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V�eek �of January 27,'1997
The �ran� Ccaunty Comm�ssion�rs se�siar� was cailed ta order at
9:OQ a.m. by Chair�man LeRoy Aliison. Commissioner Snead was in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Com�nrssi�►r�er Far�c�ea� was in
t3lyrnpia to �estify on a matter b�fo�e �fie Legistatcar�.
The Cc�rr�missionea�s read and approved th� minu�es of ihe
preceding sessian as written.
The Commissioners approvec� c�ut of s#ate �r�vei to aliow �3i11 �o�e
of Gran�t C�un�jr M�n�ta1 H�alth to att�nd fih� Natian�l Cornmunaty lUlental
Heatthcare Conference �n San Francisco, Ga�ifornaa.
Th� Coriamiss�or�ers approved the s�arting satar�t s�f Jili H€a!l�rnan
of the DistrE�t �c��r� t)ffice at $5,�0 p�r hour effect�ve January 1v,'8997.
The Cornmissioraers a�e�eived a petit�on fror� Trevis and �I�►nica
Clouse and P�t�rma Booher to have the alteyway n�xt io iheir properiy
abandon�d. The r�atter was referred to the Pubiic Vdtoe�ks Direc�ar for
The Gommissioners approved the salary increase cof Ramor� Le�pez
o#' th� Sheri�f�°s Depar�men� �o $1,908 per man�h eff'ective Jan�ar�
Th� �ornmission�rs re+�e6ved �he Municipai �ervices �Og��ement
between +�ran� Gounty and ihe Grant +Gouniy Eco�amic Develc�pment
Council fe�r the '1997 year.
The ��mmissic�ners app�roved #he requ�st by �he �rant Couniy
Lav�r l.ibrary Libraria� for the purchase of the �rogr�ms fram Lawyer's
Coc+p+erative Publishing Comp�n� in the a�maunt t�f $'12,784.
The �ommissioners appro�ed the re-evai�aa�ic�n points on ihe
Manufiactured Home Depu#y Assessar, Gourt Admin�straior, Certified
�tppraiser, Da#a Entry II and a new pc�sition in the Treasurers t�ffice to
be ca1[ed Revenue Officer,
The C�ammissioners recei�ed a signed contract between Grant
County and Assistance to �he Pr�gnant and Paren�ing {Host A�ency)
ar�d Pare�t to P'ar�nt.
The Ct�mmissioners were nvtif�ed by Ct��nty �i��k C�or�on Harri�
that Ghief Qeputy Dorothy �lack wt�l be in charg� of the office from
�'ebruary �8,1997 io INiarch 6,199? since he wi�1 be an vacation.
As �here r�vas no further business �o come befa�re �he Soae�d ihe
session was cc�niinued unt�l J�nuary 2�,'1997.
January 28,'1997
The session was continued at 9:00 a.rn. with all ofi the
Commissioner-s in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
A motion was made by Cornrnission�r Fancher, secor�ded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 97-9-CC declaring
support of the declaration of severe public health hazard in the Town
of Mattawa be passed. The motion carried.
The Comrnissioners rr�et with the Public Works Director� regarcling
�RP Resolution, Gertification Acceptance Sta�us, �id Authorization-
Trucks and Chipspreader.
The Commissioners signed the Authorization to Call for Bids on
Trucks. Bids ta be opened February 11,1997 at 10:30 a.rn.
'The �ornrrr�issianers signed the Authorization to Call for �ids on
a Chipspreader. Bids to be opened February �! 1,1997 at 10:45 a.m.
A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by
Cornrnissioner Fancher tha� Resola�tion Number 97-10-GC in the matter
of initiating county road projects and assigning �RP Numbers be
passed. The rnotion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Nurr�ber 97-'� 1-CC in the matter
af temporarily closing certain county roads be passed. The motion
As of this date the Board by a rnajority vote does approve ,for
payment those vouchers filed in the Auditors Office 1/27/97 in the total
amount of $155,555.51 be passed. The �notion cau�ried.
The Commissioners approved the request by the Grant County
Planning Department for a Laptop Computer in th� amount of $4,412
from the Capitol Outlay Budget.
A Public Hearing was held regarding the r-equest for
reconsicleration on the Zone Change requested by William and Darel
Ann Haase. A motion was made by Commissioner° Fancher, secondet!
by Commissioner Snead to reverse the previous decision denying the
zone change, and allo�rv the change from Rgric�alture �o Suburban
Agriculture in a portion of Section 10, To�rvnship 19 North, Range 27
East, VV.M. Staff to write up findings of fact to i�clude the fiact that
there is no irrigation water available for this property so can't be used
for farming. The rnotion carried.
The Cc�mm`rssioners nc�tifed the Accoun�ing Depa�tmen� thai
David N�elson, Buiiding and Fir� 11�arshal Manag�� salaryr shc�utd be
incr�eas�d ia th� same as fihe Planni�g Direc�e�r sa�ary +��fe�tiv�
Decemb�r '1,�19��
The Comm'rss�oners signed the Pub�i� �d�arks Pay�c�lf Jc�urr�al fQr
the manth of January in the �otat amvunt c�f $2�9,5Q4.1S.
The ��mmission�rs approv�d the 1997 Longev��y Rate ai $1�i.72.
As th�re was no furiher business to cc�r�te befs�re the Boarcf the
sessia►n was a��crurned until February 3,�997.
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Cie�k;of the Bo�d �
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