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VVeek of l�ecer�ber 23,199G
The f�rant County Cornmissian�rs session was cai�ed to order ai
9;00 a,m. wiih alt c►f the Commiss�oners in �ttendance with the Cierk of
the Board.
The �c�m�nissioners read a�d apprv�red ihe minu��� of the
preceding session as v�ri�ten.
The C�ar�missiQners appQin�e� the fo[iowing persons tc� addii�onal
terr�s on the �rant County Mentai Nealth and Deve�apmeniai
Disabilities Advisory Bvard: V6landa Christens�n, Virginia Fi�ss, C�vnna
Roe, Gary �handler and �hirl�y Heer.
Ch�irman Snead was authorizect to sign �he Natice of �eparatir�n
ar V1Cc�rk Ini�rr�uptian �f Chris�in� Garcia af the Juvenile C�epariment
eff�ctive D+�cernber 13,199�.
The Commissivners s�gned an addend�m �im L�ndfill Agreemen�
between Grani Gounty and Reg�ona� Board �comprised of th� fo�lowing
�iiies, Grarad Coul�e, Couiee Darr�, �iectri� �City, and E�mer Ciiy.
The Comr�issioners held a ce�n�inuation of the Public Hearing c�n
Taylvr A�res Prel��n�nary Plat request. A maiion was made by
Commissic�ner Far�cher, secflnded by Commissioner A�lison ta den�t the
r�quest bas�d c�n the facis that the County Gompreherasive Pian
sugg�sts protectic�n of irrigai�d farm grc�und, and i�e testimc�ny from
oihers in ihe area a�bou� concerns with ihe qu�nti� and qu�iiiy of the
water ir� the area, Cflmmissivn�r AI1�son aiso siat�d �hai water aase for
agricu�ture �vas seasc�nal, but if hvmes are using th� wa�ier it wrould be
used a#t ye�r. Sfa�fi io wrate up fndings. The rr�atifln carraed.
The Cor�nmissican�rs held a cmn�tinua�ic�n of the Pubiic Hearing on
the Tay�or �anches Preiiminary Plat request, A mviion �nras made by
Commissicaner Allisvn, secc�nded by Comrnission�r Fancher fic� deny
this reque�i based on the fol[owing, �6�e Gaunty Cvmprehensive Pian
places a h�gh priority on pratectren of irrigaied farm grac�nd, water
uses year arou�d would fu�Eher concerns abc�ut �he water tabie. StafF
ta write �ndir�gs of fiact. Cam�nissioner Fancf��r stated tha� there �nras
a�sc� �oncerns ab+�u� the quaiity c�f ihe waier and no gua�arafee ihat
water wouid b� us�d fvr agricuCtur�l purposes, The m�tion +car�rrec�.
The Cc��nmiss�on�rs h�id a Publac Hearing and a rrta#�r�n was made
by �omrrai�s�oner Fanche�, secc�nded by Cvrt�missioner �Al�isvn that
Resotutic�n �ic�mber 9G-185a�C authc�rizing an appropriatian and
�xp��dit�re of fua�ds fs�r the Empl�r�ee benefit� Fund #5Q4, Department
�#183 in t�� amount of $�3,0�� be passed. �'he moiion �arried.
Th�e Commissioners held a P�a�fic He�ring and a m�iion was r�ade
by C+�mrmissioner Fan�her, second�d by Commission+�r Al[isan �hat
Resolu�i�n N��nb�r 9fi-��fi-CC auth�r�zir�g an �pp��priati�n and
exp�nditu�� �f fu�ds fac the Gurren� Expense F�nd #a+D�, '�arious
Departments in the arnount vf �231,204 be passed, The matiora carried.
The C�mmissioners held a Publ�c �#earing and � gnt�tior� v�as made
by Cvmmi�sioner AltisQn, s�c�nd�d b� Cor�missioner Fancher that
Resolu°�ion Number 96-187-�G author�zir�g an apprapriatiar� and
expenc�iture of funds fvr the Lav� Library Fund ##11�, Depar�m�nt #g52
in �he amount of $6,t}�� be pas�ed. The motion carri��i.
The C�arnmissioners held a Pubii�c Hea�ing and a nnatian �vas made
by �ornmi�sic�ner A�iisan, sec�►nd�d by +C�►mmissianer Fancher that
l�est�lution Numbe� 96-�188-C� authorizing an apprvpri�tion and
expenditur� of funds f�ar the Prosecutor Crin�e �lictim Cr�mpensa�tion
Furtd #'t20, Department #'182 <n fihe amount o�f $6Q0 be passed. The
matian carrred.
Th� �ommissioners held a P�bl'r� Hearing reiai6�g to �
supplemen�ai extensian ir� the 199� budget c�f A#cc�ha►I and Drug Abuse
Fund #11� �rc�m �r�an�ic�pated state andlor federai funds in the amouni
vf $39,432. A m�tic�n was made by Cammissior�er Rllison, sect�nd�d
by Gnmm�ssia�er F�ncher th�t Resoiution Numb�r 9fi-�89-CC
su�plem�n�ing and extending �I�e budget by the sum t�f $39,432 in the
Alcoho� and �}rug ,�►bus� Fund be passed. The mc�tion carried.
The Coenmissic�ners held a Pubiic Hearing regarding th� pc��sible
formatic�� c�f the Schawana �Na�ter Districi. A mc�tiran was made by
Commissioner Fancher, seconded by CammissionerAltisvn tQ coniinue
the hearing un��l January 'I4, ��97 �t 2:�Q p.m. 'ihe matitin carr�ed.
ihe �ammissioners hetd a continuaiion c�f the Pubiic #�earie�g
regarding the adopti€�n c�f the 'I997 budget. A maiian was made by
Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Ailison ihat
Rest�iution Number 9�-194-CG adaptsng �he Grani County Budget fvr
ih� �1997 i�ear b� passed. ihe motion carried.
Th� +�ommissianers sign�d the Pubiic Vliorks Payrofl fo�- ihe
manth �af 13e�ember in the fio�ai amouni of $�55,532,ai.
As t�f ihis daie the Bo�rd by a majarity vofe dt�es approve far
payment �h�s� vauchers incfuded in the iist �led in the Audi�ors Q€fi�e
12i23196 in �he tvtai amauni Qf $59?,4fi2,42,
As th+�re �vas na further bus�ness ia� come befvre the Board ihe
sessivr� was adjourned until C�ecember 3�,'l99�.
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