Week of January 13,1997
The Grant County Commissioners sessio� was called to order by
Chairman, LeRoy Allison at 9:00 a.m. with all o� the Commissaoners in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners read anc9 approve�l the minutes of the
preceding session as written.
The Commissioners approveci the requesi by the Prosecuting
Attorney`s Office for the �purchase of a copier.
The Commissioners approved the request to upgrade the EECO
Valve on the Spokane Elevator in the Gourthouse from the Capitol
Outlay Budget.
The Commissioners received a signed co�y of the 1997 agreement
with the Town of Hartline for law enforcerrr�ent functions.
The Comrr�issioners appointed Jack Yorgesen to a position on the
Hanford Advisory Gommittee.
A motion was made by �ommissioner Fancher, seconded by
�ommissionerSneadthaiResolution Number97-3-CC designating Mike
Jackson as a Mental Health Professional in G�ant County be passed.
The motion carried.
ihe Comrnissioners signed approval of t�e Request for Transfer
of Funds in the Cooperative E�ctension Department in the amount of
1'he Commissioners received a summo�s and complaint fr�m
Charito Arreola, et al vs Grant �County, et al. 1Che matter was referred
to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling.
The Corrr�missioners approved the request by the Sheriffs Of#ice
for the purchase of on iVtaratrac radio andl one violent prisoner
restraining chair from Law and Justice Capita0 Qutlay.
The Commissioners were not�fied by Elvin Kulp, Cooperative
Extension Chairman that he would be out of ihe office from January
21,1997 to February 3,1997, and Bob Gillespie wrill be acting Chairman
during his absence.
A motion was made by Corr�missioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 97-4-CC in the matter ofi
�ienying a Preliminary Plat of 14 lots known as Taylor Ranches in a
portio,n of Section 30, Township 22 N., Range 27 E., W.M. be passed.
The motion carried.
A motion was made by Gommissioner Fancher, seconded by
Comrnissioner Snead that Resolution Number �7-5-CC in the matter of
denying a Preliminary Plat of fi lots known as '�aylor Acres in a portion
of Se�ction 29, Township 22 N., Range 27 E.,W.Ilill. be passed. The
motion carried.
A motion �vas made by Commissione�° Snead, seconded by
Comrnissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 97-6-CC relating to the
establishrnent of a petty cash/revolving fa�nd for �he Planning
Depa �rtment be passed. The motion carried.
As there was no f�rther business io corr�e befiore the Boa�-d the
session was continued until January 14,1997.
January 14,199?
The session was continued at 9:Q0 a.m. with al9 of the
Cornmissioners in attentlance with the Clerk �f the �oard.
The Commissioners met with the Public 11Vorks Director regarding
Bid Authorization-Bridge No. 393, °O' SVa, Telecommunica#ions Act-
Skagi�t Co., Free Dump Tickets, Office Furnitur�/Equ6prnent Purchase.
The Commissioners signed the Authoriz�tion to Call for Bids on
Bridge #393, O-SW Rcl. Bid opening to be February 4,1997 at'10:00 a.m.
�The Commissioners signed the Payroll Warrants listfor Dec�mber
#8309'fi through #83fi14.
The Commissioners appointed Jirn Weitz�l to ser�e another term
on the Boundary Review Board.
The Coma�r��ssioners approved the request by the Prosecutors
Office for the purchase �f a new laser printer from Law and Justice
The Commissioners approved the salary iu�crease of Cathy Muller
of the Sheriffs �ffice to $1,916 per rnonth eff��tive February �I,'1997.
The Commissioners approved the salary �ncrease o�F i�Plary Girard
of the Sheriffs �ffice to $1,908 per rnonth effe�tive February 1,1997.
The Commissioners approved the satary uncrease of Betty Flarsh
af the, Sheriffs Ofifice to $1,908 per month effective January �1,1997.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Kieth Siebert
of the Sheriffs Office to $2,394.90 per mor�th effective November
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of R}/an
Rectenwald of the Sheriffs Office to $2,'B 20 per� month effective March
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of
Mitchiell of the Sheriffs Office to $2,120 per month effective
1,1997, .
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Richard Reno
of the Sheriffs Uffice to $2,120 per month eff��tiwe February 1,�1997.
'he Commissioners approved the salary �ncrease �fi Steve
ez of the Sheriffs Office to $1,908 per rr�onth effective January
�e Commissioners approved the salary increase ofi Sabrina
of the Assessors Office to $1820 per rr�onth e�Ffective January
The Commissioners approved the salary ir�crease ofi Deane O�vings
of the Assessors �ffice ta $2,637 per month e�fective January 1,1997.
The Comrr�issioners approvec! the request by the Grara# County
Fair Manager �o hire a full-tim� office clerk �in $he Fair Office.
�The Commissioners signed the Public Works Clairms Fund
Voucher Approval #12-'� through 12-73 in the total amount of
The Commissioners approved the reque�t for Out of State Trave(
for Ray Audet of the Building Department �o go to training in Fire
Cause and Deterrnination.
The Commissioners signed an agreernent betvween Grant County
and P�acific Northwest Sugar Co., L.P.
�i4s of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for
payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office
119/97 in the total amount of $142,253.59.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for
payment those vouchers included in #he list filed in the Auditmrs Office
1i14/9�� in the total amount ofi $470,278.47.
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 97-7-CC increasing the
Marriage License Fee be passed. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Corrr�missione�° Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Numbeu� 97-8-CC relating to the
establishment in the Grant County Fair Office of an Employee Position
to be named Office Clerk be passed. The mgtoon carried.
The Commissioners held a continuation �f the Public Hearing on
the formation of the Schwanna Water Di�trict. A motion was made by
Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead to deny the
request for a special election since th� p�+�p1e in the area withdrew
their requ�est for a D�sirict and are try�ing to form a Water Asso�iaiion.
71�e rnotion carrieci.
The Gommissioners set the fo�ta�ring it�ms �rom the P�anning
Depar�r�ent far Pub��c Hearing:
i�ichard and Patricia Tigg�s req�esi for a�r�r�e �hange se� for
�lear�r� g o� February 3,�99�` a�t'1:3!� p.rn.
dal Stevens and �arry �Q��n request for a�one chang� set for
�learin� vn February 3,�1997 at �.3Q p,m.
Bvb Fancher-�aiers Deveiopmeni Corp. request for a z�ne
change set for Hearing a►n February 4,1997 �t 1:30 p.m.
I�ayn� �ah1i request for a zone �ha�ge se� �or He��ng or�
�ebruar� 4,�3997 at 2.30 p.m.
Jonn Meacher r�quest for a tot divisican set fc�� He�ring on
�ebruary 1a,�9�7 at 'i;3� p.m.
S�eve Ma�tin reques� �or the Nepp�i Acre� Pr�I�mir�ary PI�t set for
Hear�ng csn February 1 Q,'� 997 afi 2.30 p.r�n
Donatd KrieielBeverly Hasper request for � Prelianinary P�at s�i �or
lHearing on February 1�1,�1997 ai �i :3� p.md
As e�f this date the Board by a majvrity vote dc��s �pprave fc��
pa�rnent th�s� vouch�rs includ�d in the lis�t fi�ed �n the Audi�t�rs fJffic�
�1i17I97 in the totai amount of $30,f37,5D.
As �here was nc� fur��er business to corr�e befc��-e the Bc�ard ihe
s�ssion was adjour�ned uniii Janua�ry 2�I,�i997.
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