HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-183-CCGRANT COUN'T'Y
t5491 75d-20t1
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THE ZaNTNG FROM R-2 (Itesidentia%2)
& S-2 {Suburban-2} TC) C-G {General-
Commercial} IN A PORTION C}F
sEc�axs ra � �l, Tow�7r�s� �� N.,
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WHEREAS, the Baard af County Commissianers of Grant Gounty have been
advised by the Grant Gounty Planning Commission fhat a public hearing was conducte�d on
May 4, 1996 an the matter of changing the zoning of severai parcels from "R 2(Residential-
2)" and "S - 2(Suburban-2)" to "C-G (General-Cammereial)" iai a portion of the East half of
Section 10 and the West half of Section 11, Township 19 North, Range 28 Fast, W.M. and;
WHF.;Rl�:i.AS, the Board of Count,y Commissioners, having been informed ihat a
quarum decision could not be reached at the Planning Commission meeting on May 4, 1994,
W�IF.I2FAS, the Boazd of County Commissioners have set a series of public
hearings to review the record and consider additional tesrimony on 7une 6, 1996; November 7,
1994; and December 12, 1996 � -
NOW, T�IEREFORE, BE IT RFSCfLVED, that the Board of County
Commissioners far t3rant County, Washington approve by this resolution, a zane change for
the follc�wing described property: . � : . -
' �;�=
That por�ion of ihe Sauthwest quarter of the Northwes� quarter of sec-:�r. li
3ownship I9 North Range 28 F.W.M., �ran� County, Was#�ington described as ro�:�;�_;
Beginning at the We�� quarter cu�-^sr �f �aid s�cLion li; ��tence Uorth 4C3°c�'�� =:s;,
alo»g �he West Iine oi said s�ci:�n i1, I335.2 fe�t, t�ore of I�ss, to ihe �ia��-�est
corner or" said Soutnwes� quarter or" iVorthwest quart�r, said pa%nt be3;,g �-;� -=UE
POINT pF HEGI�NING; thence Soutn 89��2�24°' East, along th� North line _ =_aid
Southwest quarter, 365.00 feet; thence South 00°�8`20" West paralle3. t� sa�= N�st
�=ne, 65a•Ca reet; thence Nor�n �9p32`20" We�� parallel �;o said North Iir.e. -_�.00
feet to an inters2c�ion with =aid �1est 3zne; ihence Norih d0°29'20" Ea��, ai:;���=�i�
:�es� �ir�e, b50.0(3 �eet �a th� t;-ue point of beginning.
-',� - • . ., � i . ,. . . . i , . i 1 _ .
� ,�i-iat por�i�n o: �;:e �cut:�east l/�. �� �t;z �•2ort'�ea�t ir'� oi the �dortheast 1/� c�
~Sect i on t 0, Toti�r�sh i p i 9*�orth ,;?Ange 2? =.'tJ.:�;. , Sran � County, �.Jash i ngt�n, desc; i �ee
as �o3lcws:
The East 130 feet of the following described property:
3eginnino at tha Paor�;7east corner of t:�e Southeas� 1/� oT the Nort;�east 1/4 0�
the Nort�east 1/� ofi Section 10, T�?t1, Range 23 E.:J.M., t�ence 230 fast Sout:-�
�3 70'0�" `.dest along the yort'� li�e �f s�id su.adivision; thencz 1�5.20 f���
Sautt� 00 23' 20" !Jes t pa ra I 1 e 1 :� i t:� the Eas � 1 i ne of sa i d Sect i on 10 , to TH�
� cr . � �. f . � � �, � r c� �na it c . ' o -1^ _1
,RUE P�!'aT �F ���i J�; a3, t'.;enc� _��;.00 � e t ��o t`-i $� �„ �0 �st, tnenc :,,...
�eet Sout� ;C Z�'20" '�lest; thenc� �outh 89 �3'10" !dest a�ong the Sauth iine c=
the Southeast 1I�? of t5e �art7�ast 1I'� ot t:�e "aort�east i/'�, a distanc� c} ..
250 fe�t, more or Iess, to a point :;eari�g Seuth 00 28'2J" West of the TRU� -�,- _�
°O 1 NT OF 3ES I`JN l,�G: �he�cs nort:� �0 23' 2�" �as �, a d i s tance of �02. �: 7 fe �:�,ore "
or less to THE i�UE POi:JT OF BE�iia�ll;j�. Subject to �xcaptions, restric�ions ;
r�servations of rec�rd. C�ntai�ing ,2.70 t�cres, �`lore or l.zss.
Ccmmerscing at a�oint on the East line of said Sec. 10, a distancz of 20 re�t `lart:�
from the Sout�east c�rner of the ;�crtheast 1/'� of the Northeast i!'� and ru�ning
thenca South 89 53'i0" !�est parallel to the Sout!� line thereflf, a dis�an�s=or
150 feet to t;�e TPQS; t:�enc con t i zu i ng South 39 53' 10" 1Jest para l} el t� sa i d .. • Cfl�aT..
South line, a distance of 120 feet; running thencs North 00 28'20" East parailel to
'the East line of said Se�iton i0, a distance of 60 feet; runnin9 Lhence North 89 53'l0'
East paraileI to the said South iine, a distance of l2J feet; running thenca. �
South 00 28'2D" 'rJ�st parallel te said East lir�e, a distance �� 60 fest to the
poent of beginning. : � .- — �
A pertio:� c� �:e _�.�SL: � oi �e� „=or_ ' C-� ?-2�, descr�bed as �011o:�rs:
�e� _:r�:�_ a � t:?e 3out: ;,res� �c�-er : "" -
o� s=id i���.'�, of Secticn 1C°; thenc�
33i •Q3 rQ@� iv02'tf? Q�i°2q t:�tr �cSf ?�! C3��' t�'?@ ,ti@St i�il@ of t^e ii:iJ:�iYjL� 02
Secticn I0; i^er-ce J18.7? ��e� Sc��:i �9°�7�1�;�t ;�.si to the true point
oT je?�'�.���; ther.ce I25 �'�et .:cu�:: �°25rzprr ;�es�; t_:enc� 320.I8 feet
SQTlvi? f��L%� ��.(» i,a.$L� l�il�r1.�'o '�:_� l'���. _!0�"ui? .�iVo?,Gr'.f�0}� .�.'c�.St.. LileiL'o
l71{.��%. l��t� `'{�rlul cr}��VL}i���1 .��J'v� :ii.�.?��� l� f��L :1QrL._ V��G.?t�/VtY Las��
? ^
:�ence �;�.23 _ee� �1ort� c"�°�?1 ,;' .:es-z �o t :e �r�.:e �cint o� 'oe:_-inz�ir�,
A�ortion of Section, 10-19-28, described as follows:
_ �
Beginning at . the Northeast corr_er o�' the �E s��� �]�E4 of
said section; thence `�'est along tne ?�ort� line of said �E�S��
a distance of 140 feet; thence South a distance of 72 feet;
thence East to the East line oi �ection l0; the�ce Vorth
along the �'ast line of ��e sect�on a distance of 72 fee� to
the true poi�t of begi:�r _ng .
A tract of land located in the SE4SE�AlE1 of �ection 10-19-28,
described by metes.und bounds as follows:
Beginning at t�ie Southeast: corner of the NEa of� � ection 10;
thence Nor•th along the t'!e�t r�w of �tratford Road, a c�is-
tance of 481 feet; thence �Alest a distance of' 143 feet; tl�.ence
South 68°34� ';�jest a distance ci �908 feet; thence South 448 �
feet to the North r�iv of said County Ftoad; thence East a
di�tance of 193 feet alcng the �orth r�w of' County Road to
t�ie point qf beginnin� .
See r�:vers�: oi cai�. `
EXCEPTING that portion notiv used ior public roadways and re-
serving the same tc� the public iorevez•.
FRE� AND CLEAFf of all encumbrances exce�t ea:;ements, re-
str•ictions, and reser•vati�ns of record.
^ �µ� =;0 rL1E�'"' �_ �'�a =_-._�_ �� _, �C _.,__ � ..-_G_=i^ �"w'_"1L �.riG't%�'_ . ,
de�-� ^ioeci a� z'ollojvs :
�e-��n;ng at -�e �as� �aa= �er cc_ner ol s��a �ecZ�o�, t=��rca
-'V1:�'.`.__ ��� u2G 4`�� fE arAS.t � alvr_^ �r n T'.J _.i, 11i12 Gi� Sci1� S�C l.i �--�
a d�s-��ce o= �3�.?3 fee- t=ze�.ce _:art� 8Q °3�,�' lc" .;es � 30
�, � ,_ _'� . .
�e� to �r= �,�:_e �o�r_�, o� �e_ �n�_in�; �zence� c�n�_�uin� �rar�'�
^ °"nt��n ��Cl o' - �� 5'� i�g 'n� - g
�9 ��• o .'es � o., ie �,� � e•�e �?_ o� �__ a t ha�f
�T��= oi sai�. sec �ion; v le �ce ivor �'_^_ �� �°2a r n�i'_, �as �, ��2 .7�
,_'ag � � �f1PnC e�i:liT,�1 b� Jc7�J .�.� t�&S � � �'J i PAZi ? i. �@11CB _.�OT'�'1
Cl; J?� f O:�tt "`d5 � ij� �E?L �� `d �01i1� �.v i�E l'�. �OULi Oi �22 _.�
i�`�Tl; 01 S^c�.1C S@CL1Gi1 �� � Laence �OULP rS9 �4-� T j`�tt `�aSi.�
Uarallel to an� 3� i�e ��o �.�n al ��e said �iorz2 � i�e, a
- t.
dis�a� ce c� �-'7�.94 feet; ��_ence S�u�� ;;��?°23t2�� .;�si u05.2�
fee � i,o t:�l� �r�e :�oint o�' : eginr�i:��.
That partion af the Southeast qnarter og the Sflutheast qnarter flf the Narth-
sasL quarter oY Section i 0, ��nship � 9 Nor�h, Aange 28 E.Ti�. M. , Grant t�ounzp,
Washingtan, d�scribed as follows:
Beginni�g at the Southeast carner of the Nar�heas� quarter oi
thenca T�Test 30 fae�i ta ths Tade� 3ine af Stratiord I�aad; i�henca
ta the tr�e point of begi3iliing; thencs cantinuing Nor�hon and
right o� �ay o� Stratford R.oad. a distance oi t�81 feei; L�ence
o� 1I�3 i��t; thencs South b8°�' Wes'c a distanc� oi 59.8 fesi;
11Zt$ £eet �o the �iorth right of � oi cflunty road; thenc� East
193 f��� on and aloa� the Norih right oi wa�y oi covntF road ta
�CEPT: por�ion used far public road�s.
said Section 10;
�iorih 20 fest
along the Wes�
West a distancs�
thencs Sontii
a distance of
the point oi
��ortion e� �he I�SE o� Secticn 14-? °-28, more �xrticul:.rlv described
b� met es �.nd bounds as rcll.ows :
Co�enci*�� a� the quarter c�rner betwe� Section �0 and 11 oi Tow:�-
�hip 19-2�; t'�ence Sou�h t?G°2£?T��" ;.est a1c�n� tre Sectien li.�e 2 di�-
�321C2 Of 1Ji•23 f@�#•j �L18nCP iuT'i:1:'•" :�02^L':: .`�".,��°jl�t��•tt �:@St G C�?S�3c^.Ce
ai 3� feet io the true pa�`L o� '�eFinnin�; continu'�n� tr�ence I��ort:�
89°3�'�p" r�est a e�istance o` 629 feet; thence rur.n�ns ATcrt�-� 00°29'C3n
{�GSL a dist�nce of 302.79 feet; the�ce *-unn�g Sou�� �q°a.FSt3Gtt ��
p3rallel te ar�I 30 feet Soutr oi ti�e u,.id-�ec��.ion L.�e, a dis��nce ��
628.91� �eet; thence r�n�.:�� Sot��.-: GJQ<$t20" E�esi F2_T'2I�2� �O and 3C3
fe ei from �:�e section + zne a dis ��-�c e of 3� ieeL �o �he ���t ef �e-
�1ri:�22� .
That portion of the East hal� ot the Northeast quar�er cf the Sautl�east
quarter of Section 10, Townshi� 19 North, Range 23 E.WeM., Grant County,
Washington, described as follows:
Beginning at the East quar�`r corner oi said Sect�on 10; �hence South
00�8'20" West along the East line of said Section 10, a distance of
335.23 feet; thence North 89�30'16" West, a distanc� of 659.0 geet to
the t�Test line of the East half of the Northeast quarter of tha Southeast
quarter of said section I0; thence North OO�L9'03" East, a distance of
152.79 feet; thenca South ^09�30'16" East, a distance of 8Q feet to the
Z`rue Point of Be�irining; t�er_ce S�uth 89�30' I6'• East, a distanca of 70
ieet; thence North OOa29'03" East, a distance of 150 feet to a point 30
feet Sauth of the North line of the Northeast c�uarter of the Southeast
quarter of Section 10; thence Narth 89m5'32" West parallel to and 30
feet South o� �he said NorLh l�ne, a distance of 70 feet; thence South
OO�LO' 03" West, a distance of 150 feet, more or less, to the True Point
of Beginning.
_ _ ��_. .-_"�-_-=-=;..._-^:z=:. A portion .oi' the SE��E41�IE4--of Section 1�-19-28, - ' - �
_- -- _ = ==-�--clescribed as fol.lows : - _--.. -_ - -- : . -- `
-- - - - �_���, -- �� � -- �.�:�:-. ._ . - . • . - -
_ `�� _ _ > _ _y� `��:.: _ _::�,- _ :�
s..;�:; : ;� -_. � :;:.��'� -� �. - -: �__�, _- : - _ -. _. _ - v�;
, -. -= --- _ __-- � ._.- =_-N- Beginniiig�� at the No�theast carner of �he SESENE of =
' .� �`said.sec�ion; thence Soutih along the East line oi'. the .section _
a�dis�ance of '72 fee� io the true point �of beginning; `theiice .'-
: `. West a distance o� 140 ieet; thence South a distance of 72
- _ -�_... �-` .. _ h East line a� ' 3
.. _ _ : _ _ =��eet, .�thence East'�a _°distance of 140 �.feet to t e = -
_ .::.,g�>��-- =;---�.- .. .
: -- : _ : �..�.=�tl1e �`Sectian; thence..I�Torth a3aiig -=s�id?Bas�-� line -oi' said s ec - �°�
� - ° -' �tion-=a <"di s�ance of �'�2 f ee� to � ti�e "�izia `€soin� . of be�inn n�-�-�� .�
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Findings of Fact are as follaws;
1. The pmposals aze consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan.
2. The proponents have shown �hat a need exists in the area for smaiter a�reage's.
3. Adjacent prt�perties eunently have General Commereiai zoning existing.
4. �'he General Comrnerciai zoning will not be detrimental to t11e surn�undi�g proper�.es.
5. The proposals lie within the gropQsed urban growth boundary area af the City of Moses
6, A Mitigat�rl Determination of Non-Significance has been signed for this praposa�.
7. Th� G�neral Commer�ial. zoning will nat be detrimental to the public health, safety and
. t't
Done this �� day of ,��,�� . , 1996.
� _ �
� t,
�✓ �`��-�
� � Chairman
ATTF.ST: �-'�� , , �t . �
�� �,�Cierk af the�aard ,
�--`�--- ,�� �1. �
� Comrnissioner
� � Commissioner
co�tating the Board of Caemty G�nmiissia�s of Gramt
Gwmtj*, YVash�gton.