HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-117-CCBOARD QF CQUNTY CC)MMISSION�RS Grant Coun�y, Washington A RESC}LUTiC�N PRQVIDING FC?R } EXCEPTIONS TO THE MARKING ) RESOLUTTON NO. 96-117 -CC REQUIR�;MLNTS T'QR CERTATN GTtANT ) � COUNTY MOTOI�, VEHICLES ) ) } } } ) ) BE TT R�SOLVED BY THE BQARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT C(JLTNTY, Wt1SHINGTON, as follows: WHk:REAS, RCW 46. C?8.065 empowers th� apprapriate governing body ia provide by rule for exeeptions to 1:h� ma�king oi pa�senger motor vehicle requirem�nts for lc�cal gav�rnm�nl:al agenci�s; and WHEitEAS, ItCW 46. p8. 065 {1) pravictes that local governmental agencies may utili2e the satn� exeaptions ta the marking requirements for motar v�hicles belonging �a local gover.nmental �gene��s, �'ar the same purpo�es and und�r the same circumstances as permitted i'or si:ate ag�ncies und�r RCW 46 . 08 . 65 ( 3); and WH��tEAS, i:he Board of Commissioners has previously �xempted ceactain motor vehieXes frcam b�ing maxked pursuant to the pravisions of RCW �6.08. OG5 in Gr�nt Caunty ResaltztiUn Na. 95-67-CC; and RES. PROV[DING I�'OR, EXCEPTIONS TO MARKING REQ. FOR CERTAIN GRANT CCIUNTY Mt7TOR VEHICLES - 1 WHER,EAS, the Board of Commissioner.s desire to amend the aforementioned � resolution and exempt an addi�ional motor vehicle from the provisions of RCW 46.08.065; and WHEREAS, the Grant County Fire Marshal desires to use an unmarked moto� vehicle for the provision of law enforcement and special investigative support services; and WHF.REAS, t1�e Gxant County Fire Marshal is a member of law enforcement within the criminal jusi:ice system; and WH�REAS, the Grant County Fire Marshal's motor vehicle is used for the purpose of confidential investigation and interviewing witnesses . Many of the Grant County Fire Marshal's inquiries and interviews of witnesses are of such a nature that people are interviewed in tlie interests of justice, which require confidentiality; and WHEREAS, there are many oceasions when the Grant County Fire Marshal is requ.ired to talk. to people regarding confidential rnatters, whereby the safety of the witnesses a,nd/or victims could be compromised if the public were aware that the witnesses and/or victims were talking to the Grant County Fire Marshal; and WHEREAS, it is imperative for the �uccessful operation of the criminal justice system and for successful criminal prosecution, for the public to cooperate with law enforcement officials; and WHEREAS, it is imperative for the successful operation af the criminal justice sy�tem and for successful criminal prosecution, for the public, when providing infortnation, to be affo�ded anonymity when required; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissaoners c�esire to providE by rule ior r�n exception to the marking of pass�nger motor vehicle requirements far the Grant County Fire Marshal as a 1oca1 governmen�al agency . NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOLTND, DETERMINED AND ORDERED, as follows : RES. PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS TO MARKING REQ. FOR CERTAIN GRANT COUNTY MOTOR VEHICLES - 2 Seetian 1: The Board oi Commissioners hereby pravide by rule �'ar an exeeption ta the marking af, passenger motor vehirle requirements for local governmental agencies, for the motor vehicle assigned �o the Grant Caunty Fire M�rshal, thereby amending Grant Caunty Resolution Na. 95-67-CC. S�ction 2: It is hereby found a�nd c�eclarec� that the Grant County Fire Marsh�l �ias a need ta uss ttnmarked motor vehicles for the provisian of law enforcement and special inv�stigative s�.rpport services, and ther�by qualifies for the statutory exemption to marking requirements for. pass�nger motar vehicles for lcrc�,l governmen.tal agencies within t��e contemplation af Chapter 4G . 06 I2.CW . Section 3: It is hereby fou�d arad declarecl that the Grant Co�nty Fire Marshal has a n�ed to ixs� the motor vehicle as�igned to it for the purpos� af law enforcement and special inv�stig�tive support services, and thereb,y qualifies far th� statutary exemption ta nnarking requirements far passenger tnotor vehicles far local gav�rnment�l agencies witl�.in the cont�mplation of Ch�,pter 46,06 RCW. Sectian 4� Pur�uant tcr the authority granted by Chapt�r 46 . 0� RCW, the passenger motor vehicle assig�ed to the Grant County Fire Marshal is hereby exetnpted from the marking of passenger motar vehicle reqtzirements for loeal gav�rnm�ntal ageneies, as set farth in Chapter 46 , 08 RCW; and Section 5: All resalutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution ar�, to the extent vf said conflict, hereby repe�,led. Grant County Resolution No. 95-67-CC i.s he.reby an��nded ta include the passenger motor vehicle assigned to the Grant Caunty Fire Marshal as an exempted vehicle from the marking reqtxiremenl:s of Ch�pi�r 46.08 RCW, This resolution wi11 stand by i1:sE1f �hould � determination b� made that the amendmen� af the aforem�ntianecl resolution is incomplet� . RES. PROVInING FOR. E�CEPTIONS TQ MARKING REQ. Ft)R C�ERTl�IN GRANT Ct,�UNTY Mt�T(JR VEHTCLES - 3 PASSED �.ND 11DC3PTED by the Baard of County Commissianers of Grant County, W�shington, this �� ��' day af August, 1996. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GR�w ANTT�COjJ��tTY WASHINGTON _..,..�-- , �,-�.. , Tim Snea C a'r ,�„ �„��t�/y �G,,� '� .�r/„�s_�1 �_� /S�. H�1en Fancher, Member � � ; � �r Le oy . Al 1'son, Member ATTEST; �� ' PeggY gg, Gler the Baard RE�. FROVIDING FQR E�CEPTIONS TO MARKING REQ. FC3R CERT,�iIN GRANT C(�UNTY MC;Tt3R VEHICLES - 4