HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-143-CCGRANT COUNTY dFFICE OF BQARD C}F GOUN'TY CC?NIIVIISSIC?NERS Ft9�'aT Q3FFICE 80X 37 EPHFtATA, WASHSIVGTON 9as2s . {503) 754-2011 BOARD OF COITNTY CC111IlVIISSIt3NERS GRANT CUI:tNTY, WASHII�TGT4N IltiT T'HE MATTER OF APPROVING TAE PRE- LIMINARY PLAT OF POMEROY PARK, A 10 LOT SUBDIVISION ON 12.38ACRES IN A PORTION OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 19 N. RANGE 23 E., W.M., GRANT CtJUNTY, WASHIlVGTON. RESOLUTION NQ. 96-143—CC RESOLUTION APFRCIVING A PRELIlVIINARY PLAT (33F 10 LOTS MICHAEL KNUD3EN WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Gra�.t Caunty Planning Commissian that a public hearingwas conducted on OCTOBER 2, 1996 on the mai$er of approving the Preliminary Plat of Pomeroy Pask in a paatian of the South'h of the Northwest 1/a of the Northwest �/a af Section 10, Township 19 Narth, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant County, V�iashingtan. WHEREAS, tlie Graxtt County Piauning Commission made a recommet►dation to apprave t�e Prelim'tuary Plac subject to certai� conditions of apgroval. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners held a public meeting on October 29, 1996. R�IEREAS, the Board af t�ounty Commissioners faund su�cient evidence ta uphold the conditie�ns of appsovat, findings and recommendations of the Grant County Planning Commission. �VH'EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have faund that the proponent has made appropriate provisions for drainage, roads, alleys, utilities, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, fire protectian facilities, school sites, and grounds and other public azad private facnlities and improvements. WHEREAS, the Board of Gounty Commissioners have found that the propos�d _ r subdivision does conform to the Generai purpose of the Comprehensive Plan �nd puhiic use aad in#erest wiii agparently be served by the praposal, WF�REAS, the Board of County Cammissioners have found that the proposed lot sizes aze consi�stent with the current zoning of the property. WHEREAS, the Board of Cou.nty Commissioners have found that the praposal is withiia the �ro�rosed i.aterim Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Moses Lake. NOW, THEREFC}RE, BE TT ItESOLVED, that tSie Board of County Commissiamers for Grattt County, Washington approve by this Resc>lution, a ten (10) lot subdivision for the following described property subject to the following conditions of approval. Coaditions: IEGPI_ 0�'RIPTIQJ: TF9NT PORTIC7N OF 7FE VAClfTF� 4ihCQ.N PLAT I.YIfq3 IN 7FE PORTHYEST dl�F2TER � SF�TYQ�7 1U TDYr91IP 19 1'ARiH, RMI� 28 E. Y.M. AS VAG'fE0 BY f� ��CAHlYY 3Z11SiIl�'il'W M� SUlM FWf� Af�iTH�iEST GURTER � TFE �II2TfiYESF WN:YFT1' �' SFSTSW 10 iDMP6iTP 19 PUR'iH, RMGE 2B F.AS{', V_M., C�FtANi Ca[liTY, Y+tSiSMsi1N. �.AIBE{I JVS FDLtBBftS: .. ...� - ,- 1. Development shall be in complisnce with the Growth Management Act, The Cauaty Wide Pl�nning Policies, The Washington State Environmental Policy Act, � the Grant County _ Comprehensive Plan, the Grant Counry Zaning lJrdinance, the Grant Caunty Shorelines Master Program, the Grant County Resource Lands and Crifiical Areas Ordinance, and ali applicable locat, state arid federal environmen#ai standards, regulations, ruiings ar requirements. 2- 3- �t C�vn� ��e �aw e ��le �� ���xe C°�e �� A�fo � �e 1� d�� oiC� � atn�`J � c st�a� �o�41y B�� C� � ���� ieso� ;�pedi ��-�istosi eFs°'�� d�e��f �� ot ��10� Ide�el° of Ascha�Olo� � ae�� � ve site�S� a�d the 5ta� O�� tb g�` v� ��icats� �, sb �ew���°n ���ty � a��e�t of If �9 ��1 tx+�ction � azsd bY the �ti n Sta�D�P t�ot f���e C ��{�.esa'��n ��ne�� e�Nas� �,cl�ing� �1� gu��. � �esecN�°n� to a11 x��jem�metit °�= cant� ��oit�i� �' dW AC 2`�' 2�2, �"sit � ect e a yaa� s�' an e psO�'sa1W ��gtan 5� �� at�d �° �allufing w� gtanc�=c1s 4 � ct, the ��ra�e � Disa�at� dQ,�ates � �ealthieS � 90•4C4$� 201A� G��� �. li�`� �d�ids� WA �,,.i�s��adon�� ��atia� °�i° a���°it, 5 w�e 5Y��• �t Colum,biaB� t����g nba�-�e�ent se4 sh°`� � �alp1a �Dlst Coa,�C`J ��p�at sh� om � e £ C�.A1 � i��s ��g� , u�iem�� �� the G�n t 5 A po� sva11� � thaB ��iga�°n� ��ly �.tti � xen 6, .,��� �t �;olumb d�s �e co��� asici �ie P=O'� �SD P ��t. � '1 pv,bliC�° 1g96, � d f�e�oasd of � A'1'�S� � C�� . � °F'�, c1aY . s .�----, ,�one t1N� c � � ,�` _—�" � n�s�°ne� Co C��' � ���d �C�,���y,w�b'r►�t°° Con.`'at''��� °� G�' C��"ss