lNeek of September 3,19�6
The Grant County Commissioners sessio� was called to order ai
9:00 a.m. by Chairman Tim Snead. All of the �ommissioners were in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board
The Commissioners read and approv�d the minutes of the
preceding session as written.
�he Commissioners received a request by VVilliam R. Burkey to
eliminate the fire lane easement on the Ridge�iew Estates preliminary
plat, Phase Three. His request has been appu�oved by Grant County
Fire Distri�t 5 Chief, Roger Hansen.
The Corr�missioners approved out of stat� travel for PatEi Johnson
of Grant Caunty e4lcohol and Drug Center to a9.tend the Nationa! Rural
Summit on Substance Abuse and Violence.
As of thBs date the Board by a majority vote does approve for
payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office
9/3/96 in the �otal amount of $386,8�4.80.
The Commissioners signed the Payro�l Warrants list #80198
through #80723 for the month of August.
The Commissioners signed Form Amendra°�ent No. 3 with �the North
Central Washington Regional Support NetworQ�.
The Commissioners approved out of sta$e travel for Debra Shay
and Darlene Holman of the Sheriffs Office to attend Warrant/i"ransport
Officer Training.
The Commissioners approveti the expenditure of $200.d0 for
Grant County Mental Health and Family Servoce Center to purchase
furnishings for their new oifice in Grand Cou�ee.
The Commissioners approved the start6ng salary of Allison L.
Fiegge of the Grant County Clerks Office at �5.00 per hour effective
Septernber 3,199G.
The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Emily Burgess
of the Cooperative Extension Office afi $1,5�2 per month e�Ffective
September 16,1996.
The Comrnissioners were notified thai County Clerk, Gordon
liar-ris will be out of the office from September 3 to September 19,
Dorothy Black, Chief Deputy will be in charge of the Office.
The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of funds
in the Law and Justice Fund #121, Department #163s Juvenile Project
#117 in ihe ara�ount of �1,000.00.
The Commissioners set a Public Meeting for September 17,199fi
at 1:30 p.m. regarding the Preliminaey Plat req�aest for a subdivision of
13 lots on approximatel� 71,02 acres by Chris Matheson.
The Commissioners held a continuation of the �ublic Hearing on
the West Meadows, SEPA appeal. A motion was made by
Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissaoner Snead to continue
the matter until September 10,1996 at 3:30 �p.m. to allow time for
discussion with the Health District and IegaA council regarding the
George Maddox report, based on WAC 197-11-335 which allows for the
request of additional information. 1'he motion carried.
The Commissioners held a Public IVleetin� regarding the Edwin L.
Johnson request for a one year time extension for the '°Bedrock"
Planned Unit Development, a mobile home subclivision of 99 lots on 35
acres between Soap Lake and Ephrata on State Highway 28 in a portion
of Section 2, 'Township 21 IV., Range �6 East, V1/.11PII. A motion was made
by CommissionerAllison, seconded by Commissioner Snead to uphold
the Planning Commission and grant the 1 year time extension. The
motion carried.
A Public Hearing was helc� and a rnotion was made by
Commissioner Fancher, seconcied by Comanissioner Allison that
Resolution Nurnber 9fi-119-CG settsng a Public Hear�ng for September
23,1996 retating to the facts requiring an appro�riation and expenditure
of funds for the Veterans Assist�nce Fund #1�4, Department #14fi in
the amount of $6,000.00 be passed. The motion carried.
As there was no further business to coeme before the Board the
session was adjourned until Septernber 9,1996.
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Clerk o�'�'he Board�� � �.�°,� � �--�`-
Chairma�i 1