HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC MIfVUTES GRANT COUIVTY B(JARD OF COMMISSIOI� ERS MONDAY, DECEM�ER 5,20�6 The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:30 a.m. with Commissioners Carter and Stevens in attendance. Commissioner Swartz was out and excused. 8:30 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Meeting 9:00 a.m.—9:20 a.m. J Strickler,ASC Update and Misc. BOCC Action A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve items 6 through 8 on the agenda as presented. Items 2 through 5 were not ready for signature. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. 1. Possible vouchers for insurance, legal services,grant administration, etc. 2. Anticipating: Professional Services Agreement for Legal Representation of Indigent Individuals in Grant County District Court, Full Time Contractor, between Grant County and Patrick Earl. Term is January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2018. (Item not ready for signature) 3. Anticipating: 2017 Animal Shelter Contract between Grant County and Grant County Animal Outreach, Inc, Term is January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, (Item not ready for signature) 4. Anticipating: 2017-2019 Davis Shows NW, Inc.Agreement with Grant County for the provision of shows, amusement rides,games and concessions during the Grant County Fair. Term is from date of final signature through September 30, 2019 (for August Fairs in 2017, 2018, and 2019). (Item not ready for signature) 5. Anticipating: Interlocal Agreement between Grant Transit Authority and Grant County Regarding Emergency Services (for legal framework and establishment of procedures and conditions for making limited GTA owned vehicles and GTA operators available to the Grant County Sheriff's Office Emergency Management Division. (Item not ready for signature) 6. Request by the City of Mattawa for a 30 day extension to December 31, 2016 deadline for project completion on Strategic Infrastructure Project(SIP) No. 2015-01, Government Road - Corridor Redevelopment Plan. (Approved) � 7. Request for authorization to permit New Hope's Accounting Assistant to sign Grant County vouchers for submittal for approval to the Board of County Commissioners and for payroll authorization in the absence of the Director, (It was approved for the Assistant to sign , Vouchers and payroll, but not to sign A-19 forms. The BOCC chair will sign the A-19 forms) 8. Grant County Request for Reimbursement No. 8 to the Department of Commerce on CDBG General Purpose Grant No. 15-62210-022, Royal Water District Rehabilitation Project,for the � period October 29 through November 25, 2016, in the amount of$153,462.53. (Approved) � i I Page 2 of 11 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of December 5, 2016 9:30 a.m.—9:50 a.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Hillcrest Lighting District Decrease and Turnkey Lighting District Increase—2017 Assessment Rates The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider the recommendation of the Grant County Treasurer to increase the Turnkey Lighting District parcel assessment rate for 2017 from $20.00 to$24.00 per parcel; and to decrease the Hillcrest Lighting District parcel assessment rate for 2017 from $1�.00 to$16.00 per parcel. Darryl Pheasant,Treasurer, discussed the recommended changes. A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter,to close the public comment period. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. Commissioner Stevens moved to approve the recommendation of the Treasurer and approve the increase/decrease as presented. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance, The hearing adjourned. (Approved, Resolution No. 16- 196-CC for Hillcrest; and Resolution No. 16-197-CC for Turnkey) 10:00 a,m.—10:30 a.m. Open Record Public Hearing, 2017 Grant County Budget Adoption, Capital Facilities Plan Adoption, and Make Tax Levies. The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Meeting to adopt the 2017 Budget, Capital Facilities Plan, and Make Tax Levies. Michele Jaderlund,Auditor, requested to continue the budget part of the hearing until the following day, December 6, 2016 at 3:30 p,m. June Strickler,Administrative Services Coordinator,went over the Capital Facilities Plan� Darryl Pheasant,Treasurer, asked if both REET's and SIP (133 Account)were added to the Capital Facilities Plan? Commissioner Carter stated it is listed under REET. Barbara J. Vasquez, Clerk of the Board, stated the last year's Levy was$17,533,288.42 so the 1% increase will be$175,333,00. Also,the Implicit Price Deflator(IPD) is 0.953%for 2017 so the County vuill need to adopt 2 resolutions making a declaration of substantial need for the purposes of the setting the limit factor for the property tax levy for 2017—for Current Expense and Road Fund. Commissioner Stevens discussed the Explanation of Fund Uses and believes that the 1�3 � Account (Economic Rural County) should be specifically listed on page 4. This should be added � before adoption tomorrow. ; Jeff Tincher, Public Works Director, stated last year's Road Fund Levy was$9,026,203.00 and is ! asking for a 0,6467% increase. The increase total will be $58,364,00. ' ; i i ' f Page 3 of 11 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of December 5, 2016 Commissioner Carter read into the record the Grant County Noxious Weed Board Land Classifications and Assessments for 2017: Irrigated Cropland 21 cents per acre Dryland 07 cents per acre Range/Scabland 04 cents per acre , Minimum Parcels $10.00 per parcel A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens,seconded by Commissioner Carter, to continue this hearing until December 6, 2016 at 3:30 p.m.The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. 10:30 a.m.—10:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period Tom Martinez, representing Desert Lakes Golf Course located at Mardon, came to discuss the Building Department permit process. They had a pre-fab building placed on the golf course that is 30x45 to be used to store golf carts. Mr. Martinez was notified by the Building Department that he did not get a building permit for this building, so he began the process to obtain one. He was told by Ray Audet in the Building Department that he needed to get engineering drawings of the building and for the foundation. He was able to get the drawings for the building, but he disagrees with Mr. Audet that he needs to have these drawings. Mr. Martinez wants to appeal this decision but there is not method of doing this. They have since been playing phone tag and now he doesn't get a return call. Commissioner Carter requested Dave Nelson, Building Department Director,to come to this meeting to asslst in answering questions. (Portions of the ending of this meeting were unintelligible due to microphone issues) Mr. Nelson brought Mr. Martinez to the Building Department to visit with Ray Audet. 11;00 a.m.—11:30 a.m. C Pence, New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services Update 12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m. Elected Official and Department Head Monthly Luncheon 1:00 p.m,— 1:30 p.m. C Carter w/ HR and Accounting,Twice Monthly Payroll Discussion Meeting 1:30 p.m.—1:40 p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Economic Enhancement Strategic Infrastructure Fund, Elections Department, and Tourism Commission Budget Extensions The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider the following budget extension requests: • Economic Enhancement Strategic Infrastructure Fund#113.115 in the amount of $250,000.00 for SIP#2016-04 for the Port of Ephrata, Fire Suppression System. Page 4 of 11 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of December 5, 2016 • Auditor's Office—Elections Department Fund#001, Department#108 in the amount of $730.39 to receive funds for a HAVA grant. • Grant County Tourism Commission Fund#114.156 in the amount of$45,988.00 for advertising costs. • Economic Enhancement Strategic Infrastructure Fund#113.115 in the amount of $536,270,00 for the following SIP Projects: o SIP#2016-05 Port of Warden, Wastewater Collection System, $229,000.00 grant; o SIP#2016-06 Port of Moses Lake,Wastewater Extension, $100,000.00 grant and $47,270.00 loan; o SIP#2016-07 Port of Quincy, Industrial Parl< No. 5 Road Improvements, $100,000.00 grant and $60,000.00 loan. June Strickler,ASC discussed the requests for the Economic Enhancement—Strategic Infrastructure Program grants; and Madeline Prentice discussed the Auditor's Office- Elections Department request, Commissioner Carter read into the record,the request from the Tourism Commission. A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens,seconded by Commissioner Carter,to close the public comment period. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. Commissioner Stevens moved to approve budget extensions as presented. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. The hearing adjourned. (Approved, Resolution No. 16-194-CC) 1;40 p.m.—5:00 p.m. C Carter, Out 2;00 p.m.—2:20 p.m. D Hooper, Planning Department Update (Cancelled) 3:00 p.m, —4:30 p.m. C Carter at North Central Washington Behavioral Health Organization Meeting (GrIS, Moses Lake) 3:35 p.m. —3:45 p.m. BID OPENING, EXECUTING OF WARRANT OF ABATEMENT(BOCC Lobby) The following bids were received: _ • Wild Fire Services $102,601.73 • Groat Brothers $76,500.00 • Joe's Tree and Landscape $137,000.00 • Andrist Enterprises $98,950.00 • James CoPRO $519,702.00 • Anderson Environmental $180,567.00 • Tommer Construction $79,000.00 The bids were turned over to the Administrative Services Coordinator for review and recommendation. Page 5 of 11 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of December 5, 2016 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign a Washington State Department of Social and Health Services County Program Agreement No. 1663-80548; Medical Provider Disclosure Statement; and Contractor Intake Form,with Grant Integrated Services. As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42,24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of$1,042,079.43,as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6,2016 The Grant County Commissioners session began at 9:00 a,m. with all Commissioners in attendance, 9:00 a.m.—9:50 a.m. I< Eslinger, Human Resources Update Items discussed were: Contract Negotiations; Sheriff Support 2016: counter-proposal pending; PERC 127886-M-16-Corrections Mediation: 12/14; PERC 127-990; PERC 127991; PERC 127988; PERC 127989-Association Mediation (CH, DC, PW,YS): 01/17; Other Actions: Labor Disclosure for Corrections Mediation: Compiling Data; Conversion of county payroll schedule to semi- monthly; Remaining step increases for 2016; 201,7 Wage Increases for Elected Officials; Compensation for GCSO Command Staff; Ed Owns Retirement Request; Edward Jones Representation; Auditor's Office; District Court; Facilities/Maintenance; Sheriff's Office; 2017 HR Staffing Request; and 2017 Benefits Budget Structure. 10:00 a.m.—10:20 a.m. Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 8) A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Stevens,to approve items 1 through 8 on the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 1. Commissioners Office and Public Defense vouchers for approval. (Approved) 2. Commissioners October 31, 2016 Minutes for approval, (Approved) 3. New liquor license application for Hostile Brewing Company, 9383 Beacon Rd. NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837, and special occasion license application for Moses Lal<e Chamber of Commerce for an event on January 17, 2017 at the Grant County Fairgrounds Commercial Building from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board. (Approved) Page 6 of 11 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of December 5, 2016 WSU EXTENSION 4. Budget extension request on behalf of GranC County Horticultural Pest and Disease Board for $2,585.84 for professional services to cover costs associated with Jody I<iehn's services. (Approved,the public hearing was scheduled for December 30,2016 at 9:30 a.m.) ELECTIONS 5. Authorization of Canvassing Board Representatives-Auditor's Staff, to act under authority given in RCW 29A.60 for Trisha Gibb, Dedra Osborn and Michele Blondin to act as representatives for the County; and for Maria Lugar and Karrie Stockton to handle the ballots through the mail room process, (Approved) 6. Designation of County Commissioner Cindy Carter to serve as the County Legislative Authority on the Canvassing Board for the Special Election to be held on February 14, 2017. (Approved) SHERIFF'S OFFICE 7. Request for authorization for three new positions within the Sheriff's Office. Chief Deputy, Emergency Management; Emergency Management Coordinator; Emergency Management Specialist. Current Interim Director Sandy Duffy will move latterly into the Emergency Management Coordinator position. (Approved) 8. Request to surplus four(4) 2007 Honda Motorcycles and attached radar units as described below.These will be sold to Spokane Police Department. (Approved) 2007 Honda ST 1300 P VIN: JH2SC51787M500068 Grant County Asset#: 105315 2007 Honda ST 1300 P VIN: JH2SC51787M500065 Grant County Asset#: 105318 2007 Honda ST 1300 P VIN: JH2SC51787M500059 Grant County Asset#: 105319 2007 Honda ST 1300 P VIN: JH2SC51787M500128 Grant County Asset#: 105320 10:30 a.m.—10:50 a.m. L Stoltman, Conservation District Update ; i Page 7 of 11 ' Grant County Commissioners Minutes Weelc of December 5, 2016 11:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Declaring Surplus and Consider the Potential Sale of County Property located at the Grant County Fairgrounds The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to declare surplus Grant County property surplus and consider the sale thereof. The following describes this hearing: On December 6, 2016 at 11:00 a.m., the Grant County Board of Commissioners will conduct a public hearing to consider the potential sale of surplus real property to the Moses Lake School District#161. Grant County is considering the sale of approximately 57-acres of undeveloped property at the Grant County Fairgrounds to be used for school district purposes. Specifically,the property subject to this proposed sale is identified as Assessor Parcel Number 17-0612-000, and is located at the northwest corner of Paxson Drive and West Valley Road. Michele Price,Superintendent of the Moses Lake School District, stated the benefits of this agreement would be decreased costs of transportation. The partnership and being able to utilize the Fairgrounds to grow FFA/AG and Horticulture programs. Mary Harrington, former Fair Advisory Committee Member, is pleased to hear this proposal and is in favor. A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Swartz, to close the public comment period. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Swartz moved to declare the property surplus and consider the sale thereof. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed unanimously.The hearing adjourned. (Approved, Resolution No. 16- 195-CC) 12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m. ALLAN SLEEPER RETIREMENT PARTY(Multi-Purpose Room) 1:30 p,m, —2:20 p.m. J Tincher, Public Works Update A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Stevens,to approve items 1 and 2 on the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 1, Execution of Contracts: County Road Safety Project—Rumble Strips& Flashing LED Signs awarded to Apply-a-Line of Pacific, WA for the total bid amount of$84,537.70. (Approved) _ 2. Execution of Contracts: County Road Safety Project—Horizontal Curve Signs awarded to Shamrock Paving of Spol<ane,WA for the total bid amount of$577,777.77. (Approved) 1:45 p.m,—2:15 p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Ordinance Modifying Ch. 11.04 of the Grant County Code titled "Maximum Speed Limits"—Lower Crab Creek Road The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance amending CH. 11.04 of the Grant County Code titled "Maximum Speed Limits"for Lower Crab Creek Road. Page 8 of 11 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of December 5, 2016 Jeff Tincher, Public Works Director, read into the record his recommendation: Honorable Board of County Commissioners, you have received a petition to remove the 35mph speed limit and return Lower Crab Creek Road(Road Log#11130, MP 0.00 to MP 1.70, FFC 09- Rural Local Access) to Primitive. In July of 2015 the speed limit on this section of Lower Crab Creek Road was reduced from 50mph to 35mph per Ordinance No. 15-049-CC. Segment#1 MP 0.00 to MP 1.70(E-SW to Speed Limit Chpnge) Speed Limit 35mph (Ordinance 15-049 7/2015) Not Classified as Primitive—7/2015 Accident History—1 —2010—Run off the Road Date ADT(Averape DailV Traffic) 85t"Percentile Speed 8/2/2016-8/9/2016 90 53mph 5/31/2016-6/9/2016 125 45mph 6/2014 124 10/2013 216 8/2013 101 Averape 131 49mph Segment#2 MP 1.70 East(Speed Limit Change EastJ Speed Limit 50mph (RCW 46.61.400) Classified as Primitive (RCW 36.75.300J Date ADT(Averape Daily Traffic) 85t"Percentile Speed 8/2/2016-8/9/2016 40 56mph 5/31/2016-6/9/2016 60 46mph 6/2015 53 - Averape 51 51mph Main factors for setting speed limits are determining the 85t"percentile speed, roads crash history and the roadside environment. Engineer°s Recommendation: Based on the average 85t"percentile speed of 49mph, low crash history and a mostly open roadside environment I recommend the section of Lower Crab Creek Road from MP 0.00 to MP 1.70 be set at the State Law for County Roads at 50mph and install a Congested Area Warning Sign with a 35mph speed plaque between approximately Mile Posts 1.50 to 1.70. On the request to classify the section of Lower Crab Creek Road from MP 0.00 to MP 1J0 to Primitive Road Stats 1 do not recommend based on the average annual daily traffic is greater than 100. r i Page 9 of 11 � Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of December 5, 2016 Joann Pelham, petitioner and landowner on this road, discussed her speed limit petition. � Ms. Pelham asked why increase it now when it was just lowered in 2015? Commissioner Stevens stated that Public Works now has speed data. Due to the better road conditions, drivers are more comfortable driving faster. � Bill Pelham, discussed the petition. ,� � A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to close the . public comment portion ofthis hearing. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner ' Stevens moved to approve the recommendation of the Public Works Director as submitted in I the recommendation listed above, by increasing the speed limit back to 50mph and the recommended 35 mph advised slow down area, Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously.The hearing adjourned. (Approved,Ordinance No. 16-193-CC) 2:30 p.m. —2:50 p.m. G Dano, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update 3:00 p.m. —3:30 p.m. M Morrison,Veterans Service Officer Discussion 3:30 p.m. —4:30 p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, 2017 Grant County Budget Adoption, Capita) Facilities Plan Adoption, and Make Tax Levies(continued from December 5,2016) The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to adopt the 2017 Budget, Capital Facilities Plan, and Make Tax Levies, This hearing is being continued from the December 5, 2016 original hearing, Michele Jaderlund,Auditor, stated the amount being adopted today for the Current Expense budget is$40,693,706.00;the total Grant County budget being adopted is$124,871,074.00. The amount being taken from reserves is$337,738.00. June Strickler,Administrative Services Coordinator, discussed the Capital Facilities Plan and the paragraph that was added on page 4, Economic Rural County(133). Commissioner Carter stated that the Levies presented yesterday did not change and will be adopted today. A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to close the . public comment portion of this hearing. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Swartz moved to approve the 2017 Grant County Budget as presented; the Capital Facilities Plan as amended and presented;the Grant County Current Expense and Road Fund Levies as presented 12/5/16; and the Noxious Weed Board 2017 Land Classifications and Assessments as presented 12/5/16. Cornmissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned. Page 10 of 11 (arant County Commissioners Minutes Week of December 5, 2016 (Note: Barbara Vasquez,Clerk af the Board, presented at the 12/5/16 hearing the resalutions making a dedaration of substantial need for the purposes of the setting the limit factor far the property tax levy for 2017-for the Current Expense Fund and the Road Fund. This was not formally stated at the 12/6/16 hearing but it was presented at the 12j5/16 hearing therefore the Resolutions were adopted and signed� (Resolution No. 16-192-CC adopt�d th� b�adggts; Resolution No. 16-198-CC adopted the Capital Facilities Plan; Resolution No. 16-199-CC set the Land Classifications for the Noxious Weed Board; OrdinancejResolution No. 16-200-CC set the levy for the Raad Fund;Ordinance/Resolution No. 16-201-CC set the levy far Current Expense; Resolution No. 16-202-CC declared a substantial need for purposes of the setting the limit factor far the property tax levy for 2017—Current Expense;and Resolution No. 16-203-CC declared a substantial rreed for purposes of the setting the limit factar for the property tax levy for 2017—Road Fund) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7,2016 10:00 a.m.—11:Q0 a.m. MCI<INSTRY MONTHLY OWNERS MEETING 6:00 p.m. —8:OQ p.m. C Swartz at Big Bend Comrnunity College—Transfiorming l.ives Awards Recognition dinner(Masto Conference Center, BBCC} 7:00 p�m, —9:00 p.m. PGAtUNIRiG COMMISSION MISCELCANEaUS(TEMS The Chair af the Board was authorized ta sign the Jerry Miibrandt(Milbrandt Section 34 Short Plat} File# P 26-0274{Prefiminary File#P-16-0078). Request from Facilities and Maintenance ta make an emerger�cy purchase from Pianeer Muffier 2 in the amount of$3,947.40 to repiace the snow}�low for their Moses Lake truck. THURSDAY,DECEM�ER$,2016 ' 9:00 a.m.— 10.30 a.m. C Swartz at Multi Agency Cammunications Center(MACC} Board Meeting(Armory Building, Moses Lake} 9.30 a.m.— 1:Q0 p,m. R Stevens at Calurnbia River Palicy Advisory Group Meeting(El(ensburg) � 1Q;OQ a.m,—12:Q0 p.m. C Carter at QUADCO Meeting(Public Works) ; � i Page 11 of 13. Grant County Commissioners M�nutes Week of December 5, 2016 12:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m. C Swartz at Reception at Consul General of Japan Omura (Seattle) (Did � not atterad) 3;30 p.m.—4:30 p,m. R Stevens w/Senators Parlette and Warnick re: BHO/ACH Meetings FRIDAi(, DECEMBER 9,2016 i 9;00 a.m.— 12:00 p.m, C Carter at Health District Strategic Planning Meeting(Health District, ; Moses Lal<e) ' � 2;00 p.m,—4:00 p.m, Commissioners at Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC) Regional Legislative Meeting (Kittitas County Courthouse, Meeting Room 9) Signed this_���day of � 2017. BOARD OF COU TY COMMISSIONERS �` o nty, s 'n ton Cin .y- arte Chair �--------_._._.. , , Richard Stevens, Vice-Chair � Attest: � �� � , ° � Tom Taylor, M mber ��� �ti � , � ��arbara J.Vasquez, CMC � ��,,,,�lerl<of the Board � � �