Week of December 3Q,'1996
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. vvith �ommissioner Allison and Commissioner Fancher in
attenc�ance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Snead was out
of the office.
The Cor�missioners read and approved the rr�inutes of the
preceding session as written.
The �ommissioners approved a request by the Sheriffs
Department to pay overtime expenditures from the KUBE JAM and
Sting Concerts from the Entertainment Tax Funds in the amount of
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by
CommissionerFancherthatResolution Number9S-191-CC in the matter
of establishing the effective date of salaries and benefits negotiatec!
during the collective bargaining process for '1997 with the Teams#ers
Union be p�ssed. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Cornmissioner Allison, seconded by
Commissioner Fancherthat Resolution Number96-192-CC in the matter
of establishing the effective date of �alaries and benef�� for employees
classified a� non-bargaining for the 1997 year be passed. The motion
A motion was made by Commission�r Allison, seconcled by
Comm�ssioner Fancherthat Resolution Number96-193-CC in the matter
of esiablishir�g the effective date of saiaries and benefits negotiated
with the Sheriff Deputies during the collective bargaining process for
1997 be passed. The motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the
session was continued untit December 31,1996.
December 31,1996
The Grant County Commissioners session was cailed to arder at
9:00 a,m. with �ommissioner Allisan and Commissioner Fancher in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The C¢�mmissioners met with the Public Works Direc�or regarding
Corporate �oundary Adjustment-City of Mloses Lake, Surplus Property,
Resolution-Load Restrictioras.
A mo�ion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner /Allison that Resolution Number 96-194-CG in the matter-
of load res�trictions on Grani County Roads be passed. i'he motion
A r�nvtian was made by �Commissioner Fancher, seca�d�ed by
Cammissioner9�l�ison that Reso[u#�on Number 9fi-195-CC reia#ir�g ta the
adjustment of the Corpo�ate E3aundaries of ihe �ity of I�IQses Lake be
passed, '�he mation carried.
A mQiion was made by Cor�nmissioner Alli�o�, seconded by
Cvmmissioner Fanctier that �esvluiion Number 9�-�196-CG reiating to
the #ransfer af fund� within the �1995 budget of ihe Current Expense
Fund #�41, Beg�nning Funt� Batance 5�8.��.��.�0 an� IViisc. �enerai
Govt, Department #123 and due to oiher �ovt. Units 229.�� in the
amount of $ZB�8G8 be passed. The motion carried.
The �ommissianers signe�d �khe Pubiic lPliorks C�a�ms Fund
ifaucher Approvai #12-�! through #12-2 in the iotal amaunt of
The C�mmissivners receiv�d and disbursed a check �fra�� Yexaca
Trading and Transperrtation Inc. in the amount t�f $3fi,849,99 to the
appropriat� cvun#ies.
�, Pubiic Hear�ing w�s heid regarding applicatic�ns fc�r change of
tar�d �classi�caiic�n requested by Jeffrey Dean Gaddis, tala J. Dailuge,
G�orge D. �nci Betty H. �hambroc�k, [�enn�th L. and M.H. Jorgensen,
arrd Edgar 1�1{. �chiiep.
A motian was made by Cammissioner Ai[isvn, s�conded b�r
Commis�ioner Far�cher ta appr�c��� the Jeffrey Dean Ga�ldis pei�tion frar
reciassif�aiion from Farm and Ag Land ta Farr� and Ag Gonservativn
E.and, based on the fact that it is consistent with th� Comprehensive
P1an, and it Gonforn�s wr�th �he Coun�,► current rules artd regul�tions,
The Prc�secuting Attorney to wrii� up findings of fa�t based or� the draft
�r�sented �nd ta begin tM� process +�f executing the contract. The
motion carried.
A motion was made by Comm�ssioner Alii�on, secc�nded by
Cammissivner Fancher to apprvve �e lota J. Dalluge pe�ition for
rectassifica�ion from Farm and Ag [.and ia Farm and Ag Gc�nservation
Land, b�se� on the fact #h�t it is �onsistent �rith the Cormprehensive
Pl�n, and �i canfarms v�ith the �ounty current rules and regulatia�s,
ihe Prosecuting �►ttarney #a write up fnd'rngs af facfi, bas�d c�n �he
draft presented and to begin the process af executing the cvntract. The
mation carried.
A mt�tion w�s made by Ct�mmissic�ner Allason, seca�nded by
Commissior��r Fancher to approve the Gevrge D. a�nd Befity H.
Shambrook petitic�n for reclassificatian from Farm and Ag �and to Farm
and Ag Cor�servation Land, based on �he fact ihat i# is consistent with
the Camprehens�ve Plan, and it cc�nforms with the Cc►unty current rules
and reguiat�ons. The P'rc�secuting Attorney ta writ� up �ndings c�f faci,
based on the draft presented and to begin �he process of executi�g �he
contract. ihe mc►tian carried.
A motion was mad� by Gc�mmissioner Allison, sec+�nded by
Co►mmissic�ner Fancher io approve the Kenneth L. and �,H. Jorg�nsen
peirition for reclassi�icativn from Farm and Ag Land to Farm and Ag
Conservatic�n Land, based c�n the fa�t thai it is ct�nsisteni with the
�+�mprehens�v� P1an, and ii cvnfcrrms with ihe County �urrenf rules
and reguiatians. The Prvsecuting Attarney % writ� up frndings of faci,
based on the draft presented and ta begin the process of execu�ing the
contr�act., ihe motion carried.
A motion was made by Gammissianer AlNsan, secc�mc�eti by
Cvmmissi�ner Fancher ihat the Edgar 11�. Sch['rep peiitions �'or
reclassification of property from Unimproved Farm ar�c� Ag Land
Classi�catic�n to Agricul#ure {3pen-Space Classi�ca#.ion be approved
based on the fact thai they are cvns�stent with the Comprehensive
Plan, and it ccrnforms with the County curreni rules and rec�ulatic�ns.
The Prosecuting Attorn�y to �vrite up findings of fact, based vn the
draft presented and to begin the process af execufiing �he cantract.
The r�totivn carried.
As of ihis date th� Boar�d b�O a majority vote does appc�ove fcar
paymen�t those vouchers filed in the Auditors C)ffice 12I31i96 dn the total
amouni e�f $317,3�3.72.
As th�re was na further bus�ness to come ibefore the Board the
session was atijour�ed untii January 6,1997.
Glerk of ihe Board
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