Week of Septerr�ber 30,'! 996
ihe Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman Tim Snead. All of the Commissioners were in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the
preceding session as written.
The CommBssioners received the resignation of Orin B.
Luddington as a member �of the Plannin� Commission effective
September 23,1996 .
The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of funds
in the Grant County Fairgrounds Department #158, Fund #116 in the
amount of $27,614.44.
The Commissioners receivet� a summons and complaint from
Tamie E. Ferral. The matter was referred to ihe Prosecuting Attorney.
The Commissioners heid a Public Meeting on the request for a
time extension from November 791996 to November 7,1997 on the
approved Prelirr�inary Plat known as "Winchester Estates, a 51 lot
subdivision located on approximately 145 acres in a porEion of the
Sautheast Quaa�ter of Section 11, Township 20 North, Range 25 East,
W.M. requested by Rosemary Oenrsley. A rnotion was made by
Comrnissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Fancher to uphold
the Planning Cornrnission recommendation of approval on the one year
time extension. The motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the
session was continued until October 1,1996.
October 1,1996
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the
Commissioners tn attendance with the Clerk of the �oard.
The Corramissioners metwith the Public Works Direc�tor regarding
Resolution-R�ad Advisory Committee, Haul Road Agreement-WSDOT,
Road 1/acation Petition-Trinidad Vicinity, Road Vacation Petition-
Westshore D�ive Vicinity, Quote Authorization Well Abandonment,
Stratford Road-R/R Crossing, Patton/22nd Intersection.
The Cammissioners signed the Authorization to Call for t�uotes
on the Sand Hollow Bluff Well Cap Project. Quotes to be submitted no
later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, October 18,1996.
A motion was made by Cornr�issioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner AIlison that Resolution Number 96-132-CC, Notice of
Hearing on Vacation of Certain County Roads be passed. The Hearing
to be held at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 29,1995. The motion
A rnotion was made by Co�nmissioner Allison, seconded by
Commissioner Fancher that Resolu�ion Number 96-�133-CC in the matter
of establishing a County Road Advisory Committee to provide input on
the improvement of Grant County Roads be passed. The motion
The Commissioners approved a request by the Grant County
Juvenile Probation Departmen# for the amount of $1,500 to be added
to their budget to cover past and fuiure expenses for the Diversion
CAB Boards.
The Cornmissioners approved the request by the Planning
Director to hire a part time/temporary secretarial position in the
Planning Department ai the wage of $8.00 per hour.
The Commissioners signed fhe Mitigated Determination of Non-
significance on the Preliminary Plat Application submitted by Maysae
Norisada-West Meadows, to create an eighty two lot subdivision on a
ninety-nine acre parcel in the su�urban two zone. The proposed
project will be served by individual on-site sewage disposal systems
and individual wells.
The Commissioners received the resignation of Richard Roybal
of the Solid 1�Vaste Department, effective October 1,1996.
As of this daie the Board by a majority vote does approve for
payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors
Department 9/30/96 in the total amount of $2�7,060.24.
The Cora�missioners approved the request by ihe Prosecuting
Attorney for the purchase of a new laser printer and a new computer.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the
session was acljourned until October 7,199fi.
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