HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-136-CC�« � * ..�� :� `''` •; s' �� * RESOLUTI�?N 1e1�7h�I3ER 96-136-CC . A RES�LUTIQAi a,uthorizing an appropriation and expenditure of func�s �or ihe �ollouaing department %fund : .7„VPn;1e Facilities Construction Fund ��302,Dept.��001 ,togethe�' with a budget there- fc�re, pursuant to RCW 36.40.I40. WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of tt�E� I3oard af County Commissianers of Grant �ounty that emergency con�itions require that a� appropriation and exp�ndi�ure of fu�ads bf� auth- o��zed for t�e above-��entianed ciepartrraen�/f�tnd, toget�er wath a �udget ther�for; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCt� 36.�O.I40, Resolutian No. 96-126-CC was du�y adopted on September 16,1996 ,and published in the Grant Cou�.ty Journal 011 9/26&10/3/96 declaring an emergency and s�ating the-facts constituting the emergency and the estimated ar.�ount of funcis required tQ meet it, togeth�r with a rsotice of public hearing, and saiei puk�iic hearing was held thereon �here interesied persons wer� allowed to appear and be heard; NO�, 7CIiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T�iE BOARD OF COUNTY C0�4t��IS- � SIO�tERS OF GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTOI�, that an appropriation anci expendi�ure of �unds �s hereby authorized for the following aepartment/fund: Juvenile Facilities Const.Fund ��302,Dept.��001 in the total sum of $ 600,000 accordin� to t�e attacheci budget. This res�lut�on is in the best inierests of goad gc�vernment and sha31 take ei�ect immeciiately upon its passage. is�NE TH�S 8th �#3,�Y p€ October , fq_°� ,1�iE5i: � � .�l�,.f ;/ � f� �� �� Clmr#c oQ th� �ord R-3 �,� . ...4...n.. � -.�.,.... Commisaioaer 7 Commissianmr �ortstitu4ing th� 8oacc$ o$ Coun�y Coar��isissioa€¢ars ts$ Gran4 GounYy, �ashingfoas � �� � . .� �.. .w.�. �� .. . C�RANT COUf�1T)/ �ju��n�ilE p�obA-rioN d�p,�r�Tfvt�n+,r � �i: i; `' ` .� � � � � � �� . ; ;� �, G�rant County Commissioners Tim Snead, Chair L�roy Allison Helen Fancher From: Greg A. Gramm��r, Administrator G�rant C'.ounty Juvenile Court � GREG A. GRFlMIMER Adr�n+tsr�►Tcm aF Juv�wN� Gau�r Scavk�s hlalloa�bt� �VVAN E. �FtLINE, Je�d�E t KENi+d�H L. J�lFtC��1VSEl�. Ju�e J�lIO�tES B�. F34�OWP1 Caa�r��r �Ccxw�s$Ic��� 09/09/96 Re: Budget Appropriation - Capital Projects Constructiori Fwnd £or Phase III Expansion ,� G u RR� nl7" F xp ��s��, .�ro�..�, ��' •..r, I am requesting an appropriation of $586,850.00 from th��.�iv�.��Fund for the canstxuc,tion of Phase III expansion of the Juvenile Court and Youth Sezvices Center. This funding appropriation is based on the followin.g estimated exp�nditures: � A. Surveying costs B. Two (2) Parking lots with a tota� of 50 stalls (includes site preparation) C. Added square footage, n�w of�ces = 1650 s.f, and new Cpurtroom & office = 1340 s.f., total of 2990 s.f. D. Architectural/Bnginesring fees, from State Guidelines for Basic Service I'ees E. Construction contingency (use 10%) F. State Sales Tax, �% of conshvction costs G. Landscaping H. Fu.rnishings I. Equiprnent J. Miscellaneous casts: Testing, Printing of Bid Docucnents, Remodeling 7,500.00 ,'�/ � �� � � 40,000.00 �/3� 2� �5�� $3ss,000,00 �//.�"��� � s i,soo,00 C �'� v � $ 43,250.00 G5% 5�� `��F;�8�:9fl �.� $ 2,500.00 C `~� � �-- $ �,soo.00 6s,.z/ $ 7,SOO.OU (� S', �`� $ 7,500.00 � S� � G �s z� �s��,sso. `' ��, �v Note: The appropriatiari stated above is the budge;t amount to ehe completion of tlie project over rnore than one buciget year and does not reflect the estimated expenditures exclusively f4r the year 1996. Date: � � %`� C; _ .., � ... .� .,....�•_..,s� Tim Sn�ad, Chaii• Leroy Al�i��n �/ , /�/�' " /�" �/' r';-�, ' �"-^ � ?�-_ .: �-�`..f. - %'�'..-� �,, �-/%' . , � r' , ._ �Helen �'ancher �S,Gz. F'osr OfF�cE B�x 5@�g��s�a�a-�a. ��,�.s�-s!N .c�.,Y�a�a °���2'� � f5C)�') '�v°�p:�f�ll. Ex�r, 3��� p R2: RESOLUTION WORKSHEET JUVENILE FACII,ITIES CONSTRUCTION FUND # 302, DEPT. # 001 AMOUNT OF : $600,000 123: JUVENILE FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION FUND # 302, D�PT. # 001 SiIM OF: $600,000 ATTACHMENT TO RES. 96-136-CC JUVENILE FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION FUND # 302, DEPT. # 001 APPROPRIATIONS: CAPITAL PROJECT -CONSTRUCTION OF JUVENTLE FACILITIES FURNISHINGS 594.27.65.21 LANDSCAPING 594.27.65.22 TESTING 594.27.65.23 REMODELING 594.27.65.26 EQUIPM�NT 594.27.65.64 A & E FEES 594.27.65.41 CONTINGENCIES 594.27.65.48 MISCELLANEOUS 594.27.65.49 PROF. SERVICES 594.27.65.51 BUILDINGS 594.27.65.62 IMPROVE.OTHER THAN BUILDINGS 594.27.65.63 SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 508.00.00.00 TOTAL FINANCING SOURCES OPERATING TRANSFER-IN, CURRENT EXPENSE TOTAL EXPLANATION 397.00.01.00 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN ORDER TO PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL JUVENILE DETENTION FACILITIES 7,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 7,500 51,500 43,250 2,500 8,100 415,800 43,200 586,850 13,150 $600,000 $600,000 $600,000