HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-008-CC�g�►aD e�F c�u�Tx �on��sste�NE��
�R�� cot��vr�, t+�As�trt�ao�
A RESOLUTION rela-�in.g to �he establishment in the Grant County
Faa.r Office DEPARTMENT # , of _an Employee Position
to be named Office C1erk
W73EREAS, it has been called to the atten�ion of the Baard
oi Grant County Comnaaissioners that a new Employee posztion
should be established as set forth hereinabove; and
iN�EREAS, it appears reasanable and necessarY, pursuant �o
�he needs of the Grant County Fair Office
�ollowing Employee Position of office Clerk
is hereby created and established in the Grant Caun�y Fa�r
p�f1�e DEPARTMENT,# , and the Grant County
Auditor is hereby directed to establish said Employee
Positian in the respective �und. and department.
This resolution is in the best interests of ,good government
a�d :shal� take e�fect immediately.
DONE THIS 14t�;i. pAY QF_ .Tanuarv ,�g � 7 , �
Ai€EST: � .!` , � �1 .
V �� T^��� ' Cterk s#the Board
�. , .....�ma,. ,< -.o...,.R.
� � �
Consiituting the Board af Cavnty Cammissioners
af Grcnt County, Washington
3)53 Airway D��ive • Moses Lake, WA 98837 • 509-765-3,5�1 � FAX: ,509-76�i-7940
January 14, 1997
Gra�1t County Commissiorzers
Csrant C;ounty Courthouse
P. C?. Box 37
Ephrata, WA 98$23
Dear Tim, Helen., and LeRoy:
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a `r r�
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t30AFtD (7F �Cif4BN�1SS6f�NE�,�
�c�a�� cc�u�t'v, w��a���rra�
This letiex• is an explanation o� our intent �o hire a full-time office clerlc far the Gr�nt Count Fair
Gffice, I hope the following will expiain our need aiad desire to hire and train a qualified person
to help us to caordinate the busiiless of the Grazlt Caunty Faix ax�d Grounds.
Fairgrounds facility use has nearly doubled in tlle last two years! The Spring Faix and tlie
pt�vilion activity account for most of this extra use!
A campetent and permanent affice person will enable us to meet the daily, weelcly and monthly
needs of tllis of£'iee. We will than liave the opportunity to train bacic-u� for vacatians, sicic
leave; and other emexgencies. We �tivill be able to climinate the costly training that occurs eacll
year with new, part-time employees.
A reliable, full-tilne second offiee clerlf will allow Yuri to use he� vacatian �t�d colnp tinle in a
timely mallner. It will also allow us to get the work done "an the clocic" and that the staff will be
compensated accordingly? (Not �lways the case in 1995 ancl ear�y 1996{). Yuri accttnlulated
nearly 300 haurs of overtime "comp" time a12d uncampensated worlc time in 1995 atad 1996. Tlae
unco�nZ�ensated wark issue 11as not beezl resalved as of this date. The "cc�mp" issue has�
475Q office haurs were planned in 1996. �or 199'7, we have �orecast 5370 hours to be worlcec�!
This extra anlaunt af 620 haurs should allow us to do the business of this officc is aia efrective
atad efficient manner!
Tllis pasition request was i�zcluded in the 19�7 bu�gat. It was further detailed in tlie Buclget
Addendun� 2, submitted on Navember 25, 1996. We have projected this cmployee "cost" to the
btGdget to be $20,626.12, This includes wages and benefits as well.
I Ioolc forward to your swift approval!
, . �� .:� �� c:::�,ata���:y Caa��nr��i a�i����r�
������i C���r�ty, W�.���in��cary
Yours T ,
l�p�rove � .- Disap�rove
�""' C�is�C. =(��: � Dist. # 1. _
� aDell Yada, Facility and Fair Manager p���, �� �=�� ����, #�,,_
C�ist. �� t �i�t. #�,_
t�—��-1�95 a:'I�A� F�D� C�A�T �O��TY FAT� 5��7��794�
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;�9,ci3 AiY��)i I")rivir a M�a:,��„ l::i.4,c, 1rVA �?�'�l��h7 �:50�� ?f',5 i;i81 • FF��: ,5t)9-3�Fi-�'47�i:)
J�z�uaxy 14, � �97
�"xr�nt ��uz�ty �:ognzr�issic�n��•s
�r�.nt Ct�unty C�t�.rthouse
Xa, �, ��� ��
E�hrat�,, WA )��23
l�e�.x Txzx�, k��ler�, ata� Le��}T:
J��! � �4 1,��7
d,•AF��INT�CaUM1��V,�l�VVA ykili�lGl`(�N
�''h:i� l.�ti.er. is a.� ��p1��tir�n afati�r i.nfi�nt to laire a�'i��-timi; c��'�`xce c1�z� �'ox �.k�� �R�t�,t Gr��ni: L�air
t`�f�zce. I �ic�p� �C1�� �fvliowi�g will +���l�is� u�cr ���e� �� �e�z�'� 2� ���� ;,�a�. tz��Aza � q�talz��d. ��rs�n
t� hel� u� tc� cc,�rd����,t� fi�e )��.si�.�s� s�ft�.� �`nant �'�urtty T��,ir and Cxrcrtu.lc��.
��ir�;round.s iacility� us�:1��s n���rYy dc��.��+1�d in t,h� l�st tv,rc� y��x�? '�'X:te �pxin�'l�air aaa� t.hc
patiriiitrra �,cti�i�t�r �.��;��Lrr�� tc�r ���trst vfi �laas extx� usc�!
A cc�mp�t�i7t a4�.d �a�:��cianc�it o�'fic� ���s�x� w�l� �z��.k�l� �.� to r��e�t �ki� c�ariy, w�.;e%7y �,�ci nz�nt}�l�
����s c��k �k��� of���, 't�Je v�ri11 tl�aii 1��,v� t1s� c���ort�ii� tc� �r�iri ��.�.�,k�-u� fsax vac�.ta.�n�q �ic�.
le��s�, and. �ai��r ��n�x�*ezx�z��. W� will b� ab�e to �li�.r�at� t1�� cc�wtly �-�z,���,� �Z��# �,s.;,�urs e��h
y�ar tiv�� n�w, par�-ti��.e ��YpJ.����s.
Ei �°eixd��e, �'u��-t�xx�e �ecc�r�t� affic� �1��1� vvill �,liv�x� Y�rz tc� �.�se kaez• v�.cat�or� �n� �Q�np iime in a
tit�z�ly m�r�t��:r, ii u,il1 �.1�0 �tllt�r�r �.� tc� ��t tla� w�ri°k don� `4on t�e �1ock'} a�d ��.�.t 1��� :���� vv��l be
�t�rr�p�n��t�d acc�xdi���y! (�Qt altivay� th� case in I'��►5 �,nd �arly X 9�►f�tl�. 'Y t�xz a�c�artlutat�d,
t�early �(?� ��t�urs afati��,�rtirn� 44VV111�}.,° tzza�a ��a�: un,�c��pens;�i�cl. w4rk: trnlc i�t 19�.�� �as7c£ ]99(i. ���e
�.�ric�a.r,.�n��.i:��. w�ar�� i�s�� :�x�.� nc�i b�e� �rrsalv�d �� �� inis c��t�. "�'h� "cc�ax�.�'° xssu.e has.
475�9 office �.ou.r� w�r� ���a�za.��. �� 19�t�. :�'Qr 1.��7, �r� ha�r�: �'c�r���.st 537(? kzt�urs ta 'be wark��,f
���xi.� ���kr� am�►�n.t a�f ��0 �i��.��� shcat�Id �l�c�w ��s t� �.cr th� b�s�n�ss uf t�iis of'�ic� is �aa. �£.f��txv�
d1'id c�ffiCi�n.t rn�nner. f
'T'his �c�sit�an xequ�st vvas i�c1�a���. ��i �h.e 1.99'7 Yr��s�.get. 3t was �u�t�a,ex cl�tail�tt izx th�; .13'a�d��t
.���c��saclzsr�a �, ��a�a�rtatted c�n l�i+���rr,.��r ? �, 19��. W� k��.v� �x�aj��t�� thrs ��xa�1r��Fee: "c;r��t°° tn �k��
I�u���t to �e �2�J,62�.12. Thi� in�it�d�s �va�e� an.cl'b�nefifi� a� �uveIl.
i laak $arr�v�r� tca yout .Wift a�pprc�tr��!
Y��.�.r� "t°' ,.
{ �,��--�.�
�a. �l� 'Y'�d�., F�,c�ility �r��1 '�aiz• �hf��a���r
.���,arc.� �.�� (�;��,4��ty C;�rr�o�r�i��i�n�r�
�r�t�t Gounty, lNa�hin�ton
6�p��ove Di�approv�
nist. �=1� �``�' Disi. �1.
piS�, �e� -----� �I�t. ��.�w�
I�i��`; #����� Dist. #3, �._.
I�. 2