HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-025-CCi GRANT COUNTY OFFICE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMNYISSIONERS POST OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRA'fA. WASHINGTON 9ae23 (5091 754-2011 BOARD OF COIINTY COMNIISSIONERS � i GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON � IN TfiE MATTER OF APPROVIlVG THE O'NEII. � RESOLUTION NO. 97-25—CC & CECCHINI ]PRELIMINARY PLAT, A SIX (6) � I LOT SUBDIVISION ON 10.0 ACRES IN A � RESOLUTION APPROVING PORTION OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 19 N. � A PRELIMINARY PLAT O� 6 RANGE 28 E., W.M., GRANT COUNTY, � LOTS V6TASHINGTON. � I WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have �een adviseai by the Grant County Planning Commission that a special public hearing was conducted on January 22, 1997 on the matter of approving the Preliminary Plat O'Neil and Cecchini Preliminary Pla� in a portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 17, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington. ! I � W�REAS, the Grant County Board of Counry Commissioners held a ipublic meeting on February 25, 1997 to review the action of the Planning Commission. I i WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissianers have found that appro�riate provisions have been made for drainage, roads, alleys, utilities, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, fire protection facilities, school sites, gffounds, and other pubinc and private facilities anct improvements as required by all applicable locai, state and federal codes and sequirements. . WHERE.4S, the Board of County Commissioners ha�e found that the proposed saibdivision does conform to the general purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and public use and interest will be served by the proposal. i WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal does not fall within a Critical Area. as defined by the Grant County Resource Lands and Critical �eas Ordinance. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposai does comply with the Grant Counry Zoning Ordinance. . �', WHEREAS, the Board of Counry Commissioners have found that a mitigated Determination of Non-Significance has been issued for this proposal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Copnmissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, the six (6) Lot subdivision of the O'Neil & Cecchini Preliminary Plat on the following described property subject to the conditions of approval listed below. LEGa1L OES[�tIPTIOM t PER GRANT COIJNTY AUDITOR' S FZLE NO. ti[�UPS� ' THAT PORTI�1 OF ThE t�RTHWEST �UARTER OF TFE (�RTHMEST �UARTER OF SECTI�1 17, TOYN.�-IIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 28 E.M.M., GRAIVT COUPfTY, WASHIt�'iTON, �ESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS� BEGIMIING AT TFE (�RTH aUARTER CORI�ER DF SAIO SECTIDN 17: 7t�EPICE NORTH 89°02`50" MEST, A UISTANCE OF 1320 FEET TD AN INTER�CTION WITH TFE NDRTH-SOUTH MID-OUARTER SECTION LINE• TFENCE ALONG SAID NORTH-SOUTH MID-�UARTER SECTION LYPE, SOIITH 00•34'07" aEST, 979.80 FEET TO TFE TRIJE POINT OF BEGINVING: TFENCE COKtIMJING ALOM'a SAID t�RTH-SOUTH MID-�UARTER SECTION IT�F, SOUTH DO°34'07" wEST, A OISTAI�E OF 359.46 FEET TO AN IM�JZSECTION WITH TFE EAST-MEST MID-OUARTER �CTI�1 LIl�E: T�EIVCE ALONG SAID EAST-bIEST MYD-OUARTER SECTION LZPE N�TH 89•19'39" WEST, A 025fWCE OF 1231.85 FEEf, TO A PDINT ON TI-E HIGH MATER LIPE OF MOSES LAKE: TFENCE ALONG SAID HYGH MATER LII�E TI-E FDLLOWING COURSES ANO OYSTANCES� NORTH 10•00'46' GI�i.SI � JUC.Ji �CLi . i:'LYYif'1 U3'CC'3O-�` Cvi�i � �e'.iC c� : ��� PARALLEL TO TI-E t�RTH LII�E OF SAIO SELTIIXJ 17, SOUTH 89'02'50' EJ1ST, A DISTANCE OF 1176_63 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION MITH SAIO NORTH-50UTH MIO-�UARTER SECTION LII�E AND T1-E TRUE POYNT OF BEGIIWZNG. " Conditions: 1. The Board of County Commissioners upon the recommendation of the Plamning , Commission shall make a determination of consistency with the Comprefiensive Plan. The MDNS is contingent on a determination of consistency. , 2. The P�agosal shail b�e in compliance with the Grant Caunty Cflmprehensive plan, the Growth Management Act, The County Wide Pianuing Palicies, The Washgnugton State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant Caunty Zc>ning {3rdinance, the Grant Caunty Resource Lands and Critical Areas Ueveiopment C}rdinance and a11 appl%cable fe�ieral, state, and local regulations, rulings ar reqnirements. 3. Proposal shaU compiy with all requirements deemed necessary by the G�ant County �Iealtt� District, the Washington State Degartment of Health, and the Wa?shington State Department of Ecology regarding damestic water supply, sewage syster�is and storna water control and treatment inciuding, but nat limited to: RCW 90.48.0�0 Discharge af Pt�liuting Water Prohibiie�i, WAC 173-2Q1, Surfac� Water Standards;, WA� 1'73- 201A, Grc�und Water Quatity Standards; and, WAC 246-272, 4n-Site Sewage Syster�s. ; 4. Propasal shall camply with all requirements of the Grant County Fire Ivlarshal and shail comply with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fira Code and a11 other applicabie requirements for fire protectian. 5. Prc�posal shall comply with alI requirements af the Grant County �'ublic Works Department. 6, Proposal shali address the comments of WSD{JT and comply withh atl requirements of the i�Si3CJT. '7, Prior to acceptance of the final plat, developer shali sr�bmit a deiineatior� and analysis � of the wetlands by a qua�ified wetiands biologist and compiy with aii mi�igation recomumendations request from the wetland analysis. 8. The fmat plat shall comply to the fullest exteni possible the recammenda`tions stated in the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife letter dated Noveinber 12, 1995 and Iisted below: a. Campleta a wetland deiineation ta determine the outer edge c�f the jurisdictional wetland and establish an effective buffer to protect the functions and values af the wetland along the shc�reline. b. Thraugh fencing or ather Iand�caping schemes, create a elear demarcation of the wetland b�ffer to minimize encroachment af the development into the wetland management area. , c. Consider designating the buffered area as coinmon open space managed to promot� the protectian of the ecotogy c�f the lake. , d. For any desired bc�at management facilities, consider the development of a ccammunity dock to minimize disturbance to the sht�reiine vegetation. e. Through cavenauts in the iand deeds require stric� control of cats and dogs to minimize predation and harassment Qf nesting, resting and feeding v�ildlife P�Pulations. Y 9. Devel�per shali address the comxnents from the USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service. 14. If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeal4gicallcultural resources �Indian Artifacts} are found all construction activity sha11 stop and ti�e ownerldeveloper shatl irnmediately notify the CoIville Confederatetl Tribes �nd the Washington State Qffice of Archaealogy and I�iistoric PreservatiQn. ii. S�orecrest llrive must be e7ctendeci to the Soutin �oundary oi �e piat ant� impro�vea ca currer�t Cvunty urban access road standards. 12. I�anis�i Road shauld be e<ctended. from Shorecrest I7r. tc� the East piat boundary. Extension wi�i require the dedication af 60' vf right-of-way and improvement to the urban access standard autlined 'zn #2 abave. 13. Access permits are required prior to the issuance t�f building permits. 14. A cantribuiian in the amonnt agreed upon by the Grant Caunty Puhiic Wnrks I?irecfi:ar and developer for the extension of Konisiu Road fram Sharecrest Road ta the east boundary of the �Slat wi11 be reqnired �rior t:� final piat sppmva2. IS. A cut-de-sac is required at tha sauth enct of Shorecrest raad, Done tt�is � day of ,� �. : ,�996. � r � c „ ..� ��`s� � �---tii' ATT'EST' ._ �' �...�' r�' Cliairxnnan � � Clr ' f the Board r �� ,,��'-_-���_-�!�%,-��, ���������,�%r'�� t;ommissioner .._------p-''� � � � ,,� commi ioner t Cans�ituting �he Board of Caunty Comtnissioners of Grant County, washington