HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-134-CC� :`!�'1�1 � i 1 i t ' , i .� ,� �. . � . �" � RESOS�UTIONNt11ViB�R 96-134—GC A RESC?LUT`I4N reJ.atzng ta the transfer of funds within the 1996 budget of �he CTT£R7EZENT EXPENSE FUND # 001, JUVENILE UEPT. # 1i7 WF-IEREAS, it Izas been brought to the attention ofthe Baard of Grant Gommisszoners that it zs necessary to transfer funds within the current budget of the above-named County Departments in the amounts enumerated belaw; and G�7�IEREAS, there is na expenditure of funds not previously budgeted but a transfer pursuam to R.C.W. 36.40.10� and County and State auditing pxacedures, NC}aV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED B'Y THE BC}ARL� OF COiTN'TI� COMMISSIONERS af G.RANT Ct�tTNTY, STAT� OF WASHINGTON, ihat the follavving transfers within the current budgei are hereby made: 199b BUDGET OF THE �:T.TR}.2ETN EXPEN�E F'UNl7 # 001. FROM � ACCC1UNfi NT.JMBER AMOUNT ACC()UNT NUMBER JUVENILE DEPT. # 117 508.Oa.00 ENDiNG FLFND BALANCE $1,270 52'7.6Q31A0 OFFICE & OPBRSUPPLIES $I30 527.60.4100 PROF.SERVICES $100 52'1.60.44,00 ADVERTISING �1,504 'TO RE-ALLOCATE ENDING FUND BALANCE FC+R UNANTICI]'ATED COST'S FOR THE CQMMUNITY ACCOUNi'ABII,ITY BC?ARI} EXPENSES. This resolutioz� zs in the best znierest af good gavernn�ent and shail take effect im�mediately upon passage_ I>onetiiis fith day of Qctober,I99b ---- ATTES'T: 4J � � ��d,..��t- ��l✓e Clerk o� � e Board �' Chairmar� � ���� r... Board of Caunty Commissioners Grant County, Washingion . _ /" F C'jRAI�!`f CO�JIOITY �U�/Ef�l1LE PO�O�ATIt�P�) +C�E�►ARTMEl�JI` �U�E(�10(� �OUl�T of TN� �TATE C�F WAS�-i1�1C�TOf� t�ctober 1, 1996 Board of Cozn�missianers Gr�nt County C�urthouse PO �3ox 37 �phrata, V6�A 98823 Re: Budget Extension i�ear Commissioners: GR[G A. GRAMMER � AdMItYI5TfZATCiR Cl� �UVfNI�E CC�URT SEitV10E5 HonoRnbte EVAN E. SPERLWE, Judqe HorvnRnbte KENNETN L. 10RGENSEN, Judcie HorvaRable JAMES R. BROWN COURT CpMMiSSiONER Earlier this year (se� attached capy af F�b�uary 27 ietter} I requested $1,000 be added to our budget to provide suppiies and miscellaneous services for the �iversion Unit in our department to create Cammunity Accountabiiiiy Boards in the communities of Grant County. These boards will actively handle diversian caseloads for each of their resp�ctive commuz�ities. My request was not approved totally, due to the request for an appreciation banquet. far these valunteers. it was not totally denied either. In lookin,� back, I cannot locate yaur approval for this funding with the stipulation tY�at none of the fixnds be used fo� such a banquet. At this tizxie, 1 am respectfully requesting that $1,500 be ad��;d to our budget to cover past and iuture expenscs far the Diversion CAS Boards. "T"o da�e, th,e Diversion Unit has braught in revenue tataling $4g250. Their expen�es have com� ta approxunately $1,Q75 with only ane com�leted bc�ard operati�g in I1�oses Lake. 'Tl�ree more boards will be trained and ogerating by the �:nd of October. This will create more e�penses ta accommodate each lacation with the necessar�y supplies. Your unmediate attention to this matter is appreciated. � ,; � Sin ly, .�--� � �_�_ _ _/ ; vv�._Q. � ,�t � - Greg A. Grammer, Administrator .�=�� .{�-��, ,,,�,��� -� � �� Att�chment �(, l U�v�'"�"�'� . � � r� ✓ �' � 1�v`�"' � �, �j. � � . Baard of County C mmissianers: !._-----�--�- r' . ; . ,� , i.'l .�t � �_ {. c_�E__r^ r' Chairma� �, . , --�__ � 'f � ��- �f �/r � . � i' .i'± ,::� � Pcasr Of�ic� Bax 81f3 a Epllizar.a. WhSI-lINC�-fG7N 98�323 -('SC7�) 7�4-2Qi1. Exr. 35C1 GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE PROBATION DEPARTMENT �o Box $18 BPHRATA, WA 98823 TO: Bob Masher I 'i � Marilee Griffith October 1, 1996 Transfer oi Cammunity Accountability Board Expenditures ; The commissioners have approved $1,500 to be added to our budget far Community ,t�ccountaf�ility Board expenses. Flease add the foliawing amounts to the belasN det�ailed accounts. 1. Supplies S�i.60.31.OQ $1,270.00 2. �rofessional Services 527.60.41.00 $130.00 3. Publishing 527.60.44.00 100.U0 �'lease malt:e the following changes in the appropriate Juvenile Department accounts to r�flect costs incurred by Diversion Team for Community Accountabi]ity Baards: A. Voucher #221537, Febrt�ary �, 1996, $ 79.3�, Miscellaneous Ofiice Supplies Vaucher #221551, February l�, 1996, $ 38.15, Caffee Pot for Moses Lak� Of�ce Voucher #221557, Febrt�ary 22, 1996, $Id6.45, Tmprinted Pens Vouche� #22156�, ��bruary 22, 1996, $ 1�.48, Sales Tax on Pens Vc�ucher #22i583, March 8, 2996, $188.I3, Diversion Fc�ra�c�s Voucher #22%584, March 8, 1996, $ 29.45, Traizun� Supplies .._5��„ G,7,� CRICDIT � BARS C�DE 1�►�(�lil�� A. Office Suppties 527.60.31.01 $ 514.04 "I'�ii AL F'ISOM $ 514.U4 -� "- � A. Diversion-CAB Bxpenses .;� � BAIZS Ci�i)E 527; G0.31.00 f:j►��.�1i1��11 $ 514.04 , TQT�L� TO $ 514.Od `i'l�a��lc you, . t. . � � � .. � � ._ . .. � .. ,. �%:w * :� � : � . � � �. ~ � �* ,�: � :� �� ... � `. 1 ...,. .� �� �. .�_ . _ ..� . � -. F�'i1I'!l� 2'7, ���FJ Board o�' Co�aissianers Grant Caun.ty Courthause PO Bo.c 37 �phrata, WA 98823 IZ.e: I�iversian Handlin� �xpenses I�ear Commissioners: -. s.. 1 .. � .• ". •. .�. • •�..• . �«� .•...• ,a�. : �•' .♦. ♦ ,.♦ i _ _ �r . _ _ _ .L,� � The Juvenile i7epartm�nt is currently maki�ag a chan�� iu� the handling of diversion cases, The diversion counselors have screened and t�ained approximately 20 voiulnteers to act as Communzty Accountability Boards to txandle diversion cases. With this ch�n�e, the department wili request a f�� for these sexvic�s from tbe a£fender. We estzmated � the 2996 Revenue pz�oposal that approxirnately $$,754 wi11 be r�alized from t�us source. At th� presezit, the diversion unit has s�ent approx�tely $SOQ %r miscellaueous nzaterials in asseffiblin� training manuals and getting this pro�ram initiated. More expenses are antici��at�d as az� ."apFreciatic�n" ba�quet will be scheduled in the fut�ure. I ar.� respectfully requestizl� that an accou�t be added to our 1996 Budget tc� accoanmodate these ex�ens�s, Since we hav�: no� assigned a projecL number f�r such aa� ac�aunt, it will be necessary co locate an appro�ariate accaunt f�r thes� expenses. Would it be possible to use an open "suppiies" ac�ount suc:h as 31.E�}? We estimate that th�;si�m of $1,00Q shc�uld be adequate foz these purposes at this time. '�'har�k�Ypn far your cons'i���tion regarding this znarter. l '� /'� Sincerely, ' ', . • �� r �'�' f w.....A�" r�r.�.�"� �.,.�� �., �, �� o ''�.;,.�.��_..--_ v C�reg A. Crammer, Administrator � Board of Couzaty Commissianers: Chairman �05T �f1Ck �.3�C3X r! • �¢�-iRATA. 1WRSi�t1N�7QN �1�$�'i • (',5Ci4) 714-,���7. �XT. :f5�