HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOM1UiI�StONERS' PROCEEC�IiNGS �lieek of De�ember 16,1996 The Grant Count�r Ce�mrnissioners sess6on v�as ca�Ned tc� order by Gh�irman Tim Snead. All of th� Cammission��s were �n attendance wi�h the Clerk c�f the Baard. The Commissianers re�d and approved the minutes from th� p�receding session as written. The Comr�issianers appr�ved t#ae saiary i�crease of Fet�r Cr�menzo of tf�e Plar�n�ng D�partment to $2,848 per monih effec�ive �ecemb�� �1,'1996. Chairman Snead w�s authorized #o sign a�aprov�� of �he Specia� Occasion Liquor License �f 1!�'ahatis Vl�ranglers 4-H groug�, The Commissioners rec�ived a petition for revievw of a tand use decision in Hiawa�ha Valiey from Jose A. Be�es, et a� vs l�amp Itl�ad�rs, et ux, et �L Th� matter v►tas referred to the Prosecuting Attorney far handling. The Commissioners receive� infarmation fram the Grant Cc�ur�ty Ai�ohol and D�ug �enter e�egarding the �a�t that th�y haci not �eceived an}� applications for the position of Bilingu�atlSpanish Cvunselor. They then hired John Poe to �11 the vacan� position even though he was not bilingual. ihey are referring requ�sts f�om people who �an6y speak s�anish tc� ,�4dams Cc�ur�ty ��t C}thellg. The �ommissioners approved the saiarr� af Kathy HoFlc�way of the Sh�ri�ffs DeparEment at $2,032 effec�ive January '16,199fi. The Corr�missioners appraved a request by #he Grant Ga�nty Alcohol and Qrug Genter fvr permissisan to waive #he six mc�nth prabationary periad far r�edical ber�efits and a1lov�r a$200.0{� moving allowance for a�Vlasters level clinician ia fill the Youth Speciaiis� positiQn they have vacan#. The Cammissioners receiv�d and approved a request from Sam Larenz of the D+epartment of Em�rger�cy Management ft�r some changes in his 1997 budget proposal. The �omrnissioners approved the satary o� John i'oe of the Aicohol and Drug Cent�r a� $17�[9.90 per �nonth effective December 9,1996►. The Gomm�ssioners apprc�ved the salary af Rick Bomar af the Grant Cou�ty Ju�renile Pr°vbation Depart�n�n� at 9� �ercent of �he Detentior� Caunseior pasition eifective December 16,1996. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Diana Wavra of the Grant County Juvenile Probation Department to $2,fi79 per month effective December 1,199s. The Commissioners were informed by the Prosecuting Attorney thai Jerry Hamley had been assigned to the �ffice of Support Enforcement on a temp�rary, part time basis and should be paid at his regular salary. The Commissianers were informed by the Prosecuting Attorney that Robert Schiffner had been transferred on a temporary basis to the District Court desk vacated by Will Halstead at the same salary he is currently earning. The Commissioners signed Form Amendment No. 3 with the North Central Washington Regional Support Network. The Commissioners spent the remainder of the day meeting with Department Heads and Elected Officials regarding the 1997 budget. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until December 17,1996. December 17,1996 The session was continued at 9:00 a.rn. with all of the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding Supplemental Agreement-Bridge #24'1, 'M' NE, Corporate Boundary Adjustment-City of Moses Lake, DNR-Surface Mining Permits, and the 1997 Budget. A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Fancher thaf Resolution Nurr�ber 96-181-CC in support of the Fast Flux Test Facility be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 96-'182-CC denying an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan of Grant Couniy requested by Tom and Donna Lee be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Fancherthat Resolution Number96-183-CC in the matter of changing the zoning from R-2 and S-2 to C-G in a portion of Sections 10 and 11, Tovvnship 19 N., Range 28 E., W.M., requested by Jay Byers, Laurence & Bette McAtee, Jaenes D. Lyons, Rodrigo & Pilar Garza, Bruce Hurr�phrey, Lowelt D. Hall, and Gargr & Krisine Rohlinger be passed. The motion carried. A mviian was made by Comrnission�r Allison, secvnded b� Com�nissionerFancherthatResolution Number9�-�t84-CC in the matter t�f appraving �he Plat Al�era�it�n o� mulfiiple �t�ts in Div�sions �-7, Desert Aire, IQcated in a portivn of S�c�ion 2�,23,2fi,27, Township '14 North, Range 23 Easi 1�.M., be passed. The m�tion carried, The Cnmmissioners approve�l th� request by the Pros�cu�ing Attorn�y's �'3ffi�e to allow Penny �C�rd�nr� to carry c►ver 6�acat�an days intQ �199i due to t�e heavy work �oad, As Qf t�is date the Board by a majority vate daes approv� fc�►� payment those v�auchers inciuded in ihe I�st fted in the �4uditors fl�ce December �G,�199G in the toial amaunt c�f $370,'l85.8f. The Ca�mmissioners speni the remainder c�f the day working on the 1997 budget. As there was nc� furfiher business ta come before ihe Board the sess�an was cvnt6nued until Dec��nber °18,�199G. �►. ,. ; .., The session was continued at 10.i}0 a.m, with a�� of the Cammissioners in attendanc� wiin the Clerk of #�he Board. The Cammissioners appr+�ved th� requ�s# by ihe Prosecuting At�orney ta settle the Thara�as R. Hargrov�e Ctaim far Damages far the amc�unt of �5,0�0, ihe Cc�mmissiQners speni the remainder of the day working on the 'i99i budt�et. As �there was n� further business to c�am+� before the Bo�rci the sessi�n was continuec� until Decernber �[9,�99�. December '�9,'199G The se�sion was cvntinued afi 1�;00 a,m. with ��i c�f the Commis�ioners i� a�Eendance wi�h the Clerk of the Board. Chairman Snead was auihorTzed to sign a �Uiemorandum of Agreement b��w�een Washir�gton 5�ate Universiiy and Gcant County for the purpc�se of providing financial suppc►r� for th� Lake Roosevelt Forum, The Comm`rssione�s spent the remainder af th� day wor�ing en ih� �99? budg�t.