HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-116-CC� �RANT COUI'�i�TY� pFFIGE gF BOAR� tJF COLINTY' C�}MIVIISSIO;�IERS PtJST tTF'FlCE BC?X 3? EPF(RATA. WASFi1NGTON s8823 t5091 754-20ti BOAItL} OF Ct)U�iTY CtJhIlt�l[SSIONERS GRANT COU�TY, WASHINGTCIN IN TEiE MATTER QF CHANGING � RESQLUTIDN No. 96-116—CC THE ZQI+iING FROM AGRICULTURE � TO SUBURBAN-2 IN A PCiItTION pF � RESC}LUTION APPRCIVII'+1G AN SEGTIC;N 02, TCIWNSHIP 2i NORTH, ( AMENDMENT TG THE COMPRE- RANGE 26 BAST, W.M. � HENSIVE PLAN C?F GRANT CQUNTY Mattfzew and Kasi Hermanson VVHEREAS, the Board of County Cammissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant C�unty Ptannin� Commission #hat a public hearin� was conducted on June 5, 1996 on the matter of changing the zoning fa�m AGRICULTURE to SUBURBAN-2 in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Qazazter of the Narthwest Quarter of the Scauthwest Quarter af Sectian 02, Township 2i North, Range 26 East, W.M., Grant County, Washin�tc�n, WFiEREAS, the Grant Caunty Pian�ing Commission made a recommendation ta deny the zone change. WHEREAS, the Grant County $oard of Cottnty Com�nissioners held a public meeting on 3uly $, 1996 and d�ide�i to conduct a public hearnng an che rezvne request. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners held a pubiic hearing on August 12, 1996. WHEItEAS, the Board of Caunty C�mmissioners found sufficient evidence to nak uphflld the recc�mmendations c�f the Grant County Pla�ning Commissian. W�-IEREAS, the Baard of County Commissionars have found thst the praponent did present sufficient evidence that chariged circums#ances u� t}fe area of the subject property warranted a rea.c�ne of the property. W��EREAS, the Board of Caunty Commissioners hxve found that ihe area withan and near t�ae proposed rezone has littte or no agriculhiral �Sotentiai. WF�EREAS, #he Board of County Com�nissioners hava faund khat the proposed rezone is in the public's best interest and bears a sulbstantial retationshzg to t�e geueral welfare of the residents, WHEREAS the Boasd of County Commissioners have found t�at the proponent has der�crostrated that a need eaists in the area fc�r smaller iats that allow manufacturer] homes. WHEREAS smattsr acreages exist i� the area surraunding the subject progerty that were subdivided and soId by ti3e United States Govera�mant that are 4.5 to 5 acses in size. VJHEREAS Vivian Peierson, Senior Planner for the City of Ephrata, was cantacted iwice by US Mail, by phone, and personally os� Jnly 9, 1996 by Peter Camenza of the Grant County Plauning Dapartment and asked to cornment an the pr�pased rewne r�uest. WHEREAS, The City of Eghsata di�t not comment on the proposal. N�W, THEREPORE, BE IT RESC3LVED, that tha Board of Count}� Cammissioners for Grant Caunty, Washingtan approve by #his Resoi�tion, a zone change for the fotlowing describec2 P�P�rtY= The St�uthwest Quarter af the Northwest Quarter of tti� Narthwesi Quartar of the Southwest Quarter of Sectinn 02, Tawnship 2l. North, Range 26 East, W,Ni., Grant Caunty, Washingtou. 'The subject praperty is spproximateiy 2.S acres ia� size and 'as curr�ntiy knowa as parcet # 1C-0704-UOp. Done this 19t__ h__��day of Au�ust , 1995. _-..�.----", . � � f.s�Gd �iBiiIfllIi Page 2 Il�T THE MATTER OF CF�ANGiNG THE ZONING FR�M AGRICUI.TUI�E T� SUBURBAN-2 lN A PC►RTION 4F 3ECTIUN {}2, Tt7WNSI�iP 21 NC}RTH, RArIGE 26 EAST, W.M., GRANT CUt�NTY, i�i�A3HINGTON 1- , ATT"EST: �- ����erk nf the 'rd � �,� `� _ :..r' �� ��� c���;o��r cQ����flA�� ConstiEuting the Board of Counfy �ommissioners e�f Grant County, Washington