HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCQit�l1111111SS14NER�' PRt�CEEDINGS Week o�' December 2,1996 Tlie +Grant Ct�unty Commissioners sessivn w�s called to order at 9ot}0 a.m. by �hair�man Tir�r� Snead. All of ihe Commissic�ners �ere in �ttendance with ih� Clerk of the Bc�ard. The Cc�mrnissioners read and ap�roved �the minutes vf the preceding sess�on as wri�tten, The Corr�missioners signed approval of a Rec�uest far Transfer- of funds in ihe G�pitai auiiay Depa�ment #141, Current Expense Fund #D0�1 tn the ar�ount of $2�,�G9 for the pur�hase c�f a maii processor, �arpef cleaner �nd snow b�ower. The Cammissioners were notifie�d by the Coc�n�Ey CEerk th�at Karen Rb Stoko� e-esigr�e� her position wi�h his departmeni effective December 'l,199G, The Gommassianers received a copy o� a Summons and Com�laint for damages from Chris�ine Hiil, ei a►1. The matter was referred to ihe Prasecuting Attorney far handiing. "The Cornrnissioners signed appraval af a Request for Transfer of Funds in ihe N�useum Department #�1 �19, Gurrent Expense Fu�d #001 in the am�aunt of $5,OOQ, The Corr�missianers heid a Public Hearing regarding the 199? Grant Cvunty �udget and the 'i99? �rani Counfiy VVeed Board budge�. A mo#ion was made by Commissioner Fancher, se�e�nded by Commissianer Atiiso� to con�tinue �h� work on th� Counity budge# to a time uncertain, bu� thai a balanced budget wit[ b� adopted by December 31, and that the Commissioners would con�inue working fv�e days per wreek un��i such time as �h� budget was ready to adopi. The motian carried. A mc�tion was made by Cvmmissioner Fancher, seconded by Cc�mmissiflner Aflisc�n �o acc�pt the praposed 199'� Grant Caun�Ey 1llieed Board budget as presenied. The mat�on carr�eti. The Comrnissioners h�id a Pub1�c Meeting regarding the zone change request by iiltilliam an�d dor��hy Walker on a�proxirriatety 1.82 acres �'rorn Light-Industrial to Suburban-2�1 acre minir�tum tai size} for housinc� �n Lo�s 1 ihrough '12, Bivck �1ti, Plat of �heeler in a por�ion rrf the Sou�h �l2 c�f Sectic�n �iB, Tt�wnship '19 North, Range 29 East, W.M. A motion was made by �c�mmissioner Fancherq s�conded by Cc�mmissioner Ali�son �o upho�d the Pianning Commission recommendation to deny the requesi wiih Planning Department �ndings of fact to be included. Th� maiion carriet�. As �here was no #ur�her bus�ness to cvme be�ore the �oarci the session was cor�tinued unt�i December 3,19�6. -�' � ��♦. a • i. The Commissianers trave�ed to Kenn�wick to meet w�th ather county repr��s�ntatives and Conrgr�ssm�n Doc Has#ings regard�ng the Ela�nfort� Reach area. The session vrras con#�inued �i 2:00 p.m, with ail of the Cammissiane�s in attendance wiih the �Eerk of the BoardR The Comr�issia�ers signe� a cc�ntracfiwith DeAttey Campany, inc. for the 1991 Crushing and Stockpit�ng Project. The Comrt��ssioners approved the sta�ting salary afJoe Scroggins of the Sheriffs L�epar�Ement at $1,fi9fi per month effective December 2s't 99�. Th� Comm�ssianers approvec! the purchase of am automated attendant at ihe ct�st of $�13U3 from the capital outlay budget. Th� Co�mis�ioner� signed the November payrot� vvarrants 16st #82190 through #82984, As caf this date �he Bvarc! by a nnajority voie dQes approve fc�r payment �hos� vouchers inciuded in the list fled in the Auditvrs C1�"[ce '1112719f: �n the #otai ama�r�t of $'�49,994.75. As of ihis date the Board by a majority vote does apprQve for payment thc►se �ouchers included ir� the lis� filed in the Auditors C)ffice 12�219� ir� ihe tc�tal amQunt of $229,483.19. The Commissivners approved an increase in �he �nte�fund Communacativn� budgei for 1996 in the amount of $�,OQ�. A Pubiic Hearing was he1c� and a motic�n was r�ade by Commissic�ner Allison, seconded by Commissior�er Fancher tl�ai Resotution Nfu�nber 9fi-�If4-CC relafiing to a supplemental ex�ension in the �i99� budget of the Alct�ha�TDrug Abuse Fund #�3'i5, Departm�nt #'1v7 from unan#icipated state andfar� federai funds in the arnount vf $7,50� be pas�ed. The motion carried. A Pubti� Nearing was he[d anc� a mo#ic�n was made by Commissio�aer Al�ison3 seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 96-165-GC rei�ting to a supplemen#at extension in the '1996 budget of the Prosecuting Rttorney Depar�ment #109, Current Expense Fund #0�}1 frc�m unanficipated state andlor �ederal funds �n ihe amount of $5,2�A�9 be passed. The moiivn carried. A Pubiic Hea�in� was held and a motic�n �+vas made by Gommissi4ner Fancher, se�onded by Commissrvn�r A�lison ih�t Resolution Number 96-�iGS-CC a�ihorizing an �ppropriation and expenciiture of funds for the Emergency Services l�epartrraent #1{�2, Fu�td #144 i� t�e amouni of $3s13� be passed. Th� motian �arr�ed. A Pubii� Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioneu� Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Nurnber 96-1fi7-CC a�thorizing an appropriation and expenditure �f funds for the Current Expense Fund #001, Various Departments in the amount of $5�,612 be passed. The motion carried. A Publi� Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissione� Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution NuQnber 96-1fi8-CC aa�thorizing an appropriation and expenditure of fiunds for the Grov�th Management Department #126, Fund #168 in �he amount of $47,500 be passed. The moiion carried. As there voias no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until Decerr�ber 4,1996e December 4,1996 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with a91 of the Commissioners in attenciance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners spent the da� working on balancing the 1997 budget. As there was no furiher busir�ess to come b�fore the Board the session was continued until Decerrr�ber 5,199fi. December 5,1996 The sessaon was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. A rnotion was made by Corramissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Cornmissioner Allison be appointed as the Commission CF�airman effective January 1,1997. The motion carried. The Cornrr�issioners spent the day working on balancing the 1997 budget. A motion wras made by Gorunmissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 96-169-CC setting land classificatioras and assessments pr�posed for funding the 1997 budget of the Grant Couroty Noxious Weed Board be passed. The motion car-ried. �1s there was no further business to came tae�ore the Board the session was co�tinued until December fi,1996. December 6,1996 Th� session onras continuec� at 9:00 a.m. with all o�f the Commissioners in attendance with �the Clerk of the Board. The Comrnissioners spent the rerr�ainder of the day meeting with Elected Officials and Department Heads regarding their budget proposals. As there rnras no further business to come before the Board the session was a�djourned until December 9,1996. ATTEST; � � .�,����`� �� ��it��c.� Clerk o� �; e Board ✓` B�ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY , WASHINGTON � �' �; > � ��'' �..� - . �, -