HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-185-CCF �; .'� r� ;�i i� .',� ?* j .� �f � � ,R; ,.: RESOLUTiON N�TMBEft 96-185-CC A RES�LUTIQ�T authora.zing an a�propriation and e�penditu�e of funds ior the �Qilowing department/fund: Em�lo�ee Benefits Fund ��504, Department ��183 ,together with a bud�;�t tiaere- fore, pursu�.nt to RCTN 36.40.I40. WHEREAS, st has beera brought to the attentian of tt�e Boazrd o� County Co�unissioners of Grant County that emer�ency conditions require that a� a.��aropriation and expenditure of fu�cl�s be auth- orized �or �he above-men�ioned de�artment/iund, together with a budgei thereior; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RC�? 36.40.14�, ftesolutaon No.96-176-CC was duly adopted on 12/11/96 , and publishe� in the c.,-ant C:c,�,nt.� ,Tc�t�nal �n l �/1 �/&12l19/96 deCl�.ri�1g �.n emergeney and stating th�-facts constituting the emergency andry the estitnated amount of funtis requir�d ta meet it , together �vit�h a nc�tice of pttblic hearing, and said public t�earing was held thereon where int�res�ed persons`were allowed to app�ar and be heard; N��, THEREFORE, �E IT RESOLVED BY THE BO.ARD OF C�UI�TY COIvSMIS- SIQNERS 0�' GAA�ti C�UNTY, S�ATE 0� WASHINGTON, that an appropriatio�i and expe�ditur� of funds is �aereby authoriz�d for the following dep�.�'tment f �t�nd: �mployee Benefits Fund ��504,Dept.��183 in the total sum of $ 63,000 accordia�g ta the attaehe�l budget. This resoTutian is in the best ir�terests of good gavernment and shall tal�e ef�ect immediately upan its passage. ac��aE ���� � 2 � rs.4� t� 23 . 1� 9� �..'� �; i ATTEST: `�.k' ��,s� Ij � ,��/./i �-s`,r,/: ��` � y+��' Gwrk of tha Board �-3 �.► • -. _......, � _..,...... Comm'rssioner . � � Commissinnmr Constitc�Pins� th� 6o�cd of �ounty Ccazemissi�nera o$ Ga�anf Cou�s9y, "JV�shas�gfo� RESOLUTION WORKSHEET R2: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND # 504, DEPT. # 183 AMOUNT OF : $63,000 R3: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FLTND # 504, DEPT. # 183 SUM OF: $63,000 ATTACIIIvIENT TO RES. 96-185-CC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND # 504 DEPARTMENT # 183 APPROPRIATIONS: LEOFF RETIRE.INS.PRE1VIlU1VI GPROUP HEALTH PREMIUM MI S C. -UN EMPL OY. BENEFITS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS P'INANCING SOURCES UNRESREVED FiJNID BALANCE TOTAL FINANCING SOURCES 517.36.23.07 517.36.23.13 517.78.49.00 288.00 EXPLANATION TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS FOR UNANTICIPATED INCREASE IN MEDICAL, DENTAL, LIFE BENEFITS. $20,000 $30,000 $13,000 $63,000 $63,000 $63,000