HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 96-159-CCGRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington ORDINANCE NO. 96-159-CC RESOLUTION NO. 96-159-CC AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 14.04 OF THE GRANT COUNTY C011E AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; REENACTING A NEW SECTION OF THE GRANT COUNTY CODE REGULATING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, ENLARGEMENT, ALTERATION, REPAIR, MOVING, REMOVAL, DEMOLITION, CONVERSION AND OCCUPANCY OF BUILDINGS WITHIN GRANT COUNTY BY THE ADOPTION OF THE 1994 EDITIONS OF: THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, FIRE CODE, MECHANICAL CODE, ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS CODE, AND THE 1991 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND THE COLLECTION OF FEES THEREFOR; AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTTES FOR THE VIOLATIONS THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, as follows : SECTION3. 14.04.010 - 14.04.020 - 14.04.030 � 14.04.040 - 14.04.050 - 14.04.060 - 14.04.070 - 14.04.080 - 14.04.090 - 14.04.100 - 14.04.110 - 14.04.120 - 14.04.130 - REPEALER AND RE-ENACTMENT DECLARATION OF POLICY ADOPTION BY REFERENCE CODE AMENDMENTS GENERALLY UNIFORM BUILDING CODE - SECTION 107.2 AMENDED UNIFORM BUILDING CODE - SECTION 107.3 AMENDED UNIFORM BUILDING CODE - SECTION 1806 AMENDED UNIFORM BUILDING CODE - SECTION 3404 AMENDED UNIFORM FIRE CODE - SECTION AMENDED CITATION PROCEDURE PENALTIES SEVERABILITY EFFECTTVE DATE 14.04.010 REPEALER AND RE-ENACTMENT Chapter 14.04 of the County oi Grant Code, adopted by Ordinance No. 92-174-CC, on December 22, 1992, and all other ordinances and parts of �he ordinances in confliet therewith are hereby repealed in their entirety and re-enacted to read as set forth below. -1- 14.44.020 DECLARATIC7N QF PQLTCY It is hereby declared to be the policy of Grant County, (the "County") and in the public intere�t, and for the prateetion of the publie health, safety, welfare and property of the residents of Grant County ta regulate the building industry in the unincorporated areas af Grant County and regulate same, pursuant to its palice powers . 14. U4 , Q3(? ADOPTIC?N BY REFERENCE There is hereby adopted by the Board af County Commissianers of Grant County, Washington., in conforman.ce with the State Building Code Act, the follawing state codes: the Uniform Building Cade, Valumes 1, 2, 3, 1994 edition (UBC), ineluding supplements and amendznents, and the folla�nring UBC appen.dices listed by chapter and title {A}apendix Chapter 3, Division T, Detention and Correctian Faczlities; Divisian II, Agricultural Buildings, and Division IV, Graup R Division 4 Oceupanciss, Chapter 4, Division TI, Aviation Control To�nrers, and Chaptsr 29, Minim�m Plumbing Fixtures); the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 edition (UFC); the Uniform Mechanical Code and Related Star�dards, 1994 edition; and Uniform Cade far Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1994 edition; the Unifarm Flumbing Code and Relaied Standards, 1991 edition, including supplements ancl amendments and including alI the Installation Standards and including all the Appendiees, except Appendices C., E., and I., and Chapter 296-150B af the Washingtan Administrative Code, ara.d adoption of certain appendices and amendments ancl local amendments to the subjeet state eodes as hereinafter provided in this chapter, as the code of the Caun.ty af Grant far regulatirig the erection, construetion, enlargement, alteratian, repair, moving, removal, dernolition, conversion, occ�pancy, equipment, use, height, area, and rnaintenance of a11 buildings or str�ctures in the County of Grant; providing for the issuance af permits and coilection of fees therefar; and each and all af the regulations, provisions, conditions and ierm� of such codea which are an file in the affice of Grant County Planning Department / Fire Marshal are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereaf as if fu11y set out in this ordinance. One copy of eaeh of the afarementioned state code� are on file and open for inspectian by the pv�blic during narmal bus3.ness hours in the affice of the Grant County Buiiding Depariment J Fire Marshal, being marked and designated as : the Uniform Building Cade (1994 edition), incluc�ing supplements, amendments, and appendices, published by �he International Associatian of Buildin� Offacials; the Fire Resistan.ce Design Manual (13th edition, tlated April 1992}, inelu.ding; amendments, supplernents, and appendices, pu.lalished by the Gypsum Associatian; the tJnifarm Code i'or the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, �994 edition, pub7ished by the International Conferenee of Building Officials; the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 edition, published by the Western Fire Chiefs Association and the International Canference of Building Officials; the Uniform Flixrnbing Cade, 1991 editian, including arnendments, supplements and appendices, published jointly by the Internatianal Con.ference of Building �fficials and the International Association of Plumbing and Meehanical Officiais; and the Uniforxn Mechanical Code, 1994 edition, published jaintly by the International Conference af Building Officials, including supplements, amendznents and appendfees. -2- 14.04.040 CODE AMENDMENTS GENERALLY Amendments �o the state codes adopted herein are listed aecording to code reference, chapter and section as the need is intended to allow special provisions, alteration, clarification or deletions to certain sections of the uniform codes . 14.04.050 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE - SECTION 107.2 AMENDED UBC Section 107.2 is amended to provide as follows: "Permit Fees." The permit fee for each permit shall be determined from Table 1-A of the UBC. Tab1e 1-A establishes the fees for permits using a building valuation established by use of the Building Department Cost Per Square Foot Valuation Guide. Valuations are determined by cost per square foot for various occupaney uses . The valuation guide is established from �he Building Valuation Data published in the Buildin� Standards magazine by the International Conference of Building Officials, and in compliance with Sec�ion 223 of the Uniform Building Code . All fees based on the above sha11 be reduced by 25 0. Permit fees set forth in UBC Section 107.2, for UBC and HUD factory assembled structures, shall have a valuation based on $25 per square foot, or a minimum fee of $300.00. whieher is greater. UBC Section 107.2 is further amended to provide as follows: Demolition permit fees sha11 be required ior buildings or struetures demolishec� and/or removed from developed property. A permit shall be established to remove structures from the property, and property records of the Building Department and Assessor's Office. Inspection fees requirec� for demolition permits shall be $.03 per square foot or $42.00, whichever is higher. 14.04.060 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE - SECTION 107.3 AMENDED UBC Section 107.3 relating to "Plan Review Fees" as established in UBC Section 107.3, is modified as follows: Plan review fee shall be charged for Group R-3 occupancies and their accessory buildings and for Group M-3 occupancies, at one- half (1 / 2) the rate established by The UB C. Providec� in all cases that proper plans and documents necessary for processing are suppliec� to the Building Department offfce . 14.04.070 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE - SECTION 1806 AMENDED UB C Section 1806, is amended to provide ior the definition of frost line as follows : "Frost line" in Grant County is 18 inehes below the finished grade line. �� 14.04.080 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE - SECTION 3404 AMENDED UBC Section 3404, is atnended to provide as follows: All permit applications for pre-HUD factory assembled structures, must pass and show proof of a Department of Labor and Industries inspection for fire and life safety. 14.04.090 UNIFORM FTRE CODE - SECTION AMENDED UFC Article 2, Section 103 . 2.1.1, is amended to provide as follows : to the definition of "Administrator," add :"The Grant County Fire Marshal sha11 be deemed to be the "chief" for the purposes of enforcing and administering the Uniform Fire Code for all fire prevention activities set forth in UFC 103. 2.1.1, excluding subsection 2(The suppression or extinguishment of dangerous or hazardous fires .) 14 . U4 .100 CITATION PROCEDURE The procedures for issuance of a Notice of Infraction, hearings, assessments and payment of monetary penalties, shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 7.08 RCW. Hearings on Notices of Infractions issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be held in Grant County District Court. 14.04.110 PENALTIES Every person who violates any of the provisions of the codes adopted by this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay a civil penalty of not more than Three Hundred And No/100 Dollars ($300.00) for each day of violation. Every business, including without limitation, a corporation, a partnership or a sole proprietorship, that violates any of the provisions of the codes adopted by this ordinanee, shall forfeit and pay a civil penalty of not more than One Thousand And No/100 Dollars ($1,000.00) for each day of violation. 14.04.120 SEVERABILITY If any provision of this ordinance, or its application to any person, business or cireumstanee is held invalid, the remainder of the orc�inance or the application of the provisions to other persons, businesses or circumstanees, shall not be affected. 14.04.130 EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance and the rules, regulations, provisions, requirements, orders anc� matters established and adopted hereby sha11 take effect and be in fu11 force on December ,� , 1996, from and after the date of its final passage and adoption. �� NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT THE GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS adopt this ordinance, effective as set iorth herein. PASSED this day of November, 1996. ATTEST : Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY: Stephen J. Hallstrom Deputy Prosecuting Attorney PUBLISHED: 10/ /96; 10/ /96 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON �.---�----------�'�� �. Tim r, Member t ,���- Le o C. Allison;' Member -5-