HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOM111�IISSIONERS' �ROCEEDINGS Week of Marc� 3,1997 The Grant County Comrnissioners session was called t� arder at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman �eRoy Allison. All of the Commissioners were in attendance. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as wrritten. A motion was made by Commassioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Chairman LeRoy Allison be authorized to sign approval of the Substantial Develapment Permit for The Meadows Piat submitted by Maysae Norisada. The motion carried. The Commission�rs approved the request by Grant Mental Healthcare to allow Darla Boothm�n, MIS Manager to attend a conference at Medepay in Portland, Oregon on cost reporting and writing. The Commissioners approved the request by Grant Mental Healthcare to allow John Brown, �arbara Umb�rger, Sharon McLaughlin, Yolanda R�yes, and Johr� Schoultz to attend a workshop in Portland, Oregon on Brief Therapy Personality Disorders. The Commissioners approved the hiring of Lisa Ohl of the Build'angiFire Marshal Office as a t�mporary part time employee, beginning March 3,1997. The Commiss�oners approves! the request by the Grant County Law Library to purchas� programs frmm West Publishing Company in the amount of $11,274 from the 1997 budget. The Commissioners approved the hBring of Kimberley A. Wyman of the Grant County Fairgrounds Department as an Office Clerk effective February 24,1997. The Commissioners approved #he request by the Sheriffs Department to occupy a building presently occupied by Public Works on F Street Northwest if the Public Works Department intends to vacate the building. The Commission�rs approved the request by the Sheriffs Department to purchase 10 ballistic vests for the correction facility in the amount of $3,320 fr�m Law and Justice Funds. The Commissione�s received a copy of an amended note RE: self- defense in the matter of State of Washington vs. Leo Anthony Dabalos,lll. The information was referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling. The Commissioners signed the Payroll Warrants List #84376 through #84908 for the month of Febr�ary. The Commissioners appoin�ed Ralli�t Toya and Qav'rd Johnson tc� a further term on the Gran� �ount�r Naxi�us 1Need Control Baard. As there �rvas no further business io come befor� the Board the session was continued until March 4,°t997. March 4,799i The session wa� con�inued a� 9:00 a.m, w�th aH of the Corr�missivners in afiEendance. The �ommission�rs �net wi�h the Public �orks De�sartment regarding Bid Award R�commendation-'IOI�f2 Tru�ks, 5iG Tru�k, ltlthite Trait Rd.-Rl�N Casts, 'i99fi Day Labor Gasts, Bid Authorizaiions-Serv�ce Bodies, Jan�toriai Services, Perse�nne�. The Camrrtissioners sign�d the �uthorizatic►n to Cati for Bids or� Service Bodies, Bid opening to be tltl�rch '18,1937 a� '14:30 a.m. The Commissioners signed the Authoriza�ion �to Cat� fr�r� Bids on ,JanitoriaB Services at the new Pubiic Vllorks taffice and Gentr�l Shop Gomp#ex, Bid opening to be IVlarch 2�,'t997 at 10.30 a,rn. Chairman Aliison was auihorized io sign the Grant Coun�jr Fair and Grpunds Managernent Agreera�enfi, to be effective January �1,�99? through December 3�fi,2D01. The Cc�mmissioner� approved the recommendatian af the Public Works Director to award iiems 1 and 2•°IOl92 c.y. Truck Ghassis wifih Equipment to Narthlant! Peterbilt irt ihe tatal arrzauni of $30fi,94fi, They w�re the second 1aw bidder, th� lovrr b�dder did nvt mest minimum specifcations far ihe engine and hydrauiic system, ltem #3-515 c.y. Truck Chassis awardec� �0 1�iendte Motars tc� furnish and deiiuer one 1998 Ford L85'13 Truck Chassis v+ri�h hydrauti� in ihe amounfi o�f $47,�7ti.47. The Commissic�n�rs signed ihe Pubtic 1�orks Ctaims Fund "�t/aucher approval #2-1 �thraugh #2-2 ir� the total amount of $18,704.44. A motion v�as made by Commissioner Snead, secanded by Commiss�oner Fancher tha� Resolut�on Nur»ber 97-25-CC in the matter of apprc�ving the (3'nei! and Cecchini Preliminary P1at, a fi ic�t subdivision on 1� acres in a partion o€ Section 17, Township 99 N., Range 28 E., W.M. be pa�ssed. The mo�ion carried. A moti�►n �nras made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissiane�- Sn�ad that Resoiuiion Number 97-26-CC in tlae matier af changing the z4ning �rom General Commercial to Residentia! Tw� in Lot fi, Ble�ck � of the Lakeview Park Pla� in a poriic�n of Sectian 2v, Township 22 No�th, Ra�ge 27 E., Vi/.Nl. requeste�i by Bud Harbc�ur be passed. The motion carried. A motion was rruade by Com�missianer Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolutio� Number 97-27-CG in the matter of altering Lot #3 of the Hiawatha Dev�lopment Short Plat located in a portion of Section 29, Township 1� North, Range 27 East VV.M. requested by Preferred Farm Lands be passed. The motion carried. A bid opening was held regarding Expansion and Renovations on the Grant Gounty Youth Service Center. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by �ornmissioner Fancher that the bids be referred to the Grant County Youth Service Center Administrator for his review and recomrnendation. The motion carried. As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers filed in the A�ditors Office 2/28/97 in the total amount of $143,788.17. . As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers filed in the Auditors Office 313197 in the total amount of $147,674.05. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until 7:00 p.m. for a Public Hearing on the West Meadows Plat. March 4,1997 7:00 p.�m. The session was continued �t 7:00 p.m. with all of the Cammissioners in attendance. After listening to comments by various individuals a motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconc9ed by Commissioner Fancher to close the public comment portion of t�e hearing. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead to approve the Preliminary Plat, stressing with mitigation items that have been agreed to, (15 items with conditions should be a requiremer�t not a recommendation) and Staff to write up Findings of Fact. Findings of Fact should include but are not limited to Number a,b,c and d'un the Staff report. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board #he session was adjourned until March 1�,'1997. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: GRAI�T COUNTY, WASHINGT4N ��1 �� a ����� Clerk��� �the Boa �