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Resolution 16-198-CC
BOARD OF Ct3UNTY Ct�MMISSi�NERS Grant Caunty,VVashingtan RESC►LUTION IN THE MATTER OF RES4LUTIt)N No. 16-'���-CC ALl(}PTING T�IE 2017-2022 GRANT COUNTY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN WHEREAS, The Board of Grrant Caunty �omrnissianers desires ta annually upd�te the Grant County Capital Faczlities Plan in cc�njunction with the annual Grant County Bud�;et; and W�IEREAS,the Capital Facilities Pl�n is a plannin�;document to be used in setting policy and estabJishing priorities for capital facilities projects. NOW,THEItEFQRE,BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Board of Grant County Commissio�aers hereby adopts the attached 2017-2022 Grant County Capital Facilities Plan. DATEll this�day oT ��� ° , 201 b. BC?ARD C?F COUNTY C4IYIMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain G NT CQUNTY,WASHINGTC?N � � � Cindy Ca er, hair ATTEST: � � � � ��Gl,di'�.�o�� Carolann Swartz, Vice-Chair . �� � �.. �, �,.., �,..,,...,__.- i Barbara J.Vasquez ���`4""- �-C]erk af the Board �� � � Richard Steveils, Membei � ; ' N:�StafflBVasquaz\Eiudget- Year��nd Documents and such�Ca�ital Facilites Plan Budget Time 2017.doc Page 1 of 1 I � �.�..., ,: _,_. _ .: ..._:. .. . .._ . ... .. ... .... .::. � �..�.�..M��..,�..�..__._ ..�.. ..._..�.u__ ,� .. ._....,..�._w..�.�..m,�,,,...�,. � _. � � ����= �` ���.�.'�.�, �� ��� w ,, , �; �� t �.b � ....,. ��: w ,..,. �'��a , ..,.. y a , " , ' y�4Y� 4 . #��'Ff� ry �� fF . r�< � � � , .. ..r ' F4.. ,� .. .. . . . � �� , � � � . 1 . . . � � . , 1 1 `' � � � • � 1 ; � � • � . • � _ � , i Grant County ; Capital Facilities Plan Addendum � 2016 - 2022 ; Adopted with 2017 �udgefi, December 2016 � � T�4BLE OF CONTENTS ' i Page ', , , Capifial Facilities Plan Addendum Overview.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 2 '! Project Priority Status... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 3 Cost Estimate Confidence Level... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 3 Explanation of Fund Uses... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 4 Summary of Capital Projects... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5-6 Road Fund 101 Revenue and Expenditure Analysis... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Capital Facilities P1an Addendum,2017-2022 Page 1 Capital Facilities Plan Addendum Overview This Capital Facilities Plan Addendum (CFPA) summarizes the Counfiy's adopted budget for the upcoming year while incorporating the ' Counfiy's larger ongoing, multi-year plan that provides a planned and progr�mmed approach to utilizing the County's financial resources in the most efficient manner to meet its service and facility needs (Grant Counfiy �apital Facilities Plan). i The County has prepared a comprehensive capital projects list as a ! parfi of the annual budget process. This list provides a six-year view of ' intended and/or potential projects and has served as an excellent resource � to the Board of Commissioners, County staff and Grant County cifiizens in ' understanding the scope, timing, and funding of key projects. While � funding was identified as a part of each project description, some unfiunded � project� have historically been included to keep them in the forefront a� ! targets for grants, ballot measures, and other continued funding efForts. The Grant Counfiy Capital Facilities Plan (Plan) details these projects. Advantages of a Capital Facilities Plan A Plan allows the community, through its County Commissioners, to ' take a critical look at itself, identify what is good, what could be improved, and what might be needed in the future. Without this comprehensive ; approach, consideration and approval of capital improvements results in a ; short-range approach to capital planning. ' I Capital planning provides a process that consider� all possible projects � at the same time and produces a planning record that balances projects I funding sources, and timing schedules. In addition, a Plan: ; I � Promotes efficiency by reducing scheduling problem�; i Helps to distribute costs more equitably over a period of time; and / I V Enhances opportunities for outside financial assistance. ; Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2017-2022 Page 2 Project Priorsty Statu� ; A. �ssential and time-critical ; � 4 Funding sources are generally identified for the upcoming year's ' project(s). i 6. Necessary but not immediately required i a� A design component may be required prior to construction; � 4 A funding source may or may not be identified; and/or � , +� Offien, grants or outside sources determine timing or feasibili�y. C. Foreseen for future demand or long term need� and, while ' included in the Plan, whether the project has been postponed. e4 � funding source may or may not be identified for these projects. � � Cost E�tirnate Confidence Level ' 1. No estimate or placeholder i 2. Rough estimate � I 3. Preliminary — Some work has been done to determine rough I estimate, either based on previous projects of similar na�ure or ' industry standard�. ! I i 4. Design — Receive a cost estimate from a vendor or an architect; ,; provided a cost estimate. 5. Construction — Quotes or bids are in; co�t is set with the exception of chang� orders. Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2017-2022 Page 3 s �'i Explanation of Fund lJses CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND is for routine capital outlay purchases and projects by the County including, but not limited to, office furniture and fixtures, major building maintenance, real property acquisition, building remodeling projects, road projects, and water projects, and said funds shall be invested by the Grant County Treasurer with interest accruing to the Current j Expense fund. This fund i� authorized by RCW 36.33.020. � ! �/4 PERCENT REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX is a fund to account for the ' revenues generated by a special %4 of 1 percent excise tax levied on the sale I of real property within the County. This fund is authorized by RCW 82.46.010(2). ' 'i SECOND %4 PERCENT REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX is a fund to track � and fund specific c�pital projects allowed by RCW 82.46.035. ' C.J. — CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUND is a fund established to track state i funding far criminal justice and to address specific law and justice needs. This fund is authorized by RCW 82.14.310. C.�. — CURRENT EXPENSE — GENERAL FUND is the more flexible, main fund account which is made up of many various general property taxes, user fees, penalties and State & Federal grant monies. H.M. — HOTEL/MOTEL LODGING TAX FUND is a proprietary fund which can only be used fior promotion of tourism to our County. These funds can be used for specific development of print materials, advertising, mailing costs, purchase of promotional goods and services, but is limited from use in staffing areas and functions. ECONOMIC RURAL COUNTY (133) is a fund authorized by RCW 43.168 to prorr°�ote economic development and job creation in areas of economic stagnation, unemployment, and poverty. Grant County is a recipient of these funds and they are used to pay for County commitments on interlocal agreements involving long term economic development projects and can also be used for making bond payments, as appropriate, on qualifying projects. OTHER' SOURCES includes potential loans, grant�, and other dedicated revenue possibilities. Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2017-2022 Page 4 Summary of Capital Plan Projects In 2017 Item Date ��a�u� Budget? �undin 1. Fairqrounds • Restroom #1 replacement 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Warm-up pen expansion 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • 4-H Building floor refinish/repair 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Ventilation/fans for Ardell Pavilion 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Cenfierfield sprinklers 2014-2019 Pending No Unfiunded • Building ventilation (older buildings) 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Gold Parking Lot upgrade 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Paving for ADA around Ardell Pavilion 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded ; • New Barns 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Rodeo Arena upgrades 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Gravel (multiple locations/improvements) 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Fuller Building upgrade 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Perimeter fence repair 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Rodeo grandstand foundation 2014-2019 �'�nding No Unfunded • Rodeo bleacher replacement 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Old barns re-roofed 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Lighting upgrade (through attrition) 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded s Commercial Building insulation 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded - • Commercial Building ceiling 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Brian Miller stage upgrade 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Water tank replacement 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Well — Maintenance & Repair 2017 Pending Y�s REET • PA System replacement 2017 t'ending Yes ���,T • Fairgrounds improvements (bond) 2007-2027 Ongoing Yes REET/Econ Rural 0 4-H �Idg upgrade ; o �athroom replacement(s) o New horse barns '. o Covered riding �rer�a (Harwood) o Underground utilities — sewer o ADA pathways, sidewalks o Realignment of Airway Drive, parking improvements o Sod and landscaping o Lightin improvements 2. Tech Services • Cameras, Annex Bldg. 2017 Pending Yes Current Exp�nse • Cameras, Caurthouse Bldg, 2017 P�nding Yes L&J Funds [Cont'd next page] I Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2017-2022 Page 5 i Summary of Capital Plan Projects (Cont'd) In 2017 � Item Date S�atus Budget? Fundin � 3. Youth Services � • Lavatory remodel, Boys; Public/Det 2016-2021 Pending No Unfunded • Security lighting package 2016-2021 Pending No Unfunded • Deterition �ontrols upgrade 2016-2021 Pending Yes L&J Funds • Water line extension 2016-2021 Pending No Unfunded • Detention door replacement 2016-2021 Pending No Unfunded � • Shower repair (2 in Detention) 2016-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Electrical panel generafior connect 2016-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Landscaping (bark & plants) 2016-2019 Pending No Unfunded � • HVAC system cleaned 2016-2019 Pending No Unfunded , � Courfiroom security upgrade (Ephrata) 2016-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Videa/Audio conferencing for courtroom 2016-2019 Pending Yes Trial Court Impv e Video/audio conferencing for Detention 2016-2019 Pending No Unfunded � • Security in ML bldg. (cameras, doors) 2016-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Drinking fountain in lobby 2016-2019 Pending Yes L&J Funds • Parking lot ADA painting, signage 2017-2019 Pending No Unfunded ' • Electronic water conditioner 2017-2019 Pending No Unfunded • UV light� 2017-2019 Pending No Unfunded ' • Security upgrades for PREA compliance 2017-2019 Pending No Unfunded - • Security in Moses Lake building 2017 Pending Yes L&J Funds • Buildin furniture 2017 Pending Yes L&J Funds 4. Clerk's Office � • QUAD security cameras & so�Ftware 2017 Pending Yes Trial Court Impv � 5. Facilities & Maintenance (Courthouse faci�itv) ', • Paving of Parking Lot "D" 2017 Pending Yes REET ! • F'aving of Parking Lot "B" 2017 Pending Yes REET • Irrigation system upgrades 2016-2018 Pending No Unfunded ' • Sidewalk replacement, Annex/L&J Bldg. 2016-2019 Pending Yes REET � • Terminal units replacement (ongoing) 2016-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Security improvements —security 2016-2019 Pending No Unfunded I �creening area � • Security improvements— Enterprise 2016-2020 Pending No Unfunded � Security system (door securifiy) � • New Cenfiral Services Building 2016-2020 Pending Yes Band F'und� ! • Asbestos/Hazardaus Material Abatement 2016-2019 Ongaing Yes Bond Funds s Interior Improvements (Gen'I) 2017 Pending Yes REET • FTR updates, all Caurks/Nearing Raam 2015-2019 Ongaing Y�� Trial Court Impv • New water softener for L&J Building 2017 Pending Yes L&J Funds � � � � Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2017-2022 Page 6 f I II Road Fund 101 Revenue and ' Expencliture �4nalysis (Page 7-1) ; � � i i i � � ; I i i i I � i i I I , I I i i i Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2017-2022 page'7 � � j 1 �lG7N��SM�n Q•IIN �.14pGel�l��lf� �A���y��� I, Grar�fi County sYxwv�AR'rteaNs�aR�r�►�xar�itw�aoveMeNr PRa��M REVENUE�1N!)EXP�N�TTURE�lNALYSIS � Ca Rd/CA Rd�onsbru�tion. : ',�0 7' 2018 2l�19 2p2Q-Z022 i �EV�NUES'i: BEGINNING FUND gALANCF 7;t1U0,000 5s$31,�}OU 5,749,000, 17 247,p00 REAL&PERSONAL pRQPERTY TAX 1.�55�0 ROAp L�N�R5IaN 8 9U0,000 8��',�,q,n0 8`fl78 88q� _ 28�9�O,�.an;::,..°. MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAX R�90�UOb � ,6,BAp�p00. 8;690,Qn0 20w0'10+�p0 Ct7 ART�RIAL PRES PRQGRAM , 1 425 Oa0 ,�„q,�,,,�,,�1`425 Qp0 1 425 q00 a,27�i�OQU ; RURAL ARTERIAL PRqGRAM ,1 i'�dC1�qC1� 99�;Opq 995 UC10� 2,�NG;QpCI � TRANSPOf2TATTON IMpRqVEMENT BQARp q ,��,;,,,�;,.m��,0 0 ,Q.; „ � ., UATA , , . - 0 ' 0 : � .. 0 ....,.:: ; TAC-SAI.MON RECOVERY FUND ; ,.,� -.q d 0 4~: ' MAP 21-SYPI2 ;,�,,,,,,,_,, _214 'U0�1 1�38 Sp0 �,�21'75Q ,2 A85 250r� MAP 21-STPU ; 7UD�000 50p pCltl_ ,_,_, OQ„�000 , 1 500 bpp MAP Zl-Sff�E ,�w„,.�,.,., D ?0. ' ', 0 p�, � MAP 21-STPN �� � p ,��,.,�,.,�,D . 4 0�- i ; WSDOT PARTICIPA7ION ,w, , . : =q .,.,,,�;;:,_.,,,�..,.. .; .�.�.�.,.,.p' . :, .. ` 0. 0�. � ; BRIDGE REPLACEMENT pRCK�RAM �: ,.;2Q0 D00 ; 0 °. 0 ;;;� q;, ...i ,,, I HAZARD�LIMINATION PROGI2AM � B�Q�qpq 0: �, : � p � � pTHEFt TN7ERGfJVERNMENT&STATE SNARED „ ,:.Q ,;,(:0 ;��,�,;�:p. ��� � CHARG�S F012 SERVICES �„_,,,;w. � G,�tlAtl �OCIp = 5,aaa ; �" ' :15�OOA , � INTERFUND/INTERGOVMM"f2EIM6 FfJR SERVICES �;, ` S 25"�00 °�$pOp Y 2&UOQ �`Qtl„�p'��,,;; ' OTHER M�SC�LIJ1N�bUS R�V�NU�S .°.`:�>.,1•42 30Q, ,;„�,,, _87�,�p_q_ ,�����6�4Q ;: 2 026 AOn .��,: GEN�t2NL C7gl�tGATlON BqNC3 pRC?CEEDS "0 0 .,,�, ,��.�,,,�.� pFtC}CEEDS FQR SALE OP FIXEl7 ASS�T'S �:�� ; ::U °.,. � Q .,p.,; ,�,, � SP�C�AL PURPGS�I�ATH ;:� q ;, D ; Cl, t?.' pUBLIC WORK5 TRU5T�UNq ...:17 0..'..� , 0 :.p ,..:q.=". :s -:,: - CRIC�S � `.0 � U 0. ,0.: '` ' SEPA ��0 �'.0 .�.�:;;,�,:,�Q �R„#.�}�..,3_ i CIPERATING TItANSF�R ..�,,,,�;,,:�;:.:.�, .;D ,Q � �0 ,�„t U:���:.:: ' TMPACf�E�5 �; D ,. :, �~ .:..0 � . p �f0s .: �„.: I TOTAL REVENUES&FUN��llLANCES: $34,831,300 $76,775,OOq �25,863,934 $T7,591,790 � i �XPIEN�x7'URE�. � ENI�YNC FUND BALANCE �1_4Clq 5 7;49 Opq , 6 3%{B�3U 1�Z53 7'�0 ADMINIS?RATZ(�N&SUPPQRT S�RVIC�S �50�_p_0 �:,�„65tl�,AbCi, 65Q�UQp 1,850�pQ0y � SSWM PROGI2AM A55ESSM�M' � ''Q �1 p ` ��7,�„�„„; COUNTY{tISK MANAGEMENT ALLOCATION t� " 0 .; b � ' CQUNTY INpIR�CT C05T ALLOCATION ,�, Q p - p „ O�s i �NGIN��RING S�ItVIC�S �2b Q0� �,�;,�„� �26 OQO, 22�;U,Uf�_ :8�q�.�.� ; SUkVEYTNG&RYGHI"Q�WAY MANAGEM�NT `: 10b;t�G10 °_,�Q OqU, 1qpi�p0 30tli0bQ„�, ,;; I D�VEI,i7PM�NT REVI�W&INSP�CCTIpN '. °�a9�a`C1Clp �Q�000 ,'�6 0 �265=ppq�,,,,�„�; T -- RQAC�SY5`("EM MAINTENANCE 1,1 �pq Op� �1�I;�pQ;�pO 1�,q�, p�,0 �„;��= D �,� `r"RAF�IG QPCFtA1�ClNS `1 `q�� 1 �pq'��q ��,,,9 8'�b tS 4�� TWtNSPqR1'A`i'tAN ptANNING ,��.„�,,,;�;�78�p, ;/ 'tl� ;.7 � C�p ;` � �� � : M%SCELIANEbUS�XPENCtITURES ,. ...: �90s�q0 .�O��qq ,.,,,,„,,,..;;„�,,;, p �tl0� "' .:9" Op`�q��. ::; SPCCIAL PURF'OSE PATHS -1"qpU 1^0 Cf ..,,'�,,,�,�..,;;...1 pq�„ '-�p�d;, �t�IMpUI�SA�3LE SERVTCE5 ` 25 Opp 26'OfJO �5 p�tl �Clqt�,,,�„:;; LONG T�RM pEC3 i"(f�W TRUS"T'PUNd) ����„',0 ; _� ` U U i CONTRIB.TQ OTH�R�UNDS(D��f'SERVICE) q Q q :b: I ,�.�,:�... •�.:�.. , .._. CaN57RUCTIqN IN HQUSE S�RVYCES :. . ... ':0. D � ,: 0 � 'D: . .,�; ; StIBTQTAL QPEItATdEyP15: $21,082,400 $20,79b,000 $x1,307,930 �63,836,7'90 � � CQN5TRUCTIt�N: SIX-YEAR 7�F' 9�84.8ig00 6�06?�CI00`_ 4 5b8 OOq 13$69 QOif =�, ; �UBTO'TAL CONSTIRUC7TqPi: $8,�48,900 $6,O6S,aoo $d,$S6,tl00 $13,955,OOq � 7C►TAL EXPLMDTT'11�E$ $30�831�30Q $26r77'6�OOQ $25�863r930 $%Yr�'91�794 FUND BALAfV��, $o �o $o �o �: . i � �I Print aate;11i29/201G Pag�1 oP 4 Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2017-2022 Page 7-1 Six Year Transport�tion Improver�ent Program (with �OCC Resolutions) � (Page� 8-1 — 8-39) ; � ,i , ; ! � � i �� �, � � ; I � ; Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2017-2022 page g '� ��,�A�[J �F �OIJNTY �CaMIVIl��lO�l��� ��NT ��°�T�. Grant�aunty, Vlda$hingt�n , ..,,, IN TH� MATT�FC �7F ApQPTING A �"'`°`""�"'"`� COMPR�f�ILNSIV� SIX Y�AR RE�C7LUTIqN No. 16- I�� -CC TRANSPORTATION IMPFt�V�MENT ; PF'tOGRAM FC3R TM� YEARa 2017-Z022 �I WHEREA�, pursuant to the requirements of Sectian 6, Chapter�3, l.aws af �xtraordinary Session of the 5�ate �f Washingkan, Grant County did prepare a C�mpreh�nsive Transportati�n Improvernent Program for the�nsuing six ye�rs; �nd ', WN�I�EAS, priority array of projects prep�red in accardanc� with County Ro�d I' Administr�tian �aard St�ndards of Gaod Practic� (WAC 136-14) was m�de available and was cansulted � by the �aard during th� preparation pf thi�Six Year Pragram; and , WH�R�AS, the I�ngineer's repork with resp�ct to deficient bridges was auailable to the Board during the pr�paration nf th� Six Year P'rogram; and WHEF2�A�, an enviranmenkal pre-a�sessment of th� Six Year �'rngram indic�ted that the � social, ecan�mic�nd aesth�tic values would not be disturbed; and ' WH�R�RS, pursuant further tn safd Law, the Ba�rd of C�unty Cammissinn�rs, being th� I�gisf�tive b�dy of th� �ounty, did prep�r�, revis� and ext�nd said Six Y�ar Pr�gram �nd did hald � �ublic � hearing on said Camprehensive F'lan at 1:30 pm a#the Courthouse, �phrata, W�shington on the 29" day af Nnvamber, 2016; � N�7W, TH�I��F�R� �E IT R�SOL.VED by the �oard af County Cammissivners af Gr�nk ; County, W�shington, th�t the Camprehen�ive Six Y��r R�ad Proqram pr�s�nted at 4he pubiia hearing be har�by ad�pt�d. � ; I bATEb thi� ,e ���R day of��������_,�_�,� 2015. �oAta�o�c:ocr�t�r�Got�Mtss�oN�tts � ��za�T coutv~r�,w�s����°ro� Ye� Nay l�.bstain � C:1 �'1 � i Ctn y Cart ',Chair "� i � Cl C�I � � � i � Caralann Swartz, Vice Chair ; C7 CJ �J �''��,�� ."���. � Richard Stevens,Membar ATTF�T; ; � � �,.,�� ' Clerk oft e Boarc� ' � � �� i i Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2017-2022 Page 8-1 ���-Y���-T���s��a����c�� ��a�a°��� ��t �rc��r�� �rvm 2017 tcs 2C122 � �Pr€agec4 Fu�rl�to�tearest Duftar} w � NB�f3!R't'F£B: Q Ri'I't3 �. T�}ovembes 29,2Q1� � �;y ��un#y: Graarot � � �gency; � � �'�tsj�c�Tct€o- ro � : � � � � ; � � � � � � � a o ,��, � � � > o � � � is �' 'r` ` e g m `m m �2esv€ufiun a eP 4 Uf'sSify Project ; � � { Aasaemiaraee�t Yota9 EsE.Cost ¢ ci c.a �,z Project 4Vustt�ser P8R3 .—=m.g Q� ¢tti �ls�scsber g� ��uies L�ngth t uz t�-° r�t i N�am@ec of Project # � i Q7 �SO�aO'E SOd}3 �1129f16 1tJ2�li6 2fl16-i88-�c 01 P.T f�.390 CE Na �9.138,GOt3 � N 'Ci#ie:Straff€trd E�oad P!E Structure Si�: i � Road:94ti2520-ST#�&�FC1R€3 Ri� Begin TeEmin's:21}.28 �r.d Ter,rtini:2fl.67 j J ' e N O N l�eaSignmeat and tnsYall 8ridge-`lYork wiit inefude sarthwo€k.drainage.crushsd surEacing>BST,tra�c con#rot and other iia:ns. Lmcatian_{sRtsF RF��ng to sR z8j �undin�- Start Fsd�ra3 F�cferat State ; SYate Leca� � PEaase DaBe � Sta€us �ur�d Code Fe�etds �und Cod� Fuaada Fs�nds Tatai r�E Zf3't7 � � � �Q �E� $28.OQ0 525.t}CC} Ci� 2t}'E7 S � :.sBBR �?SO.f3£30 @ �Ct $420.�04 S1.170,(lQfl { I f 3 i � � � I � r � � Pro3ect Tot2is- �75a.€3flC �4 �445,OOQ $3.195.c�00 EXX�[ItIltSFtB�Cs$E�E€QC'— Ff¢�se 3sg�e�r � ��sd Yeas 3rd Year 4tte Yeaa� Sft�&BBta Ye�rs P� �25.L�0�3 $4 �ti � $4 S� CN �I,170,OgD � ${} 5� � Sf7 St3 � � � � � � �tt�ser,e3iture To�aYs- 53,mS5,444 SE� �4 $� �� U�4 cu � N �i�-��a�°��a�t���s��t9�� � r������a� ������ �res�rt 2U17 tc� 2Q22 �F'sojsct Funds t�i�earesfi'�Ql;ar� �n i�IPfD!�2TP�: Q R�'�'C) Nc�vember 29,2t316 O° � e4 Ccsunty: Grant p.`�., AgBiaGs+: Grat1"t C011rfij �'rts;�ct Fnio- p 6 � � � � � � � w a � � E � € c � � � � � � � � � I fl �� � j ° � ; G o � °' � � � - o E 'm„° j o� � m RescsIu�ian Q�. � Uf'si'sty PraJec4 � > c. i � 3 �men�s�eraE Tata!Es#.G�s� si s� Q z Peoqecf Aissmber t'i(� s r� i ¢� ¢� �f essnber �t-}` Codes LengtFs ua� � � � Atumtser af P�ajecf �8 QOt�2 9#�ti4 i'!129f15 13IZSf'S� 2016-?88-cc Q3 gT t.85D CE �fo �i<8�0,000 } � -Fit{e:Adarrss R�ad 8�Bridge�f33'i&z SLructure OD: RQad:310i710-ADAMS RD Segi�tTesmini_23.68 F�ses�tini:25.53 R�-.,onstsuction&irastal]Bridges-Work wiit inclu3e eart��wark,drainage,bric3ge.i-3tv3�susfacing.ira�c contrca!and oEhe�-9teras � lar„atiort:{SR 2$fo N[aRin Fta2d) � I Fcen�ng- Start �edera8 Fed�ra@ SLa:e Stafe LocaE � F€�ase fl�te Status Fund Ccde Funds ' Fured Gode Fn�sds �unds Tcsha6 � CYd 2CZ7 S 54 � �ZR.�' BSSII,QQO $503,�{�0 5't,456.�44 � � � � � � , ' � N � , ° ; i N � � N � � � N 4'rEsject TCst3is- �Q � 3�5fl,fl4e� �SGO,�DC �u?,45ft,000 � � � � Ex�sendituae St�seei€a1e- Q PFaase €si�°sas 2rad Y�ar j 3r€s Year 4#6�s�`�ar St�3�6fFt Years � CN �1,4�Q,flflQ � 5[} ��r $Ei $t} `� � a s � ( � "" � � € . 1 k � i Expsndit€sre To�a9s- 59,�54,t30f# 5f3 SU Si3 $4 �' � Y .� V �yx-����°��-ar�s��r�at��� � �rc��� ��# �����a fr€arrc 2�17 to 2t�22 �PSOjeCt FildBdS t0 9S8aTES$I3t3�taf� d- � EViFf51 fl2TP0: Q RTPO l�iove�rber 2H,2016 � Caun�y: Grant P� �g�rtay: C�ra�f County �rojeC4�r€fQ- I � � � '� � � E � l � � ` � � � � o E m c a ,�+cn � s, a ` as " � `o E `m � {[ a« m m R�sotufiocs � a` � l!ti!'sty Pr�j�c� y � a ,�eeenrlr ser�t � YrslaO��Cost ��� ` � Maa r Pli� s Q ` �� � Q n Nuer.ber �� �edes Len t9a us�-y' � � %urn�er of d�ro`�c4 ...t3 a z PsojecF enSa� � � 1 €lOt}4l3 900$ 13l291ifi '1i'291i6 2f�'lS-188-cc �9 P,T i#.i3QfE �E h3fl $87�.00fl Tiils:Hridge#330&334 S4ruciure 2D: � 3 Bridga t�epPacemant-lFi+ork�uil4 inctu3e dernotitirsn,s#ructt,'ce seglacem�r,t,aPProacnes,tra'sfic conirnt and ott�er itsrns � Location:(M-#�[W&'t1-t1YV} Farradac��- Start Fe�eeal ` �eciers's S4a4e Siate Locat Phasa E3afie Stafcss � F€�n�Ca�e � s�acsds � Fund Co€:e � =urads �uc�ds Total C�I 2fl17 S � �� � � �G � $37ti.fl� $3lC�.€If30 � � � � � � r J � I p � � N � � � � � � � � � P�a,fficY Tt�L3is_ $fl a atl �37Q,�(7�} �37�,�G'£3 ..� � � � Ex�sersditure Sc�sedu€e- �C � PFaase �3at�eac 2ead Year 3rd Y�ar dt�€'.'eaa � �f��6�E:Yeass � CE+I : �370.C�OG ${1 { SO � �0 $0 � -� E P" 1 � � Y � � �U � � g$�e���«�Q��S- ����,�€�� s� , so s� sa � w � Y .� ��\ V �i�-Ye�r���r���c����i�n tr����v�a�a��tt �r��r�r� fsora� 2�37 t� 2fl22 {Pr�4ect Faar�t3s gcr i�eares#�Joliaa-� � E�f�C?I Ft'F'FO• Q RTP£) 1V4Fiernb�r�9,2Q'E6 °O . � aA Coa�ntgr: Grant c3 a A�ss�c�r: �rant CQunry � F�resgzce�stfcs- i � �? i � � c I m � c cs m � � � � � � I � o y m � a > , Q �, � � a� � n m a m � m m �t�saSut�an [ n.� t5titity � P�ojece �, � � Aa�endsasent 'aota4 Esf.Cast a i e� a z P c c t t g e c t t�u m ber P4N, �� d� ¢Ca i�um�sr k �t-'-� 1 Cod�s � Len g th 4i'' � �fuersber �f Pr�ject 17 O(3�Jt34 gQpb 11I28t�� 11f29t1fi 2�16-18$-cc fl3 P,T.tN {1.8� CE Yes �1.135,C?il i TitIe_CocY�ran 8�Otfiner Road Struchare t33: � Raad:��5500C3-CC3CHRARI RD Begin Terms`ni:E}.(}4 F:�d Termdni:t1.25 Road:41554'€0-t}TTRARR RB Seg�ss l'�€m'sni:fl.25 cnci Termiri:fl.$9 �e;or�st.�uc';ion-Work wi91 include gsa�e,drain,H3+RA surfacinr,Cur��Gutter,sid�Yras'ks.tra�c conmot and�e'rer items � LocaFion:{Ainvay Drive#ca Va31ey Road} � FuncS€ng- 3:arL Fe�§eraF Fe�§e:a9 SfiaEe �taY� � Lo�at P�sase Eiate SCatus �U€zd C�scie Funds �ut�sti�ods � Funds �cassds Tatat i PE 2�17 # S STP{U) $fi3,25C 5(} $8,75E} $SQ.4t�l RtPv j 2t1117 ' S � $(l �(} �5.f3�36 $�<00� cs� � 2077 � s s��([�} � 5ss�.2o� �a � s�a�.ao� � ��,�a��eo � � i � � N !s � o � N � � I � { � N Ptoject icsia9s- �9�,45C} � �t3 $357,�� 51,135,C24f} � '� � � �c�endi2ure Sc6roeciul�- � F4aass Rst'�ear 2nd Year 3ad Y�ar 4#�s�ear SYta�6Y9a Y�ars � F� $S�J.{�Q€3 4 �Q 5� �0 � ( `� t F'�W $5.v��3 � SO 5� �fl ${3 � P-i CD4 �1 fl$4,GQ(k � �� St2 `�0 � �(} �; � � � -� � �����s�:����_ s$,s���� ' s� s� s� s� ' w � Y .� ��\ V �i�-'���r�T���������i�� 1 �r�v��ae�a� P������ fi�arr 2(}'[7 ts� 2E}22 (€�rogec4�vnds tc�M1dea�es�C3o,l�rp � �P$31$2't�4: Q RTE�G' tl;IIYBP!'1bL'r 2$,2C3'6 � � a� Co€�e�4y: d�rant p� �s�esacy: t�rant Caunty P`so�e�4 4nFo- � � � � � # � � � '� � 1 � 1 1 � � � m I _ � � n = "= 3 Q �.� � s ° � > a � � � � o E � �� a m s m �eso3uTia€a �� t3filiiy Pr�ajee4 y a � Am�nsi€rsent 7oia6 Esf.Cest u�.s� �z ProfectNurssbef €�f�9� i� ¢a �Q hluYnber � �ty`- Cades LengQFs ui a-'' � Nusrttser es��=t�Jecf t13 Gi�Qt#5 9�1 Si1241':H 1'f/28f16 243&188-ce u4 72fl� GE iNv �Z,250.tIQ0 Ttle:Saverly-Burice Aua3 Structuse SD: Road:9'i413C�J-SEVERLY BUftKE RE) 8egir�Termini:fl.4(� �n�sermira:72t1 2R C}verlay-Wo*k Eansisi o#�fBRA C3verPay,shou€der�nishing.9uardrail.ttaif.c cont:o3 and oLSsr rt�ms Locstioa:{SR 243 tc SR2G) Fta�€ftr€g- Stari s=e��sa2 ( �eeDaraS s State Stat� Locat ? Phase �a4s Status Fss�ac€�acie I Fun€is �-cacsd Cs�e Funds Fu€ads � Tsa4a� P� 2�17 S � a�� � �7 �25,C� $25.4�Q : Ctv 24?1a S � S?"P(c�) S'I.946.25� $�3 5278.750 T�2,225,4�C# t � N � � N � � � � � � � ( � N 1 � � r�resject To:as_ $S.SG£i,250 �� ? u3CI3.750 $2<25fl,�,�;; ,� � � -C3 EX¢32@'6t�9$tEF��C�'}Et�4ki@- � �hase 9st Y�ar � 2��'sar � 3cd Ys� ' �Yta°!eas S.h&6�s Years � PE �2�,fki3Q � 50 �Q , 5Q 3C3 � P� CF! � 52,225,OQ(} � S� $� �C3 �fl � � � ~ ' � w Exgaenc]itnre 3aYats- S�SQ,O�t3 � 54 56 �£! §{E s � �.., .� ct� U ��xm��ar�`��r�sp�a���i�� 1�����r���r�t ��t�g���a �-orr� 2f317 t� 2f�22 (ff�rcaject�s�ncis�o Nsasest�lcsitar} � iV€#�fl t�LTP�• 4 2TPfl �fc�vecnber 29>20'€6 � C�ts�tty: Grar�t p� Ages�c}/: vran#Cns�nfy i €�roject I�fa- � � � � � I I ` � � 4 � � � s m yS C k � .. � £ � � a m� � � � '� > p � � � O � s3 .¢. II..ti.e � � � � Resatui;on � a g. L4�s7et7r e�naye� 7 � � A€rasndanent SaEa&Est.�ost u r.—i � a.z Projeet Ns�mt�er PiN i o �c d� �aum�s�r j �[�' Codes Lecagth na� � �umber of Project � tmt�s sooa ��t2s�as ��.2st�s 2�,s-fas-cc �s �.�o c� �s� �:s�,�a� liHe:Cocant}r Road Safety-f2umbte Strips 8 FEashing Signs S�cture EQ: � � This prcaject wiiE iacfude€nsta[iatian af ruen�ie strips,ftesh=ng LED stop signs and othsr associafed work an variaus roa�°5 4hra€tghout fhe � County. Laz;atiost:Various Fundinq- i Sta� Federa€ Fe€�ara€ 52a:e � StaEe Ls�ca[ Phase Dafe &tatus Faand Cod� �un�#s � =can��ade i Fcsncis Furacls 7adal CN 2�J17 � C? �ES1P 5'f61,44Q � � $fl $t� �w'S6't,4t}fl � � � � N � � � O � N � § � s ( O � � N � � C'�3��6�v'��t3_ 34V��4Vtt *�U Wi% i +V3U�s�fUu f `� �I � p� .9 � �X�'fQ4'9f���tF7v SC➢5VY13��- '� � Piaasa 9stYear 2ra��f�ar 3rd Y�r 4xh Ys�e Sth&6t3�Years . � CRi � �tfi?.4t;� �� T�0 # � $U� � t p" � � � � � U � €�����i��«-ror��s- ��c�s,ao� ; �� s� s� k sa �' � � .� v �i�c-'����'������a������t �€���°������� �����°a� �resr�a 2(317 to zC3z2 ��co;ec�fe�rtds to�aresf D�Ilac} � IL7€��J R"CFO: t� RTPC� �i�vember 29,2(316 a°, cp �auniy, Grant p.`�., �ae�cy: Grastt Caur:ty � F'roj�cF��a$cs- ' _ s � ` .. � _ ` � �� � LYf fl � � � � � � � � E [n ya p � � € > a m � " � o� �� �$ m a Resatutio�t Q Q � U�i€'sty � ProjacE ( � Q � � e�asrtg�radmes�t Ta4a6�st.Cos4 � ci u ii z Prerject Pluetrb� PSA4 s� �II ¢a Nccan�aer �t'—' ��des t Lesagih s s p-'` � 3 RSurrber � af Fropect + 410t1�}7 9f1u8 31129f't6 13t2Sf16 24's$-388-cc Q� G.flfSO CE t�o $?19,t}�(4 TstEe:Cffunty Road Sa€eiY-Horizontai Cur.re�igrrs Sfructure OD: This pro�eet will iraclude 3rss4a[lafian oi�vaming signs and other assrsc§ated uvork on va�iaus roa�s thmughout the�aunty. Lacation:Varia:ts Fzersdirsg- SQart I { �ederal �edera9 8tate 1 Stafe i L�caB � �hase �a4e � 5#atess � Fuc�c9 Caci� . Fass:ds Fvnd C�de � Fasnds �uasds TofaE C;it � 2017 � £3 }�81� � �719,tT00 � $tl $€} { 5719,�flfl � t � � � ' � � , � ! N i � � N � . � O i i N 3 � i � } N Projec2Tota[s- 37i�,�GF3 �0 3(l $7'€9,ff00 � � � �xpeatditu€e S��edca2e- � Q Phase 2s4 Year 2nd Year � 3sd`tea: �fh Year 5YE�8 Sth Years , � CN $7'E 3.4}0� 5t} �0 � 50 $i} a ! ° � � _� � t � _� Expend[ture�'atats- S7'49,t3Q4 5Ef 5t� 5fl i 5� �" � Y .� � v ��ac—��ar���r��pa� t€�� ����-c��r� �r�� ����r�� €roczs 2t317 fa 2�122 {F�roje�g Funds to�earest�3o€lar) o, 00 tV�P{3 l RTP4: 4� R'�'P{) t�overnbeF 29,2fi'i 6 � � Cot�r�fig€: Grant Q, Rgen�y: Grant C�urtty 6�rojec�[saso- I � � f � � v � � � � � r s � m � � � a � �ffi � Q � � > i � a t � a E �a: c° � a�a �s Resvtutaota �a 4}tP€€ty �roje�t i `> s � rlsstendme�� Total�sB.CessY si t� ci.z €�sofecf�um8er F3P! �� �� 4 a Nu,nbe� �t'—` Cades Len�h w� ce dVssm€a�r o€ProJect Q9 (?Dt2€IS �tYJB 9i129t'ifi 5112911H 2t316-188-cc t}3 €?T D.720 �So �2fl(l.� Ti#t=_:J-NE Road Stnaetuse tE3: Road:53�i5t3Q0-J i�1E Begin Termini:E7.�E5 Erni�ermini:0.72 Recanstructis�n-;1Vark wiit istc(ucle earfhwork,cfrainage.SST su�acirxg.L�afiie controt an�other items Lac�fian:{Pinto 9aidge R€zad?0 3ff-NE Etaad} 4 Faar'dirsg- SYart � Feder�f Fe�sat Sffi4� �tate �r.scaF i Pha�s t3at� Sfakass i Fa.�:sd Code F��ads { Furs�Co€�e �€�ra�3s ! Fassstis Fatal � z P� 2(217 � S $t} �G �ZS.OGQ 4 �25,t3ftt2 CN 2c�47 � S $G �{� $175,f100 � $975.t30t3 i { � N ! � � O � � � � i O � i � Pro]ec:T�taEs- �� � �tD � 52f�t3,{�(3� $2Q�,t}Q4 .� � � 'cs �X[2EF.C$€$Uf@$C5'i8S$£1?S- T3 � PEsase �s�Y�ar 2nci Y�ar 3rd Year /a8h�f�ar , �tEa�StEt Years � FE 525,OiQ !E �tl �t� �G ${J p,., C�7 $'�75,£3�Q ( 50 � �0 � $G `" � � � � fi � Experadifure'��ta[s- 52E3Q,€f4£I $Q � SD 5� SO � � .� ai U �fx—����-�"��r����r��t��r� �r��r�s�a� ��# ��-��r� fs-c�m 2£?�7 to 2[}22 ��rojee4 Funr�s Et�R�earesf�ot6a�} 0 {f��'�31 RTP£}: Q RTPC? i�ovem�er 29,2€�'I6 00 � Coun#y: Gr�,nY � �igercy: Gr�nt Coun#�j a.i PF6jLGL�SIiO- j � � � � � � � � � � � _ � c � � � � � � L m_ � � � o v m � � � � � � > � � � N o E # � g g' � � � i2�solution g Q U�iE'cty Pzo�sct � Q � � Ars��dsaasee� � Tatai Est.C�st ei c3 ci.z �ec��ct Aiaacr€Ir�z PI�� i t� Q� �� � �camP�er � �t'°- € Cescfes ieragth ui� � ?dumber af Prmjt� i 0& (}O(S49 9t4?2 '€1129f1B '�'ST29C16 2(7i6-'€88-cc �4 P.i 3.5if� C� ttio $1,t�64,t}44 � Tt#ie:9-MYU Etoad Str,�c#u�e(D: J � Road:302flQ20-S lVitV B��in Tsrmini:4_47 End Tem�ini:7_48 � 3 2R-Wo=k vvitE'snciude earihwark,drainage.�ST su�face,krar�ic can#rot ar2�other iYesns � LocaGan.{Quincy Citp Li?iits to�dams Road) � Funciing- S?art Fe�era! Fe:ler� � S#ate i S4ate LacaE Ptaaase t3ata SYat�s F�end�ode Fc�;ds � F�srs��ode � Fvrfcs r Funds Ta�ai , F'E 2{317 S � $£} � E�A� $72,00� � �8.t�(?f3 j S�f3.t3(30 � .C,�I 2{)17 $ � .�'iD RAF' ,�sfi78.C7Q�ifi � �343['.{3L'0 � �u'$BQ,L�(i0 � � € i � � � � N � � � � N � � � � O � N � Pro;"ect?atals- �0 �7�,{1{7G �33Q,dtl� $i.�60,00t� � 'C � � �xp�nr3iture ScS�ed�9e- j � P�Sas� is�Y�ar 2ead Year 3zd Yeas �tt:Yea� Stt��6tt�Ye�rs � � PE �80.000 ��, �{3 $J �Q `� CtV �98t}.ODO , $a i �D � SO s �4 ; ( � � � ! � .� Exg�rod'aYma=e�'otads- 5'4,�38€3.�}flQ SiT SL� 50 � 5� �' � � .� U �a�€=�����'r����c� ti�� ���Sr��re ��� P������a �ras�a 2(�17 #z� �022 ��rojec��uescis fi�9tiearsst Dca;iar� .—� � M��P RTi'4?: C! f2TFO November 29,2C}16 °O � C€ss�nt�: G�ant a Agesac�r: Granf Caun� Fro�ect lni�_ € C � � � � � { i _ � ( � � � � � � � � � 4 Q �m � � Q -� > L � � � � `o E �� c� � o � �esofufaon �� UfiSi;y �s�ajsc� —y Q � � .,�easdsneaat T�s§al Est.Cosf u�, c3 a`.z Fru�ec#IYa�enta�r P�iS i ra �a � G� � �durre�r �� �odes - L�r€gth au€'—' � � C�vmisas afi Praject 09 €��01€� 8013 1?1291't6 f4f291t6 2�16-7&8-cc 03 P,T Z1flfl CE �+io ��n2,0Ut3 Ttie:14-SN�F-S�1 Road Structure i€?: � Rosd:42Z8{3Q�-tfl SW Hegin Term6ni:O.flO End Termsni:1.72 E2Qad:'E 278Q14-F StAt Heg3n Termirsi�1.'t2 Ersd Termi:�i:2.1fi � �ra�:e2 4�SS'C Pregram-4iVork vri:i anclude eariE�woe�c,drainege,�S�i'susface,fra�c cantrol a€�c€ot��er itsms . � �oc2tian:i6-8W Road tt�1t-SLN Raadj Fundirtg- Start F�ecal F�c3e:�l SYate State C.ascat FFsase Ba� St�4tas Fun��od� ( �ucsc;s �€��d�o�e:. FunBs Ftands 1'tstaE P� Z�"f7 8 � � { $4 �4B.�iQt3 $46_flfl{7 Ct�l 2i397 5 � � $t3 j $tl ��36,OLG �436.t}�0 � i i � i � N � � � N � �((( � � � ; N � � Project TntaEs- S{} �;{3 $4c"sZ.�0�9 � ��82.�J4€} ,� � � � Ex�ers€ittttre s��a�si+�€e- � � } P€tsse 1st Yeac �;s��sar 3r�°a'e�r ���5°lear St3a&a�a Years � Pc $4&,�t3� 5t} 56 �fl $Q � py Ci�E � �a416�,€`fl(T �SQ $0 �G` �(} � � € € � � i U � w �pentif�csre Taia3s- $462.ElQ�T SD 3D S� �D � �--� .� � U �a�-���r�T�����Sa����i�n ����������� ��-���� fi'�m 2(�17 #�s 2t�22 {�rojsct Fc�ra€fs tss�4ear�st F3esldar} c� Nit'C!1 R�Rt3: Q RT�C) Novernber 29,2{�1f °O � �rsurs4y_ �rani � � A�sr���: CN'ant L;ounty — Pcoj��t�nfm- ( � � � E � '' .a � C j � � = m � I � 1 � � � � � � � � g � •a � a �� �% a .� i � a s � � a g R� a� e. o � 4�esoButian Q a tt�€IB�y � P�m�sct � � � � Am�ndment ! gmtal EsL�ast ai€� a`z Pro,#ect EY[am�rer ?t�d �a � �a 4� 4�€�r.rber � �t'—° C�des t Lengtda us a�' � I�tamm6es � of�'rssJec� E}4 £�t1II11 3t}94 911291i6 11,291`e6 2{716'88-tx 43 P,T 1.fi0tI CE Nt3 �fiL,4D1� Titls_$-!VW Roa� Struefure tt3: � Ftc;ad 8�34t1t}Q-8�[Vt# Begin T��rnini:�.{IQ �nd Tarrrsini:B.6S3 � I � �ravel Fo£iST Prvgram-kVork ui€I inc6ude eartnwork.dra9r�age.BST surFace.i�af€ic cantral ane othsr=:is:ns � Locatian:;i3odsan F2oad#o'E.oC#miles E�st} Fursding- S�a€t � FederaP F�derat � Sffi8� Sfate Locai I r hase €3ate Status j �ur�ci�ode Fun�€s � �as�st Cgcfe Fus�ds Fussais '�otaE j �E 20'E7 S $€3 �fl $35.t}�D S35.Otyi} Crii 2�J�7 � S $C SQ � �325.0^{7 �32b.4€lt# � t i i ( i I � � � 4 N � , � � � � � � o N � � � � o � � N � 3 � � � Project i satals- �� $t3 �36G.€140 5360.0�0 � � '� Experaditca;s�c€teduie- �C Q' Phase �isE Yeas 2�ad Y�aa� 3rd Y�ar d4h Year Sth�64i�Y�ars � P4 T�3�.�04 SO $(3 $(3 5(? p,i C(v° $325<ODfS $Q � �4 5� $0 � V' � � � ! � � i � i � w E��a��,�8����- ss�,a�v �rt 3� �� � � �--� .� V �ix=�'�a��"e���s�� ��€�r� ������� ��� F����°�rt� �r€�a�t 2C�i7 tca 2�22 �Presgect�ut�ds to�ieasest[3o�#a�} cn �1dP�i F2'��, Q RTPO N�veirber 29,2:T�#6 � � �ot€ntjt: Grar�t a As�ency: �ranf Cc�unty �'ro�eci tnfss- � � � � ; � = ° � � ' € _ � s � � � � � s � � € E i � � � � � a I �,� w o I 3 � > � Q a _ � a E � �� o,°.' c�+ ae l f2esoluticrn �� UtilEty �'ro;ecf y Q � � Amendment TataE EsLCosi si s� � a'.z Pro gect�&asanber P��I .—.�'.� �Q ¢a � �s�rafE�r �� Ccesfes LertgB#� u�� � � A�aamber �x€Pr���c: � 14 �12 �`aCt37 1i129tt6 15t29!#B 2�96-Z3E�;c '�5 F,T t�.270 C� �10 �u�36.�13 Ttle:Endeavor R�idete Schoo!Sidewatk Sfructure SI?: � Roa�:45174I�Q-PATI'f2N BLVd� Begin Termini:'@.6D ��'fermi�i:5.87 � Sa€eiy Froject-fnsfall sapid-€lash beacons,rEcess=d crosswa6k wam'cng fight system,sc@�ool zans{iashing beacc�n,AL3�sideuvaix Ramp � upg�acfes and aiher Rems. LocaFives:{PaTton Efvd Infersections} Fu€as�[ng- } Start Fe�e:at i ��€fssa[ SYate �Yafie � Lcaca; E Phase €�ate Statcas fu:�sB Code s=unds Fta�ad Code Fura€3s �c:e�s Tota3 � LE+3 2(317 ( S �6 SRT� { �123,40t# � �i3,�Df� ' �136.�t7G { � � � � � # , i � g N , o � � { � � N i j � � � � � � i Q � } ProfeCT�ta[s- "�� � �'E23.40(l �13.'!Ot} �336,5€SO ,� � � '� Expersditasr�Sc�edvie• 'T3 Q PEnase #s#Y�ar 2nd Yssr 3��Yesr �$th Y�ar Stta&fit§�`fsars � � C�4 $'E�S,�fl �0 �� �£# � �543 � Ci, � � t � � � � � ; � �� tX�fl������-����- ��3�,�� � �� sa �� �� w � .� � U Six-'Y'e��`�°s����€�r������ ���t��� �r���r-o��� ���� z��� to 2022 {��c�ject�uc�ds to�desres��3�i€ar� d- �1lPC31 E2TPC3: � F�ZPO Novernber 2�,2f7'8 00 � �o€��ty: �€anf � P� r4gan�y. Grent CaunEy � Prapecc�[nfo- � � � � I � " � � � o � � � � ! � � {{ � �,� i � ° � � > � Q m � c ;° o E as Y' o� m c+ Rescslu4iors � c Q. 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A1ov�rraYSsr 29.20'i6 °O a> bA Ct�ttttty: GFBFti `� � F�ger��y: �rssgect�rsfQ- €{ � � � _ � ji r 1� � E � C CS i i qy i � _ �t O E G I i � a? � � � 0 M 1'•s = 'ii S i t!E � R o E �� a� m m I Fdesg4vY'stsn �� L3�e4ity Proje:t —y � � Ame$sddreeent To�€�sw�€€st ; �i e3 �� Projec�Rlum'�e� P:� g� �n Q Go � �'umbes �t'-` �oc€es � Lecag2h su t'-' � 3�um�s af Proj�ct � � 1$ OC3023 9fl29 1�(2511fi St{29136 2Q1�-3$8-cc fl3 P.7".�N G_99Q CE No 3'f,525,JQQ Ttie:�rape�hRa�Ee L7rive Strsfeture ED: Road:42350a�-Gt�APE C3ft Hegirt Fermi€fa:C9.03 End zerminc Q_27 � �.DdC�:42rJ�4�(}'$�frF��L�c�1}� BB�IPt�E(CT816Y3:�}.�ff �E3t4 T2RTIIfl1:�3.75 Reconstr�:ion-Wack will include grads.drainage.custr and gutes,HMA.side�rralk,tr�c con#ra[�nd other i�ems Lc�catio;�:(SR 17 to SYcatford€'�oad} Furtding- Start Fe�es�t Fec€esaS State Stat� Locai P�aase Ls��e S#ataas gaand Cead� Fun�s Funt��ca�3e �unds �uacds T�t�! F� 2CPi9 i' Sl'P{�J; 5t0H.325 "�C3 I �1v.8?5 �125,F1�}0 � CN 242ED P STF(1Sj �#,211.Qt3C � 3f3 � s189,Q�tt � �1.44i3,D(3£3 � � � � N � � N � � O � � i N � N � ProjsctTa�Es- �'�,398,i25 $Q S2€2�,&7b 5�,�2�,(Y„� 6 � � � � �pe[ss3ituse SClaeduF�- '� Q Fhase �st Yeac 2sui Year 3r�lfear � 4th Year �#h 8�6f�z Ysars � PE �fl $4 �t 25.fl�JG $fl $4 P.a C� $� SE'i � St} S o.�0£k.�7G� � � � �E � i � � U i � { � [7y EX�.5241�ILW2�L T82�$5- �� ! $0 �'��J�,Q�� �'�.4{��,43�� ! �� � i � +-. � � ��x-�'e��-������� t�c�r� tr��r�v� ��t ��-s���-� ffs-�srra 2Q17 fo 2t}22 (Rrcr�eet�Un�s t�s�iearas#�o9i�r) �n N �'�l�E3/RTPLi: Q FZTE�E3 I�lOVBfR�er 29,2(l'6$ � � Crseses�y: Grant � a t�geaacy: Grant Ccsun�y ��csjsct�rfrs- ( � � � s � `m � � �' m �'m � ° vE > � t o � � # � � a E ,� � c."�. m m ResoFutisan �� ' t3titity � i^rc�jacE {f y Q � � Btenendczaent ' T�t�:�sLCost � �v a.z �s�j�ctRlumiaer PfA� �n �� � �� t��s€rc#s�r �€�' Codes Lerts�th I €u� � �is��r!b�r � o$Presjec8 Q� fl0024 343� 39!23l1fi 9112�196 2�'16-388-ec 03 P,7 9.f110 t�o $25(2,O�S} � Ticie:Basavine.5 SE Rcsd Str�ec#ure 9D: Road:22'1040fl-BASELS;�E.S Sc 3ec�an Tetznini:1.01 En�Termini:2.Q2 �ravet to SST Program-Worfc wifl s�tcius3e sarchwork.drai.^.age.BST sur�ace.#raffic cantro6 and ather items Location:(N-SE Raad fo Q-SE Road) �uras�ln�- Start � ��ssa€ � Fsderai Sfa',e � Sta�� LeacaE � Phase €3afe S4a:us Furd C€�de Fusads } Fua¢r9�ade Func�s F�asds Tcai�1 I PE 2E}i9 S 5£} � �� �25,(14t7 $25,{}pQ � Ct� 2fS79 S �€3 � � �{S �225.4�}(} 5225.Oflfl 4 � i � 1 � N � N � � O ! N i ' i � � � ' � , � � � o � ' N PrejeVt Tetats_ $� 3ii 5254,€3t#Q $2bD.43DQ ,� � � � � F�pensiitvse Hci3etl:;ie- � ��'ta5£ '�S2�EBF �P'if$�B�! 3F€§°��.�f t �$�''.yP3C �4`3�c��iE�e�€5 �+ � � �� �`LrJ,t�{� � $U �� '�' c� �a �o $z�s,oao � �� �� � � � � � .� �X��naet�,=e-tm�a�s- �� � � s2s�.�ao � sff �a ` � � .� � � U S��`���-'�`���a�����f��� � ���a�r����at �s���� ftc�r�a 2C3�7 go 2i122 �FiO�£�Ftlf[aS$O$�E�SF�S�DUIIBH'} � N MP4/R'FPC): Q RTPE) 3Vr�ve�nber 29,241€� � a� £a�uatfy: t�rant a ,�agency: �ran#Counfy � �ro�ect Hnfas- :° -a � � 4 � ffi _ � � � m m � � � � � O �'c� c � Ti > ` a � y o E �w �'r � � R�Soles#€on Q� � $;t€firy t�o�ect y � � � Asm�:adme� � Total cst.Cas: ei� a.z Psojsc$Nuresher P1P� �a �� �� Nurra�er �� i Code� Lercgth ss s•'-` � �tur�ber a€€�res��ct � Q3 fldQ2� 9�}31 11f29l16 i1129�lfi 2Q'16-�&8-cc £�3 P,T 25(lCE No S53fl.Gfl0 Ti€3e:Lowec CraS Creek Road Structure tt�: � Raad:1'E 1300G-LOWER Ct�AB CREEK R� 8egirro Termini:f3.t3fi End Termini:2.SQ � i � Gravei to�ST Program-Vtic�r'rt wiii ez�ciude ear€hchrori4 drainage,SS�stcrfac�,traf#ic cor;2roi and a¢.kter"stsms tocatiort tE-SE Raad fo 2.5 tui"sles�ast} Fus�zltatc�- SYa3t � F�c�esa6 Fet3�raS 3Yaie Staie �ocai Phasa €3ate S#atus suaecB Cot3e Fuands Fesna Ct�as guncfs �un�s Tota� PE 2Qt?� S � 5t} $f) SJS,DOt3 $Sb.flflfl Ot3 CN 2fl19 S ��J �0 $4�35,t70t} � �4�,{30G i � � � 3 � � N � � � � � N � O � N � � 3 � � � � O € s � N t : ProjectTata€s- a0 � 50 �55�,400 �55t3.QL�£� ,.� � e> 'cs ` �XX[SQltC�94ULE SC�{jid�2- T3 Phase 1st�'�ar � 2n€�Y�a: E 3s�e6 Yeas dfh Year 5[h&6th Ysars � � PE ' S� 50 $�5.C3fl{� SO � $4 � (�, c�s � �o �� � �a�,oa� � �o � �� 1 .; � � � � � .� ���n�t�,���taas- �� s,€s �sss.cu�€s s� �� �" � +, .� � U Si�c'������a����rt�$��a� � ����r�rr���� �r�� fresra� 2(l17 '�� 2t�22 {Pccaj�ct��e�ds fo�tearest E�o33�r, � N MPC3 F RTPC3: Q RTPO Nouerrtber 29,2€396 � a� Causst}r_ Grant � Ager�cy: Grar�f�ouniy Praject E�tfes- P 3 :E I � � � � _ � � c = � � � _ � �m` , s � -a > a ' m _ � � o E � cs y �m m as Reso€utirsz� Q g � Stfti� F�s€�jec� j � � A€�sen€faasertE T�#ai Esg.Cost � �a u n`.z �'roj�P�tasmber �t�i! T� Q� ¢� d�uanbes �� Cades �en�th � �i r'-" t� Nucnber c�f ProjecY 07 0�28 $E�20 i1129128 11T29I76 2f�1$-18$-cc CI4 r';�' 1.93f3 �lo �3,3t10,QOD � Titie:3-NE Road-Phase 3 Struct�rs SD: Raad:94t3C302{S-3[4E Segin Termini:8.�'I En8 l"emvni:17.aG 33�-Wwk wift inctude earttnvc3rk,drainage,ki�suriacs,tra�c coratroi arrd otf�er iEsms � Loe�tian:(S-h4E Road€a t7-N�Raad} 4 FurssY€r�g- � S�art F�derai ` FecEera[ SiaYe State Locai Phase fl}afe Status FsssxS C� �ur€ds Fund Cade Fsm�s Fa�rsds Tata! PE 2Q2� S Su $Q $i 3fi3O€SO $13G,0�1t? CPV � 2E}2G S �J $� 'St,i70,0{ID $'�,'l7Q.tli70 � f � N � � o � � � � N n � t � O � � � Project�atals- �� $� � �1,3�Ct,�Qi3 Si,3D{}.p�p ,� � � � 9 �penditure Sctsedul�- zs P�ase 'is�Year 2nd'�ear 3sci Year ° 4�h Year Sth�6fh Years � PE 30 50 SG �i3f}.�t€�� � ,�',sCt ^�-� a ��a 5£I � �4 �� 51,17G,QG6 � $tJ � 3 r .� � Expersdi4ure Tuta9z- 5� ; SFt Sg $1,31}€B,t�£§i3 SQ u" t � � .� � U ���c-����T������ t�cz� � �r������� F�rc���� #rc��s€ 2�17 �0 2t�22 (��jecf Funt9s tcs NeaseSc Qca�[a�) aa N �E��3�����: Q �T�{) iSOY@fCt�'��,°ZQ if3 � � bA �.oi�tsfy: Grant � P� �ejescy: Grant Ccnin:y ( �rcaject 9�ca- � I � � 1 � � � w c � � � _ ` � E I � � � � a O �z Q} � � � � � y � � � d k �' c`�rs v ° � " m Q� �� Re�raa:sYsssra ° � JtiSi�,� � Pr�ject �" � � � Arzsends�en? Tota!F�t.Gflst _�" ° � �ea a i� � � ss � c'ac�, 'c � 'S c�v a`Z Ps�oog�e#t�a�mber a�1P� �r� ¢�s = �� t�w•nber �4— Cod�s t L�ng#h w i— � c� Number o#Pr��ect 07 QO{327 �Q22 1�129116 'i1129116 2fl't8-188-f'..c C4 P,� 4.�iCi Na $`s.24C7,OGQ Tc4Ie:S2r3��d Road-Phas�'S Ste�sc�tre 3u: � f�oad_9�252EI-ST?�.RTFC3RD Rf� Segin iermani:9.23 End TemsiaS:13.24 � I � 2Et-�Nor§c��iE3 include essthwor�,dsaiesage.85F surFace,traf,5c:arttroi and otF�er items j � Location:(�2-NE F2oad iQ 16-NE Ftoad} � j Fundirtg- � Sfi.��t F�d�ral Fe::era8 ; SYate State � LcscaC � ��as� �a�� s��s � ��.�€c4�e I �u� � �c�z�c�cse ��srra� 1 ��n�s -��c�s � PE 2D2� P ij �� � RRP �a0,GQ0 ! $1£�.ilB4 �1(3C3.#h� CA1 202Q P f � 5c� ?�A6' � $o&0,{i{I4 � 544t).d3(i� �t,'6(I(},�SQQ i � ' � � ! 7t � � f4€ � � F � �N k � � � � � � � � � b � �+ # �r �sojaci To�ta- �fl �75(}.t�! �45�,Of}0 � $1.2ii{3.4t� � a> ^C €acp�ndi8ts�'e Sc�edts�e- ^� � Phase ts�Ye�� 2nc��'ear 3;d Year �fPe Y�ar S�h 8���s Years � P� �(7 50 �! �t3 �'?fi.r�,flC7Q 5� 0. 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