HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-017-CCGRAI�IT COUNTY OFFICE QF �o�r� oF caUN� co��.��ss�or�Rs Pa�� o��,�� ��X �� EPHRRTA. WASFtIMGT{7N ! 123 t3091 7a4-2CJ!! BC3ARD OF' CCIUT�'Y CUMMISSIONERS � GRANT COUI�?'�'Y, WASHINGT4I�3 IN THE MATTER OF CHANGING THE Zt3�'3ING FRtJM AGItZCULTURE AI+ID SLTBURBAN QNE TCi RESIllENTIAL C}NE IN A PORTi4N OF SECTIQN 34, TC}WNSHIP 44 NC?RTH, RANGE 28 EAST, WILI.AMEITE MERIUTAN GRANT COUNfiY, WASFIIATGT+DN RESOLUTICIN NO. _,__ g� ��_ g 7 RESULUTit�N APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CC3MPRE- HENSIVE PLAN �F GRANT CtJUNTY Patnp and $arbara Maiers WHEREAS, the Baard of Caunty C�:xun�issioners af Grant County ha�e been adviseci b� the Grant County Planning Commission that a pub�sc hearing was co�ducted on January 8, 1997 0� the matter of changing the wning fram AGRICULTU�E AND SUBURBAi�i QNE TC? R�SIDENTIAL {.)IVE iai the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest.(�luarter af Section 3�i, Tc�wnshig i9 North, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant Caunty, Washington. The area i�� approxirnatety 33.74 acres in size and is currently known as Pareet Number 17-1596-000. WHEREAS, the Grant County Plau�ing Cammisszon made no recomrr. dation to the Grant County Cammissioners due to the lack af a qno�.:m vate, WHEREAS, the Grant Caun#y $oar� of Connty Commissiozsers held a pubiic hearing on February 4, 1997 regarding this rezane request. VVHEREAS, tha Board of Catznty Gornmissioners have found that th� ���panent did present sufficient evidence that changed circumstances in the area of the subject properky arranted a rewne of the property. WHEREAS, ths Board af County Cammissioners have Found tt�at the proposec3 rezane is nok Ic�cate.d in the (yolumbia Basin Project. WHEREAS the Board of County Cc� uissioners have found that the pro}�onent has presented sufficieni evidence that there is sufficient n� .� in the area far smaller acreages. � WHfiREAS, the Baarcl of County Cn�r►rnissioners have �ound thai the �ro�s� rezone is cansistent with #he Grant Couniy Comprehensive Pl�°� and surrounding uses. NC7W, THEILEFORE, BE IT R..ESt3�,VED, that the Board of Caunty Commissianers for Grant County, Washingtan agprove by this Resolu��c�n, a zone change for the folIowing described property: T�e S+�uthwest Quarter and the W+es�# Hatf af the Saatheas# Quarter of Sectian 3b, T vnship 25 Narth, Range 28 East,1�V.M., Granf Caunty, Washengton, The area is agproximatt 33.7d acres in size and is curren#1y known as Pascet �+iumber 17-�596-{100. .. ..j -f A°�SUJ�:kL'T�-Y-�'' C��V,.cn. sa.:l �O— = a ,I;_Sn`' J• rn� �r�.r, �rs, T!?�c� }}r'cCi.oft o,� iltc StuctiiC�.st �?iitt'i,d� oa CItL ��GcttucUst �?an,tteh o;y Scrtteur 3•t �'c.�t���3li��, 1'3 �1, t'ai�gC 2� C.tP,tf., ��ttxr.t C¢�uttil, (i'ttd(ei.rtg.tr��+. Cy�Mxg Sotstlu��CStCtf� cj �tic tt"-tr�tttt��r �tu-a.CkC7tx i:rciExcad 2�t�;t�t-n�-�rc�y, �nn2c E�tt2t%caC�.ty �IedcttGCd ab ��CCaa�: _ Ge.c��tftit�t� ctt _fl�e SvuCft nua�.tc.t eo•7�tct o�5cet.d Sect�.aat �a; tftettce Ncr-tttt 84 35 "!�Cst, ;�nt'Cc�r{ng itac SoattG (�ounc[cvcy o� 3cci.d Sc�cittt�uebt ?�ccrn.te�, G7.-1�f �eet tc� Chc T��, i'C�iN1 U1" t,�t�T,UNIVG; tltettcc coaxL.iat�tiit<� !Je'ttti 57 35'aG"�t�e5t, J25i�t3 �jcct tio rt�� e$i3ti.�t� t-', iExc� �qu�^cc stcc� bcz'c �ttR'zt:t�z�� �tcc r�.�utft�ue�L Cn��ien a�j 3�.i.d Sc�utticaat �?nrt'�t`ca t�� fiic� 5c�t.�f�u�est f3t�c�ttc'L; t`tieiicL �enti� �� 49'Sd°E�St jyoCCoscri�i<; tlic t9edt bouridrtt!{ t+� sa(rf Se��t(ie:��3t t',tta.x.tC�t c,j tlie Sf�utlktCCst =)ttc�,�.te-2, 9(",i.3�{ �Ce.t ta tlte �nc�d� So[ct���•7�y cvt�iet t�a 1'el,ie��iz For.�zt Sttoat �'Cat, -2econcied ort Pnge t, QIz 3, �.ecatd�s o� Grcastt Cccintr�, (Uaatri���t-Lc:t, tfzexice z'�ontir tJ 33'S9"Ert3� ,joCCmuiitr� tTzc Caht� '� bou�tda�t� c� BaCd St�o2t PCat, 3S9.6G ,{eeL tc �tae naaa.t eas.tc��EJ comte'c tlzercee�; the e Sout,c �4 �tl't4"Last �?c�rca.C�c.0 �to �1te Na:ciE� b�u,x�tnn�� a;j s�i�i Setc�,ztces� �?�cctic•z, tDBt.�� �eeL tQ cuz int�.z.sectLc,x :t�%t:i ttie t�Fcsierc.C�/ xigti�- c;,� �c+t�� (�ouft�f�-tf oj� tlze Gat(".<.rzc�tc�z tdtlttFse•'crz �a��'rt�nrf, �sn.id �*oi�r� c��( .irt-t�h�Cctic�tz ,�6 ct E���irit au a c{�t�,� y.xer,r �tifcl� tf�e ccfiLct (tent3 �Je�tic t=; �ik'07"Ea3�; ttic,icc Sotc�[i�ec�3�etC�, {t�P{'cr�,irt� s�itf 'cs�3lt'� r� �ec+ff 1�rarrrla7� a,rd cuhu�c hac�i�rg c� certtnr��' c�rig(`r c�� 5 23'22" crn�f a.t�?.ti.ti5 c;� 434t�.f>t icet; t/��izce Sfutt7 04 00'�:." tt�csfi, 1�3�,7�! �eet tr ttie C'uce 1+o.ifrt c•n f,���7 ittf.='iitl. I'arrr�� ` ua•'��ax� ltzti�lS TrLu �7t�,fliG �rt SiS(a} 3.f-14-�8 J., `t�'�r� �;. ; Fage 2 Il'�I THE MATTER OF APPROVTNG THE ZUNING FROM AGRICULTLTRE ANI? SU$URBAN t�NE TO RESIDENTIAL 4NE LC)CATED IN A PQRTIi3N {3F SECT'iCJN 34, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, ItANGE 28 EAST,'N.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGT�N Done this �� day af ��� , 1997. � ._.__.._�� ��r.�---''"� Chairman fl � ATTEST; � Y` '' � �C � � Clerk af the B d _ .�'',-�_...-� ���_ �•��,�._..�.% Gommissianer � , Commi �aner Constituting the Board of Counfy Cammissioners �� Grant County, Washington