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1�Feek af Uctober 7,1996
The Grar�t County Cc�mmissioners session was called to order by
Chairman Tim �nead ai 9:�0 a.m. AI! o# th� Cr�mmissioners were in
attendance vv6ih the Clerk of the Board.
The Cc�mmissisaners read and appro�red the minutes of the
preceding sessi�n as �rvr�tten.
Th� Commissicaners appro�red the starting salary of Davvn
Gampbet� of the Sheriff's t7ffice at $1,�32.80 per r�onth, effeciive
t'�ctober 15,1996,
The Commissioners approved the stariing salary o� MJ F�sk of �Ehe
Sheriffs C)ffice at $1,532.SQ per manih, effective C?ctober 7,199G.
The Comm�ssianers approved the Request for Transfer af funds
in ihe �urrent Expens� �und #001, Capital �utiay Depar��nent #94'i in
the amvunt af $2,'15Q,
The Com►nissioners apprc�ved ihe request by the Planning
Department for �ihe purchase of a►ne Compaq Deskprv-Mo�tei 5120 in �he
amvunt e�f $2277.40.
The Commissioners approved the salary 6ncrease o� JaAnne
Francis a� the Interfund Corrrrnunica#ions Deparim+�nt to ihe salary
designa�ed far the Switchboard Llperator �osition, effe�iive Ctc�ab�r
The Ct�mmissioners ap�ar�ved ihe loan frvm Gounty General Fund
�% the Roya[ School Districi #1f4.
The Commissioners a�proved the request by the Couniy Assessar
to hir� a new employee Dec+��nber '1,199fi to begin tra�nin� �r� fill the
positi+�n which will be vacant in Aprf1 1997 due to the retiremeni of
Mar� Starr.
The Gommission�rs �eceived a Summons and Complaint frorn
KRElV{ Ti/, a division of �Cing Braadcasting �ampany, Tt�rr� Grant and
Josh Sands. The mafiter was referr�c! ta #he Prasecuting Attorney for
The Garr�missio�ers signed th� Payro�l UU�rrants List #808'IS
through #8�i�79 for #he month of September,
A moti�n v�ras made i�y Cc�mrnission�r Fancher, seconded by
CommissionerAllison that Reso(ution Ntamber 96-�134-CC relating #o the
transfer c�f funds within the '�996 bucfget af the Current Expense �und
#001, Juveni�e Department #1�7 in the amaun� of $�1,500 be passed.
The motion carried.
�s there was no further busin��s to come befare the Baard the
session w�s crantinued until October 8,�1996.
t�ctob�r 8,199fi
The sessic�n was coniinu�d at 9:�0 a.m. w6tn all of ihe
Cornm�ssioners in attendanGe with the G��rk mf the Board.
T'h� Cvmmis�ianers mei wiih the Public 1t�iorks Director regarding
Resolution-Road Vacation Hearing, R�rad tssues-Pre-Budget,19�7 Road
Program and Advisc�ry Cornmi�tee.
A motion was made by Gommissioner Al�ison, secondecf by
Cammissianer Fancher th�t Resol�iion �iumber 9�-�135-�C setting a
Public Hearing for Norremb�r °t2,199� at �1°1:�0 a.m. regarding the
possible vacation c►f certain Counfy �oads be passe�d. The motion
A Pubii� Hearing was held and a motion was mrade by
Commissinner Fancher, sece�n�ed by Cc�rnmissian�r ANison that
Resolu�ion Number 9f-13G-CC authorizing an appropriatic�n and
expenditure of funds forthe Juvenile Facilities Can�truciion Fund #3�2,
Depar�m�nt #O�i ir� the amvunt vf $60Q,�0a b� passed. The ma#�vn
A Pubtic Heari�g was h�td rega�ding [ang�aage found in the Grani
Caunty �oninc� Ordinance and the Shnrt Piat C�rdinance per�aining to
exempi land clivisions. After public commeni and carefui +ccansideratior�
a m�tian was made by Cc�mmissioner Fancher, seconded by
CommissiQner ,A,i[ison thai a nev�r ��ction to tF�e ShQri F�lat t�rdinanceg
desigr�ated as 5ec�ion 42 be adopted as amended to remflve the v�rord
••al#" frvm �the statement "comply �riih "all" requirements", ar�d include
the word "federai" in the sta%ment of ""applicable Ivc�i, staie c�r
"federat" iaws". The motion carried. A#urther mc�tion was made by
Commissioner Fancher to cantinue �his meeting until C3ctober 2�,�199�
at 2:00 p.m. ta consider furth�r �ssues in these ma�ters. After
discussian +�f the moii+an, a mation was made by Comm�ssion�r
Aiiison, seceanded by Com�n�ssior�er Fancher to �m�nd th� motion tc�
state ihat the hearinc� be continued to the date of t7ctober 29th ai 2:Q��
p.rn. to further discuss the possibl� rescindir�g of Exemption (7�,
Section it c��the ShQri Pfat t�rdinanc� and tanguage within Section 5{B}
�8� �f the Zoning 4rdinanc� reiating to segr��a�tian c�f any own+�r-
+occupied res�dence lo+cated with�n ihe agricutture district atle�w�ng a
segregation "once every five years", with a further c+�n�Einuati4n date ta
be set on the Uctober 29ih daie io ta�e action vn the Gonsideratian to
adc�pt a new sectivn tv the G�ant �Caunty Zaning Cvde designa�ed 8.1�.
�and divisions. The motion carried.
A mat�on was made by Connmissioner At�ison, secandec# by
Car�missioner Snead �at R�salution Number 96-�3'7-CC in �he ma�tter
of changing the zoning from Suburban A�gr�culture to Suburban-2�2.5
rr�inimum iot size} in the We�t Ha�f of fihe V�test Haif of Seciic�n 8,
Tc�wnship 2� North, Range 29 East,�.M. requesied by Verlyn Cole and
�haries Jackson be passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners appraved the requesi by Dorathy Alvarada of
the Prosecutors C}fFice to extend her Famiiy Le�ve Act time aff' ta
November 1,'199�.
Th� Cammissivners approved the salary increase af �obert
GuerrerQ of ihe �heriffs Departme�t tQ $2,12Q per month efF'ect,ive
l�eavember �1,�199G.
The Commissioners apprvved the saiar� increase of �11ar�
fiiohlman of the SMer�iffs Dep�r�timent ta �'E,fi70.4� p�r month +e�f'e+c�i�re
Navember 1,'[99fi»
The Cornmiss�vners appro�red �he request by the Juv�nile
Prc��atiun Departmeni to increase their budgei by $9,3�12 to meet the
cost of saiar� and benefits for the hiring of one deteniic�n counse[or far
th� remainder of the �! 99fi year.
As of this date the Baard by a�najc��i�y vate dQes apprnve for
payment of vou�hers fil�d in the Audiiors t�ffifice 9�17I96 in the tatal
amaunt e�f $381,853,99.
As ihere was no fu�ther business to cc►me b�fc�re the Board the
�ession was adjaurned untii {�ctaber 'i�,�1996,
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Cierl�ft�' thE' BOa � �'' �' �
Chairmar�,... '
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