shall comply with all improvements required by the Grant County Public Works Department. 4. Developer shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District ,the Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding domestic water supply, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment including, but noi limited to: RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards and WAC 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systems. PAGE 2 � IN THE IvIATTER Ci� ALTERING LQT #3 fl� THE �AWATHA DEVELtJPMENT SHC?RT PLAT LC}CATED IN A PORTiON QF SECTION 29, T4WNSHIP' 19 NaRTH, RANGE 27 EAST WILLA1bI�TTE MERIDIAN GRANT CtaUN"Y'Y, WA5�31NGTON 5, If any Na�ive American Gra�e site(s) ar archaeolagicaUculiural resources {Indian Artgfacts) are found ail construction activity shall stap and the owner/devslaper shall immediately raotify the Calviile Confederated Tribes and the Washington State 4ffice af A.rchaealogy and �-Iistoric Preserva#ion. 6. Develapment sha11 consider the recommendations af the Waslznngtan �tate Departme�t af Fs'sh and Wildiife which include, but is not limited to: a) maintain at this t�me or any time in tt�e fufiure, a housing density no greater than woutd be all�wed by tI►is action {two homesites) b) design the layout of the home sites and access raads in tha eastern portion af the parcel i.n a m�wner that would ma3ci�ize the amaunt of buf%ring space between the develaped sites and the Iake. c) disturh the natcu�al vegetation only ta ihe extent necessary for the construction of access roads and buildiug sztes. d} develog fire prevention anc� ct�ntral pragrams to reduce the nsk of fire lasses af native shru.b cover. e) establish vegetative screens alang tlse north and west sides of the home sites through shrub and tree plantings ta strengthen the buffering effect between the development area and the lake. ij through covenants iu the land deeds, require sirict cantrol of cats and dogs ta avoid predation an.d harassment af the nativa wildlife; and g) thraugh covenants in the land de�eds or by crther m�ac►s, let it be known that hunting in the area is an establ�sheci activity and should be expected tv con�inue. ATUW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the Boazd of County Caynmissioners far Grant Caunty, Washington approve by titis Resolution, a plat alteration of the follawing described property: Lot Three {3) of the Hiawatha Deveiopment Shart Piat Iocated in a portion af the Southwest Quarter vf Sectian 29, Township 19 North, Range �7 East Wiilameite Meridiaxi, Grant Caurtiy, Waskeingtan. This alteration is cancerning the di�ision t�f a 1�.92 acre tot irato two lo�s. Lc�t A is G.GB acres and Lot B is 9.24 acres in s�e. The subject parcei is currentIy known as parcei 31-1131-OQO. Dans ihis ,� day af �./�f:�.�'� , 1997. r I .�`� Chairman � � � ATTEST: �1.l�`r'��l .��. ''�/i..�`� � �'�ierk af the Bo��, �<_�.- n��:�` �`i�_,� ���'���'"��'�..� C4IliiillSSi4218T �-„� r � � � � �?,,," ",�._� :;�...,m`� �LJIIlYriiSSI��RE'i'_....-�' Constit�xting th�e Board of Countp Commissioners of Graiat Conniy, Washington