HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-196-CCB4.ARD tJF C{JUI�"TY �C}MMISSIC}NERS GI�:ANT CfJUNTY, WASH�NGT(JN �sozu�r�ovN�s�R ��-���-cc A RESOLUTION relating ia the transfer of iunds �vithin the 1996 budget ofthe CURItENT EX�ENSE FUND # 001, BEGINNING FUNU BALANCE 508.00.00.00 �ND NiTSC. GENER�L GOVT. �}EPT. #123 �.Nll DUE T4 CiTHER GClVT. I31�rITS 229.00 �VHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board of Grant Commissioners that it is necessa�y to transfer fu�ds within the current budgei of the above-named Caunty Departments in the amouzzts enurrzerated betow; and WHEREAS, there is na expenditure af fu�ds not previously budgeted but a transfer pursuant ta R.C.W. 3b,40.100 and Caunty and Siate auditing procedures; NOW, T�IEREFORE, BE IT RES4LVED BY THE B�ARD C}F COUNTY COMMISSIaNERS c�f GR1�NT CQUNT�, STATE OF WAS�-�IINGTON, that the followin� trans£ers wzthin the current budgei are hereby made: 1996 BUDGET O� THE CITRRENT EXPENSE FUNLI # 001 FROM ACCOUNT NtTNIBER BEGTNNING FI,IfiiD BALANCE 508.00.��.00 BEG. FtI�Si7 BALr�NCE T4TAL �26,868 �2G,868 7co ACCOUNT NIJMF3ER MISC. GENEItAi.� GOVT. DEPT #125 558.60.41.06 SPECIAL T.EGAL SERVICBS $21,150 DI1E Tt) fJTHER GOVT. IT��ITS 229AQ DCTE TO t)TI�BR GQ�T. LTNTT $5,718 T(3TAL �26,858 TO PAY tTNANTICIf'ATBD LEGAL ClJSTS ASSCIC�4TED WITH THE (�L�'MPIC PIPELINE PROJECT_ This resolution is in tl7e b�st interest of goad gQvernnnent and shall take effect iznmediaiely upon pa�sage. Donethis 31st day of December,l996 ATT'EST: � ��.� �-� � Clerk af � e�oard �`� � ..i � �' / � ������ Bnard o� County Comrnzssianers Gratzt Caunty, Washin�on Chazrman JOHN KNODELL Prosecuting Attomey STEPNEN J. HALLSTFIOM Chlef Deputy JEHALD FI. HAMLEY Senlor Criminal Deputy MARIAN fliANCK Adminisiraqve Assistant Depu4les CHARLES RICWENS CAROLE L. HIGHLAND WILLIAM J. NALSTEAD ERIC WESTON Ephrata, Washington 01=FICE QF GRANT COUNTY PROSECUTIN �Tit�RNEY December 30, 1996 P.O. BOX 37 • EPHRATA, WASHINGTON 98823 (509) 754-2011, Ext. 450 ^ Fax (509) 754-3449 n� �"��,���'.����� ���� �,D@ w�.B � � 1�a�Ja`)� Board of Commissioners t��ro-�t��� �ai� Cc��At��a�:,,..��Hr:�,�, Grant County Courthouse G(�AN��G�I.'Ni'Y,����sN4�it�Iu Ephrata, WA 98823 Re: Olympic Pipeline Project - EFSEC Ap lication No. 96-1 Attorney Fee Reimbursement (11 / 04-18 / 96 ) Dear Commissioners : We have enclosed Texaco Trading and Transportation Inc. check �022138, dated December 17, 1996, payable to Grant County and in the amount of $36, 849 . 99, received this date, rega�ding the above matter. As you will recall, Grant County agreed io be the county to receive the reimbursement monies from Olympic Pipeline, disbursing them to the appropriate counties. Dennis D. Reyn.olds, our attorney in thiS matter, by way of his letter to me of Decernber 23rd, has requested that this check be disbursed as set forth herein. Kittitas County is to receive a check in the amount of $5, 717 .15 . Please have the check sent to my attention at our o�fice, and �ve wi11 transmit same to James E. Hurson, i�.ittit�,s County DPA. Grant Courity is to retain $3,437.80. The balance of the a�arementioned amount should be remitted to Williams , Kastner & Gibb� , L. L. P., attentio�a Dennis D. Reynolds . We can transmit that check �,s we11. Thank you for yaur courtesies . Very truly youxs, JOHN KNODELL Prosecutin� l���� ��She} /' J . Hallstrom Chief�ISeputy Prosecuting Attorney Civil Division : u�,�,�;.��� c;�'r C�s��.s€��y (�����a�r���;:�v��r���sA� �n�°���mo�� C�sur��:y, V��.a�;��iir�;r;ic�r� �Ap�a�cav� I�i ai. � 1. [�i��t. ��_� , . C?i�i. �3 ;� SJH: S enc . cc: Dennis D. Reynolds (w/o enc. ) David M. Sandhaus, Adams County Prosecuting Attorney (w/o enc. ) Robert N. Mosher, Chief Accountant (w/o enc. ) James E. Hurson, Kittitas County DPA (w/o enc. ) m � Tex�co Tradina ar�d Trar�spor#atir�r� inc �.�. �oX ��s$ DE�4VER, CdLQRRDO St}217 e � =i i �"�°K D22138 � �� � THE GHlSE 88A1�iA1'fAN BANK, TFA 54�937 _. � SYRACUS�,t�WYORK 243 -: - � - - � . - ---� _ - - . i nArF. DEi�MBE�_ ;�.7 , 199b _ � _ . �AY TO'FHE OT°'�' _�C.E` {}F c^iR�1�3T . C,C}�3ZdTY . _ _ _ — _ � �Rp��.oF _�T'�N�I(3�+i ST�;PHEA1 .� -HALLSTR€�fi _ _ = _ - _ _ �,. .(�-Bfl� 3 7 _ _ _= - - - - ` _� _ =-- � - _ _����� ��i_= .�$$�- = - = -_ = ° � - - - - _- � : - _ : __ -= - _ � � _ "_ _ _- . . - -- - - - - --- - - - - - " - w _ , - T ::- -= - - _ = - - _ " _ _ - �_'- : �._ : -�� - -- _ _ - - - - _-- _ - - - -- - ----`- -- -- = - - -- _ `=' - .- = - _ - --.- - - _ - _. _ =_ __ _ -_- _- -�� , � _ : _' REIUiliTANCE STA'TEMENT Texaco Trading and Trarisportation inc P.O. 8dX 5568 DENVER,COLORADO 802i7 � PLEILSE SEND ALL CORRESPONaEidCE TfJ THE ABOVE ADpRESS AT7ENTlON - CASH DiSBURSEMENTS iSS1tE5S C4RRESP{SSf4EtJCE A4BRESS IS S+iOWN SEPARqTELY n�inECK V L L�� 11 , -T`�_.:':=; _� t�3rlc�c =i �a� inc �-i