Week of Septerr�ber 16,1996
The Grant County Cornmissioners session was calleci to order at 9:00 a.m.
by Chairman Tim Snead. All of the Commissioners were in attendance with the
Clerk of th� Board.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session
as �vritten.
The Cornmissioners approved the request by the Sheriff to repair the old
Cooler/Freezer �or the estimated cost of $2,570.
The Cornmissioners set a Public Meeting for September 30,1996 at 1:30 p.m.
to consider the request for a time extension on the approved Preliminary Plat
known as "Winchester Estates".
The Cornrnissioners approved the Request for Transfier of fiunds in the
Current Expense Fund #001, Operating Transfiers-Out Department #142 in the
amount of $680,000 to reallocate appropriations for a transfer to the Juvenile
Facility Construciion Fund.
A motion was made by Commissianer Allison, seconded by Commissioner
Fancher to give the Chairman auihority to sign Resolution Number 96-123-CC
authorizing the transfer of cable iele�✓ision franchise from Marcus Cable to
Northland Cable,lnc. The motion carried.
A motion v�rras made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner
Allison that Resolution Num�er 96-124-CC relatir�g to the establishment of a new
fund/department to be named Juvenile Facilities Construction Fund #302,
Departrnent #001 be passed. The motion carried.
The Comrr�issioners approved the request by the Sheriff fortransfer of funds
from line items that were over budget to line i#ems that were under budget.
A motion was rnade by Cornmissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner
Allison that Resoluti�n Number 96-125-CC relating to the increase of the Crisis
Response Revolving Fund from $5a0.00 to the amount of $1,Ua0 be passed. The
motion carried,
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner
Allison that Resolution Number 96-126-CC setting a Public Hea�-ing for October
8,1996 at 1:30 p.m. retating to the facts requiring an appropriation and �xpenditure
of funds forthe Juvenile Faciiities Construction Fund #302, Department #001 in the
amount ofi $600,000 be passed. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, secor�ded by Commissioner
Allison that Resolution fvumber 96-'i27-CC relating to the iransfer of funds wi$hin
ihe 1996 budget of the Law and Justice Fund #121, Department #163 in the amount
of $23,557 be passed. The motBon carried.
As there was no furtt�er business to come before the Board the session was
continued un#il Septerr�ber 17,1956 at 9:00 a.m.
CORRECTION TO MINUTES .....................
The Commissioners approved the salary of J. S�ott Clark of the Planning Department
at 80% of the salary for the position of Associate Planner at an entry level salary of
$2,563.20. Upon completion of the probationary period, the salary would increase to $2848.
Sept�mber �1?,1996
Tt�e sessior� was con#�nued a# 9;Ot3 a.m. wi#h a!1 af ihe Commissi�ners in
attendance with �he Clerk ofi ��e Bc�ard.
The Comrr�<ssivners met wi�h the PUI�IOC �8�'IC� Direcior regard��g Tire
Damage-S�gebrush �1ats Raad, Re�rr�bursabte VIlark Reqc�est-Desert Aire Airpar�,
Speed Surv�y-'4' NE, Memoriat Sig�s, �oad Advisory Ccs�nmii�ee, and P�rsonnei
The Commissioners appraved the req�esi for salary eqaity adjustment fior
the [3�sigr�C�on�truction Engineer ir� the Public V1#`orks Department.
The Cor�rrtiissioners sign�d the Req�est #v the County Raad E��}aartm�nt fvr
Reimbur�able i�ork requested by the Desert Aire Airpo�fi T3istrict No. '1.
As c�f ihis d�ie the Board by a ma�ority vo#e dc�es approve far paymen� thase
vouch�rs inc�uded in the Dist filed in the Au�iit�rs t3fff��e 9/'i61�6 in the ivtal amount
of $399,952.58.
Th� �ommissivn�rs approved the request by [�arothy Alvarado of the
Pros�cutir�g Attorney's fJ€€ice for Farraiiy Leave effective September 9, througl�
CActQber 9, 9996 due tcr an iliness in the f�tmi[y.
The Comm�ss�+�ners held a Public Meeiing regarding the Prelimin�ry Plat
appiication by Ct�ris Mathes�n fvr a sa�bdivision +�f 931ots on appraximately i�4.02
acres. A rrto#ion v�r�s made by �ammissioner A1lison, secc�raded by Commissiuner
Fancher tv cantinue the mat�er unt[I Monday, September 23 at 9:3� a.m. The
motia�n carried.
As there vva� no �urther bus�ness �o cc�me before the Board the sessio� was
adjourned until Sep#ember 23,19�6.
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Clerk vf ` Bflard �` � � ���...����
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