HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCC?�IM�SStC?I�ERS' PRGICEEDiNt�S
VVeek of February 'l0,7997
T'he Gran� County Gommissioners session was c�iled ta ord�r at
9:t#0 a.m. by Cha�rman LeRvy AiiisQn. Commissianer� Fancher �vas in
attendance with the Gler�� of �he Boa�d, Commissioner Sneaci was out
af ih� �ffic� due to i#Iness.
The Commissianers read and approved the minutes of th�
precec�ing ses�ian as written.
The Commissior�er� re+ceived a signed copy of the �emorandum
vf Agreement #C}GRD 7099� regarding the Lake Ravsevelt F'c�rc�m.
The �vmmissior�ers approved ihe salar�r incre�se c�� D�puty Mike
Barneti c�f ihe �heri�'fs �3ffic� ta $2,394.90 per month ef�ectiv� Janua�
'I,'� 997,
'The �omrnissioners appraved ihe request b� John P. t�'M�ll��► of
th� Sherii�"s �}ffice to donat� 7 days of sick leave io his �nrife Tanya J.
O'Malley af the IUlaint�nance Department s`rnce she had used up a�t af
h�r sick Ieave.
The Comr�n�ssioner� signed the 1997 Lav�r Er�for�enr�ent Agr��m�nt
betw�en the S�eriff's C'}ffice and the Town of Wilson Creek.
The �omrnissioner� approved ihe request by the Sheriff's C3ffice
fa purchase a radar unii which was approved in the �9�7 budge�.
The Gommissioner� a�►praved �he request by the Cvunty Auditar
to in�rease the sala�y c�# �ha�nnon Fa�s�ad tc� 1s894 pe� rnonth efFecti�e
Febit�aCy °i,'i9J?.
The Cvmmissi�ner.� approved the purchase af 5 seventeen inch
color m�ni#ors €crr fihe arnount of $3,42�.49 fram the Law and Jusiice
Fund #12�1, Capiiat Qutlay-Ntachinery and Equipment budg�i.
The Comr�issioner� appraved the requesi by the Public itVorks
l�irecf�r io purchase a 33a0 gali+�n, fifth wheel traiier mounted stainless
sieel, v+rater iank in good cc►ndition for $6,a��, ihe am€�unt of $�,OOf� �riii
al�o be needed to retrc�-t�t �he tank wi�h a pump and spra� systemt,
The �Corr�rnissioner� �received ihe signed lease agreement wi#h
Grant Cauniy Por� Distr�ci 1Nc�. 2 for the leas� of a parcel of iand
I��ated in the �i 'tI2 of NE '114, Nvrth af F�ailroad Righ�=of way, Sec�ic�n
34, Township '#� �1Qrth, Range 23 E.�IVV.IV9. f+�r ihe period of 10 years.
The Commissian�rs heid a� me��ing with ci�yy of�icials of various
ciiies in Grant �our�iy and were presenfeci wiih four Associaii�n af
Gran� County Cities and Towns Resolutions regarding �he 1l��lth of 1
°lo County-wid� saies tax they wish to have enacted, capatal
c�anstruction casts for the p�ovisivn of elecirical transr�issi�n facilities,
in sup�por� of �rant Go�nty giving fhe ciiies a por��on of the Caunty
Ente�iainment Tax, and their desEre to have �he Gounty �c�rm of
g�vernrr�eni c�anged to a Hc�me Ruie Chart+�r �our�ty.
The �om�nissioners gave per�nissi�n % the Moses Lake Schoo�
D�strici #'i6°� it� run conduit vver the rs�c�f of a Co�anty owned buiiding
to electronica[ly link th� SchQol C3isirict buildings.
The Commissianer� received a signed copy c�f �he Nlemc�randum
of �tgreement t�e�iv�r�en V4lashingtor� Stat� U�iversity Ct�operati�re
Extensi+an and Grant �ouetty.
Th� �ommissit�ner� received � Land Use Petitic�n from Ror�aid IV1.
ar�d L1�na S. Taytc�r vs Grant Couniy , ei al. The �natter was referr�ed to
�he Prvsecuting Aftc�r�ey for handling,
The Comm�ssioners signed an agreerraent betw�en Grant +�c�unty
ar�d Johrt Grah�m Assaciates,lnc. regarding th+� Grant County 5atellite
Justice G�nter.
The Cc�mmissioners set Pubti� lV�eetings ft�r the following items
reGeived from ihe Piann6ng Depar�ment;
O"Neil &�ecchini Pla� set fc�r Pub�ic I�teeting an 2124i97 a�� 2,30
Bud Harbc�ur Zc�ne Change sei for Putalic Meeting 2l25197 ai 3:��
P're�erred Fa�r� Lands,�nc. plafi aEieration set far Public Meeting
�ebruary 25,�f 997 at '1:30 p.m.
The Comrnissivr��rs approved the saiary increase of Corrections
t�►fficer Troy Allison �c� 9fl °I� c�f cr�nirot salary or $1,9Q8 p�er month
effective IV�ar°ch '[,'� 997.
A motic�n was made by Ccrmmissionec Fancher, s�contled by
Gommissioner �►liisan tl�ai Resotu#isan Number 9?-1�-CG setting Grant
C�uniy L.�vi�s �or the 199'T Taxes be passed. The motion carried.
A motion was ma�e by Cvmmissioner �ancher, secc�r�ded by
Commissioner A1lison ihat Resoiuiion �iumber 97-1G-�C es�abtishing
a Cour�hause Faciliiator Prc,gram b� passed. The mativn carr�ed.
The Cr�mmissior�er� received Resolution 84 from the Cascade
Valiey �ater Di�trict nt��i�ying the Caunty that ihey were annexing the
fatiowing area v�ithi� the Vaitey Centrai Pla�, #h� Valtey replat of Ic�ts 4�
and 42, the Kairno Piai No. �1, and the Mattson Plat i�o. �1 as recorded
ir� the Grant C�unty Auditars t�f�ce into the Cascade �lalley �1►a#er
The �ammissioners r�ceaved a Nr�te f€�r Motion Dv�ket and
Peiition from th�e State Attvrney Generals Offce regar�ding the Sta#e af
1FVashingtan vs Pamp �ttaiers, e� ux, �i al. The ma�ter was referr�d t�
the Prosecuting A�orr�ey for handi�ng.
A Pubiic Hearing was h�id regarding ihe prc�posed 1ot di�risivn c�n
a 4.�7 acre to� in Nla�a�va Acres #1, Norfihea.st +Quarier r�f �ection 04�
Township 14 Narih, Range 23 East, �V'.lV�. requested by Jahr� iVleacher,
and a mc�tior� was made by Commissioner Fan�her, seconded by
Ccammissianer Allison to approv� ihe F�lat Aiteratio� with #he same
condiiians as the P{a�ning Ccrmmis�i�n used. The motion carried.
A Public H�aring was heid r�garding the �+ra►pc�sed Prelim�nary
Plat requested by Steve UIT. �artin for a fi iot sub�division c�� �4.�� acres
zoned Suburban �griculture in a por�ion ofihe Southeast q�,arfier v�the
Svuthwes� qu�rter c�f Sectian �, 1'ownship 2a North, Range �? East,
1N.�. A moii��a was made by �ommissian�r Fancher, seconded by
�8mmissioner A[(asc�n to apprave the request with th� IV[DN�
c�nditions, and �indings c�fifactsuggesied by the Planning Departmen#.
Th� mc�tion �arried=
As ther� �as no fur�her busin�ss tv come be�c�re th� Board �he
sessior� was c�ntinued until February 11,'t997.
February '1 �,1997
Th� sess'r�n w�s cant�r�ued at 9:�0 a.m. with Commiss�c�ner
Fanch�r and �Ct�mmissioner Aflison in attendance vtirith th� �lerk af the
B�►ard. Commissioner Snea+d �vas t�ut due to iitness.
The Camrnissioner� met wi�th �Ehe Pubiic �Torks Di��ctar r�ga�rding
F'u�chase Request-Bridg� Timber, �`rd Authvr°ization-Herbicides, �Q.3U
bid open6ng-i01�2 yd. Trucks and 5f6 yd. Truck, �t�:45 Bid C?pen�ng-Self-
prc�posed Ghipspread�r.
The Co�nrrtissior�ers �igned the A�uthorizaiion io �atl far �ids an
Herbi�ide 1Vlaie�ials, b�ds to be opened Febr�aary 25,'1997 ai 10:3fl �.m.
Th� Comr�issiar�er� heid a bid op�ening vn Trucks, a mc�t�vn was
made by Cornmission�r Fancher, sect�nded by Commissior�er All�son
to refer� the bids to Pubfi� 1tV'orks fc�� fheir rev�ew and recvmmendatic�n.
The m+��i4n carried.
Tl�e Commsssianers held a bid opening vn a�hip�preader, a
mo�tic�n was made b}� �Camrn6ssioner Fanct�er, seconded by
C�mr�issianer Ailisor� tha�i ih� bids b� referred io Pubtic VV�rks fcrr
ihe�r re�riew and reGcammendaiion. The motian carried.
Tt�e Com�tissior�ers signed
Voucher Apprcre�ai #'I-� thrc�ugh
$1,t�10,9�fi.t�i .
�he Publi� 1�Varks Ctaims Fund
#'1-198 in the tvtal amount vf
The Camrn'rssianers hefd � Public Hearing vn the Kr�etef�iasper
Pr�liminary RIa� request �n 77,09 acres for a'14 iot subdivision za�t�d
Suburb�n-Agri�u�ture fa►r hvusing it�catec� ir� a particrn o� Sect�on 7,
Ta►wnship 2Q North, �ange 2f Easi, '�1i,M. A motion was made by
Comrriissic�ner �an�h+�r, �econd�d by Cc�mmissaoner Ailison �4�ai the
F'reiirnir��� Plat be apprt�ved with 12 iisfi�d c�r�d���Qns st�bmiit�d by th�
Planning Dep��tmen� and P1anz�ing Departmeni findings a� fac�
inciu+�ing A through B and 'i thraugh �. The ma►iion carried.
A mc�iic�n was ra�ad� by Co�nmissioner Fancher, seco�ded by
�G�smmissioner Aliisan thai Resolution Number 87-�l7-CC in the matter
of chang�ng ihe za�ing fror� Agri�ulture and Suburban t7ne to
R�sid�ntiai Gn� in a por�ic�n of Section 34, Town�hip '�9 Ncrr�h, Rang�
28 Easfi, W.IVt. requested by Pamp and Barbara Maiers be passed. The
motion carrieds
A mafiion was made by Cvmmissioner Fancher, seconded b�
Commissioner Attisvn t�aat Reso�ut�on Nur�ber 97-18-CC in �he �natter
of changing the zoning from Pianned Uni# Development to Light
Industria! in a portion of �ection 23, Township 14 Narih, Range 23 East,
111i,M �equested by V�ayne Sahti b� passed. �'he moiian �arried,
As o# �hi� dat� th� Bt�ard by a majori#y vate does approve fe�r
payment ihose vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors QfFice
21��/97 ir� the tc��ai arnc�unt of $502,002.89.
The Gomm�ssioners s�gned ihe 1�U'arrant Run Listing an the date
of 21'7"l97 in the tc�ta� am+�unt of $52,4fi7.46,
�s there �nras no further busir�ess to come before the ��ard �the
s�ssion was ac�journe�i untit �February �i8,7997.
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Cierkf the Be� d