Week of January 21,1997
The Grant County Comrr�issioners session was called to order a�
9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Cornmissioners were
in attendance with the Clerk of the �oard.
The Gommissioners read and approved the minutes ofi the
preceding session as written.
The Commassioners metwith the Public Works Director regarding
Bid Authorization-Cars & Pickups, 'L' NE & Nelson Roads-City's
Agreement, Spring Clean-up, Personnel.
The Commissioners signed the �►uthorization to Call for Bids on
cars and pickups. Bid op�nang wrill be February 4,1997 at '10:30 a.m.
The Commissioners approved ou# of state travel for Sheriff
Wiester June 21 through June 27,'1997 to attend the 9Vational Sheriffs
Association Conference.
The Commissioners approved the starting salary for Charity
Hastings of the Sheriffs Office at $7,532.80 pee� month effective January
The Commossioners approved the starting salary for Jill Sandhop
of the Sheriffs 4ffice at $1,724.40 per month effective January 25,1997.
The Cornrnissioners approved the starting salary for Theresa
Sheets of the Sheriffs Office at $1,532.80 per mon�h effective January
The Cornm�ssioners approved the starting salary for Pam Dove of
the Sheriffs Office at $1954 per month effective January 16,1997.
The Commissioners approved a request by the Sheriff's Office to
make Animal Control Office Terry Parker's salary increase e�ective date
October 1,199fi instead of November 1,1996 as first requested.
The Comrraissioners approved th� salary increase of Jarr�es
Porter of the Sheriffs Office to 100 percent of control salary effective
January 1,1997.
The Commissioners approved the request by the Sheriff's O�ice
to purchase a copy machine from Law and Justice Funds in the
amount not to exceed $11,235.
The Gommissioners approved the request by the Sheriff s O�fice
to purchase a copy machine for INET in the amount not to �xceed
The Commissic►ners g�ve Grant Ca�nty IVlcasquito Gcsnt�a� Disirict
#'1 p�rrmission t4 Qp�raie in the airspac� flver� Grant Couniy, with�n the
boundari+�s of Grant Ct�unty Mosquito Gantr�►1 C�istrici #'1 fo� th�
p�rpose of mosquito abaterr�ent.
Th� Commissioners approv�d Grant f�ental Meaiihcar� a�d Grant
Coun�y C}eveiopmentat Disabiiities r�vised Personnel Poii�ies 6V�anual,
The Cot»r�tissioners appt�inted Bill Halt and Ji�n Fleming to
pos'rtior�s on the Gra�at County Planning Commission,
The Commissianers appraved the star�ing salary of A�ma Garcia
of �the Grant Cau�tty Alcohc�i and Drug Genter at $2,°!QO p�� r�no�th
�ffe+ctive January ��,1997.
The Commissic�ners received signed copi�s �af t%� Op�� Space
Taxatian Agr�emenis vf Jeffrey D. anc� Jennifer J. Gaddis, le��a J.
Dalluge, and �enneth �. and M.H, Jorgensen,
As of t�is date ihe Baard by a majori�y vate do�s appro�e �'or
payr�ent �h�►se vouche�s �n�fuded in the lis� filed in the Auditors 4fiF'ice
1l21197 in the to#at amoun� c�f $22�,9�IG.84.
The Comrr�issic�ners received a note regardi�g setf-de�er�se in the
ma��r o� the �tat� of VVashingtc�n vs Leo An�hc►ny Dab�ic�s,Nl. The
mai#er was re�erred to the Prasecuting Attc�rn�� for ha�dling.
The Comm�ssic�ners r�ceive� �n a�r�nded �c�m�lai�� for rerr�ovai
e�ffc�rfeituo�e actic�n �o Ciis�trict �aurtfre�m Patricia Kunsmara-�as�re►. Th�
matter was ref�rred tv the Prc�s�cu�ing Att+�rney fc�r ha�dling,
As ther� �r�s no fur�her business tc� com� befvre �kh� Be�ard the
session was adjv�rn�d until Januarr}� �7,1997.
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Clerk tMe Boar
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Chairm� � -
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