HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 96-148-CC� GRANT COUNTY OFFiCE OF BOARD OF COUNT�' COMMISSIONERS POST OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA. WASHINGTON 9as23 (509) 754-2011 BOARD OF COUIVTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUIVTY WASHINGTON d IN THE MATTER OF GRANT COUNTY WASFIINGTON ADDING A NEW SECTION TO THE GRANT COUNTY ZONING ORDIIVANCE; SECTION 10 TO SECTION V "A (AGRICULTURE)"(B.) OF THE GRANT COUNTY ZONING ORD(NANCE. ORDINANCE NO. 96-148-CC WHEREAS, By order of the State of Washington Growth Management Hearings Board for Eastern Washington, Grant County has taken steps to bring the County into compliance with the Growth Management Act; and, s WHEREAS, The Board of Counfy Commissioners of Grant County Washington intends to fully comply with the Washington State Growth Management Act; and, WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County Washington adopted Resolution No. 96-108-CC entitled, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING GRANT COUNTY'S PLAN FOR CONTINUED COMPLIANCE WITH THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT; and, WHEREAS, Said resolution stipulates that, the County wi(I adopt effective and adequate ordinances or amendments to existing ordinances, to prevent lot spin-offs, Iand segregation's, exemptions, and other variances �hat contribute to urban sprawl in rural areas of Grant County; and, WHEREAS, Proper notification, has been provided and subsequen# Public Hearings have been held by the Grant County Commissioners in order to provide the opportunity for public participation in the process of adding a new Section 10 to SECTION V"A (AGRICULTURE)"(B.) of the Grant County Zoning Ordinance; and, Doc�.Doc 1/3 � WHEREAS, A Public Hearing was held and action taken on Tuesday, November 5, 1996 by the Board of County Gommissianers regarding adding Section 10 to SECTION V"A (AGRICULTURE�"(B.� of the Grant County Zoning C�rdinance in the Board Qf County Commissioners Hearings Room located at the Grant County C�urt House, Ephrata WA, at which time any person or persans where ailowed to appear and be he�rd either for or against the proposal to add Section 10 to SECTION V"A (AGRlCULTURE�n(B.� Qf the Grant Gounty Zoning Qrdinance; which reads as follows: B. �o - Purpose: It is the purpose of this section to set standards �o provide continued proiec�ion of property used far agricultural production in the Agricultural zoning district af Grant Count}r. it is intended that the provisions of this Section are fio be adap�abie to the farming community in order to avoid unnecessary hardships to fihase involved in the production of agriculture and in order to maintain, preserve, conserve and othenrvise contin�e in existence adequate land for the production �f food and fiber craps throughaut Grant �ounty. � B. �IO. A- Provisions for Residen�iai and Non-resideniiat Agricultural Strucfiures: In the Agricultural zoning district a provisian for the creatian of nevv lots vf less than farty (40} acres is often necessary in order to pravide for siructures which are integrai ta farming activities. These . structures are sometimes necessary to enable the farmer to continue agricultura! or farming production on the land, or can be necessary in arder fo�- fhe farmer to expand agricultural produciion, or can be necessary to prc�vide for ffexibiiity ta aiiow the fiarmer to adapt to changes for on going farming activity on agricultural farm iand in Grant County. in order to provide for residential or non-residentia! structures which are allowed in the agriculturaf Zoning District, a Short Plat in compliance with 58.i7 R.CW, can be used to create three (3) additiona( Iots of iess than for�y (40) acres. The mu(tiple parceis of land created pursuant to this section shal! ae contiguaus and shall be devoted primari6y to the praduction of livestock or agr�cultura! commodities, on "farm and agricultural land" as is described in (84.34.020 (2} RCW as amended ) . B, 10. B. - Land Divisions in the Agriculture Zone: A!1 applica�le Short Subdivisions created pursuant to this section shall be submitted ta the Jurisdietional Irrigation District and to the Bureau of Reclamaiion pursuant to 58.17.310 RCW by the subdivider for review and approval . Qoc7.Doc 2/3 B. 1 Q. C. - f�estrictions 1. Lo# area #�ec�uired: �0 acres ur�less a provided under �ection B, 8 and Sec�ion B.10, 3. Shall be no subdivisian �f land for housing purposes ather than as provided by �ectian B. 8 and B. 1 a. DC}NE THiS. 7 2�, DAY C�F Nov�mber 1996. � ATTEST: of #he Board APPRCtVED AS TO Ft�RM: Prosecuting Attorney J� e �,� Tim Snead, Chairrnan .:i ��=>< �,� �' � Helen Far�cher, �Comm�ssioner t �eroy AIlison, Commissioner r The Grant Caunty Board of Couniy Commissianers D4C7.DOC 3t3