HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-195-CC (002)BQARD OF C{�UNTY CC}MMiSS1{�NERS Grant Caunty, Washing#an RELATiNG TO THE ADJU�TMENT C�F THE CflRP4RATE B4UNDARIES tJF THE CIT'Y OF MC3SES LAKE Resolution Na G`" � �p���'L � �-�,�- " _ N y � "�ry Stir�Of Y4S1��N',5 96-195—CC WHEREAS, the Cit}r �f Mases Lake and Grant County mutua#ly agree Nelson Ro�d from SR 1� easterly shouid be a County Road and the portion c�f Wiser Lane East extendir�g SQuth from Wiser Lane should be a City �treet. N4W THEREFCIRE �E i7 RESOLVED, that Grani County hereby appraves the adjusted carporate boundaries of the City of Mc�ses Lake as setforth in Moses Lake C?rdinance No. 1743 adopted on November 26, 1996_ DONE THIS 31st DAY C?F L�ecember , 1956. 4 Tim Snead, Chairman ATTEST: ...�� � �ierk c�f th�oard 1� � ,f ,; ` Heien Fancher ( �-1� - ..� .� .........-- LeRoy Ailisan Consfituting ihe Board of County Commissioners of Grant Counfy, Washington � �.�� ��'� ' ?� ��. ;1;5 3 i 4 � 4- December 5, 1996 4° � > ,%'�'-�`"�'� 1 I ,�,:'� C I T Y O F!�/I O S E� � A K E � W A S H I N G T O N City Manager....._...766-9201 Municipal Serv_..�._.766-9217 City Attorney.........766-9203 Municipal Court.....766-9201 Community Dev.....766-9235 Parks Er Rec...._.....766-9240 Finance Dept.........766-9249 Police Dept._._.......766-9230 Fire Dept ..............766- . . � a. ... -9392 �� �� Grant County Board of Commissioners ��� � ��:�:a.§ �; ����r�y�.,,..._:�� P. O. Box 37 ,�,� ���sa�,��cs������� Ephrata, WA 98823 RE: Revision of Corporate Bounda�y Within Street Right-of-Way - Wiser Commercial Park Plat and Nelson Road Dear Commissioners Enclosed is a copy of Ciry of Moses Lake Ordinance No. 1743 agreeing to the revision of the city's corporate boundary within street or road right-of-way by extending the corporate boundary to an exterior street or road right-of-way line in the VJiser Commercial Park Plat and by disincorporating that portion of Nelson Road now inside the city's limits. This ordinance, adopted reluctantly by the City Council, is consistent with the desires of the Grant Couniy Commissioners as stated in the September 16, 1996 letter to me. If the County Commissioner's agree with the change in the corporate boundary of the City of Moses Lake as mentioned in the ardirnance, the Commission must agree to the transfers by ordinance or resolution. Upon passage of such an ordinance or resolution, the inclusion of the right-of-way would become effective as allowed by law but without review by the Bound- ary Review Board. If the County Commissioners agree with the City of Moses Lake corporate boundary changes and passes an ordinance or resolution to this effect, please provide the city with a copy of the ordinance or resolution. If the�e axe any fiu-ther questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly 'o � v� � Joseph K. Ga Ci 1Vlanager JKG: jt Enclosure SOUTH 321 BALSAM STREET ■ POST OFFICE DRAWER 1579 ■ MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-0244 ■ A.C. 509 766-9214 ORDII�ANC� NO. 1743 AN OR�lNANCE AD,]USTING CORPORATE B(JUNDARIES OF THE MUfVIGIPAL(- "€'Y PiJRSIJA�IT TO RCW 35A.21.2'd0 THE GI�`! COUNCfL �F THE GITY OF M�SES �AKE, WASHlNGT{�N DO C1RC}A!N AS FOLL.QWS: Section 1. The municipal boundaries of the Gity of Mases Lake are adjusted to disincorporate the foilowing praperty upan the adoption of a simiiar ordinance by the Grant Gaunty Commissioners. The City af Moses Lake shaii convey its interest in the folfowing praperties and the properties sf�aif be fulfy excfuded from the corparate Eimits of the Ci#y o� Moses Lake and shali be maintained as righi-c�f-way by Grant County, Washir�gton: The northeriy 30 feet of Nelsan Road right-af-way lying 'tn the southwest quarter of Section 24, Township "19 Norfh„ Range 28 �ast, W_M� which abuts ti�e L.ake(anci Addition Division I Plat. Sectian 2: The municipal boundaries af the City af �(oses Lake are adjusted ta ineorpor�te the foliowing praperiy upon #he adoption of a similar ordinance by the Grartt County Commissioners. Grani County shall convey ifs in�erest in the fof(owing properties and the properties shail be fuily included in the carporate iimits of ihe City of Moses Lake and shafi be maintained as right-of-way by the Gity of Moses Lake, Washington: The wesfi 60 feet of Lot 19, Wiser Cammerciai Park Plat per easement underAFN 950414406. 5ection 2. This ardinance sha(( take effect and be in force fve (5} days after its passage and publication ofi its summary as provided by law. Adopted by the Ci�y Counci9 and signed by its Mayor an November 26, 1996. Meyor �"i-1"EST: �(t?�t1C� �i�'P_C$�J;' �"i! i � i !" City A�torney