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Resolution 17-005-CC
i RESOLUTION NO. / - (���� N_ �-'�� BEFORE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY,WASHINGTON In the matter of initiating county road projects and assigning CRP numbers, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the roads listed below be improved as shown between the points indicated. These projects are hereby declared to be public necessity and the county road engineer is hereby and authorized to report and proceed thereon as by law provided.(RCW 36.75.050,36.80,030,36.80�070)(Optional References). � IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriations from the officially adopted road fund budget and based on the county � engineer's estimates are hereby made in the amounts and for the purposes shown; ; ��) �2) �3) �4) (5) (6) (�) (8) �9) ROAD NAME AND/OR ROAD coN couNn COST ESTIMATE(THOUSANDS) Ann.Const. CRP i BRIDGE NUMBER Lag No. M,P.TO M.P. WORK TRACT FORCES Engin. Construction Const.Prog. No. ' (SEECODE) R.O.W. Federal Local ItemNo, ; i i, i Beverly Burke Road Overlay 91013 0.00 7.20 A,C,E,H X $25 $1,946 $278 5 17-01 ! (SR 243 to SR 26) ' Randolph Road 45010 0.00 0,99 A,C,E,F,G,H X $50 $908 $142 17 17-02 (SR 17 to 22nd Ave) � 28-SW 10290 3.01 6.02 A,C,D, X X $70 $600 19 17-03 (At canal east of O-SW to R-SV1� I i i I 4 TYPE OF WORK CODE I ( ) (5)The construction is to be accomplished by contract � A.PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING F.CURBS&GUTI'ERS in accordance with RCW 36.77.020 et.seq. i B.RIGHT-OF-WAY G.SIDEWALKS i C,GRADING,DR4INING,SURFACING H.TRAFFIC FACILITIES (6)The construction is to be accomplished by county D.LIGHT BIT.SURF.TREATMENT I.BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION forces in accordance with RCW 36.77.060 and WAC I E.H.M.A.OR P.GC,PAVEMENT J.PATHS&TRAILS RCW 47,307 136-18 i ADOPTED this (� day of _.�',(/�/�.�C�; ;,.t-� ��.71� BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF � i i � � � �TEST �j�/�� ,l f'�1.+' (..�'�- ;iCJ /�,,,- _...._�....__. . �lerk the Board � (, � � Recommended for use in the connection with WAC 136-18-030, � For Multiple Project Initiation i � i i I O 6� r � +� 13 SW11450 a2� Q � 0 � v t- t-. N� �� � � � 15 SW10140 � a� CRP 17-8'( Beverly Burke Road MP O.t10 to 7.2t3 LECEND � ��`' a � � -� � � � Work Area � � � N � 6040i'e51lGYc�W9aPeceo�o614PO�Ce�e6tpS¢ia�AHaSaers6RBie�§4aG631¢s�II2R+�IIB�L458R�4g8&5@¢cc➢6�e9a � e � ��� z{;�r , \ :�.� // ��' \ /�/ // iy.������� \ ���/ , � ; �� � � � � . . . � . � • � . � • — � � ., . 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