Week of September 23,1996
The Grant County Cor�missioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman Tim Snead. All of the Commissioners were in
attendance with the Clerk of the Boar�f.
The Commissioners read and appro�red the minutes of the
precedirag session as written.
The Cornmissioners approved the salary increase of Brenda
Larsen of the Juvenile Probation Department to $1,814.40 pe� month
effective S�pt�mber 1,1996.
The Comrnis�ioners approved the beginning salary o�f Penny
Womack of the Assessors Offi�e at $1901 per month effective
Noveonber 1,1996.
The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds
in the Juv�ni6e Department in ihe amount of $3,896.
The Cor�missioners approved the beginning salary of Sab�-ina
Strong of the Assessors Office at $1s90 per month effective October
The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds
in the Co�per�ative Extension Department in the arnount of $14,500.
Chairman Snead was authorized to sign the Employee Assistance
Prograrr� Contract Extension, and the Optional Service Enhanc�ment
for the Legal Gonsult Line.
A continuation of Public Illleeting on the Chris Matheson
Preiirr�inary Plat request for a subdivision of 13 lots on approximately
71.02 acres. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded
by Commissioner Allison to accept the revised Preliminary Plat with �Ehe
roac! on the East baundary and ad�pt findings 1 and 2 and conditions
proposed by the Planning Corr�mission . The motion carried.
A�ublic Hearing was h�ld and a rnotion was made by
Commissioner Allison, secondet� by Cornmissioner Fancher that
Resolution Number 9fi-128-CC aa�thorizing an appropriation and
�xpenditure af funds in the \leterans Assistance Fund #104, Departrnent
#14fi in the amount of $�,000 be passed. The motion carried.
�4 rnotion was made by Gommissioner Allison, seconded by
Corr�missioner Fancher that Resolutioa� Number 9fi-129-CC, Ordinance
IVumber 95-129-CG in the mafter �f de�ignating the lnterirr� Urban
Growth Area f�r the Gity of Grand Goulee be passed. The rnotion
' A mcrt�e�n was made by Comr�issioner Ailison, seconded by
C,ommiss"ss�n�r Fancher ihat Resolution Number 9fi-13U-CC, Glydinance
i�;umber 9s-�13�-CC in the ma�ter of designating the Interim Urban
Growfih �rea for �h�e City a►f Soap La;ke be passed. The motion carried.
� A motion was made by �e�r�missioner� Aiiisan, seconcied by
C'ommissic�ner Fancher that Resolution Number 9B-�f31-CC, C3rdinance
Number 9�-13'1-C� in the mat�er of designating �he lnterim Urban
Gcr�wth Area fc+r ti�e Town of Il�attawa be passed. The motion �arried.
As ��ere was na f�riher business to c�m� befarre the Board �he
session �nras continued until Septer�b�r 24,19�6.
September 24,199G
The Commissioners sess�a►n was cont�nued at 9.�4 a,m. with ai!
of ihe Gom�nissior�ers in a#�endan�e with the C1erk c�f the Board.
The Commissic�ners metwith the Pubi�c 1Norks Director regarding
Rap Agreement-Sagebrush Flats, B�idge No. 241 �90 NE}-Guardrai[, f�oad
Advisory Commitiee�Draft}, 1t�hi% Trail Ro�d-Pubtic Cnformatian,
Personne!-Educat�vnal Expenses, 't't:4� Vertyn Gote & Phi[ Bloam.
The Cr�mm�ssioners received ceriificatian th�t the Airway Driv�
project �nras buil�t in accordan�e wi�h the pians and spectfcaiions, and
�that af1 maierials in�vrporated in�o #he projec� m�� con�raci
The ��mmissioners rece�v�d cer�i�icaiion ihat Bridge #24�t, 'M` NE
Raad project was bu�lt in a�ccrrdan�e v��th the plans and specifications,
and �hat a11 ma�eria�s �ncorpvra�ed 'rnt,v the project mei cc�ntract
A Pubiic Meeting was held regarding the Edv�rin L. Jvhnson
request far an amendment #o the apprvved 'Bedrock' P�anned R3nit
DeveE�pment, a 35,4i acre 94 iot rrr�anu�factured home subdivisiQn
between Soap �ake and Ephraia c�n State Highway 28 �n a pariion of
Sectic�n 2, Township 21 N., Range 2� Easi, 't�1.�111. A moiion was nr�ade
by Cvmrraissianer Fancher, s�canded by Cammissioner Ailison to set
th� matter for Pubtic Hear�ng t�ctaber �15,'#99G at 1:30 p.m. The mativn
As of �his date the BQard b� a majority vote do�s approve for
payment those v�uchers included in ihe l�si �led in the Audiiars Q�ce
9l2319fi an the totat amaunt o€ $GG9,�71.39.
The Commissioners signed the Pubiic VlCorks Payroii Jaur�ai for
�he month of September in fihe total arnount o� $�49,G96,05.
The Gammissi�►ners heid a cvntinuation af Public Hearing on the
W�si NleadQv�s SEPA appeai, A moi��rn was made by �omm�ss�aner
Fancher, seconded by Commiss�oner�►Ilison tv appro�� the new NtDNS
with 15 mitigation i#ems, with #3 to re�f�rence Public Works comments,
##� to referenc� Dt7�E comments, #8 ic, re�erence Dr. Georg� Maddox
commentss #9 to siate that ii is subject ta negoti�tions wi#h the Health
Depar�ment and ihe Develaper. V�idth changed to 3 feet instead of 4
feei as recommended in Gec�rge 11�iaddr�x letter y'�" of September 22,
#70 to remove the reference to MD1�S recorded an Plat to read 1VIQNS
te be attached ta the Plat, �15 tca �n�iude the authority in RC1i� �8.17.
�eparafe findings of fact wilt b� issc�ed. The rYta#ion carried. The
deveioper ct�ncUrs with the new �t[L�PI� rnitigation items.
The Gornrnissioners approve¢� the request for out of Sta�e trave!
for Deput� Kim Cook of the Sherf€�'s Office for an extradi�ion.
The Gommissianers signed the Public '�1for�ks Clairns Fund
Voucher Approval #9-9 through #9-4 in the toial amount of $385,fi7�1,88.
As �her� was no furiher be�siness to came before ihe Bo�rd �he
session was adjourned unii� Sept�mber 30,'t99f.
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Clerk o�F e Boar�' � ,�
Chairman `
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