HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-076-CC�� -�: « ,�, .� � � � , �. : ,. • +� RFSOLIITION NIIMI3I:13 99-76-CC A RESOLUTION authc�rizing an appropriation and expenditur� ai fur�ci:� for the fallowing c3epariment jfund: �„r,-e„t FX��nsye �'und ��001. Courthouse Facilities Dept.��112 , together with a bud�;�t tliere- fore, pursuant to RCW 3G.40.140. , WHE�tEAS, it has been brou�;ht to the attenti�n c�f thE� I3c>,trci I of County Commissioners of Grant County that emE�rgency conc�ition5 rec�uire that an appropriation and expenditure of �unds bc� �tiit.h- , orized for the above-mentionc�d department/fund, tagethc�i• witii a budget therefor; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 3G.40.140, Resolution No. qq-68-CC ' was duly adopted on Mav 3,1999 ,and publishec3 in the ' Dai l�Hera �, 01l 5/11&5/17/99 declaring �ln ! emergency and stating the�facts c�nstituting the emergency and_� , the es�imated amc�unt of funds required to meet it, together with�a notice of public hearing, and said ptzblic hearing was hcic� therc�oii where interested persons�were allowed to appear and be l�eard; N04V, T�€�RE�'�i�E , BlE IT RESOLVED BY THE IiOAitn OF COUNTY C't)��M I S- SIONEBS OF GAANT COUNTY, ST�TI. OF W�1SFiINGTON, that an appro��ri�it.i<�i� and expenditure of funcis is hereby authorized for the following department / fund : Current Exvense Fund ��001, Courthouse Fac'ilities ��112 in the tota3 sum of $ ZS�pp according to the aitachedl budget. This resolution is in the best interests of good gc�v�rnment - and sha31 take effect imrnediately upon its passage. t�ona€ Tt�tS 18th � m,�Y QF_ Mav , i9� � x ATTEST: �/� ./f° � ' 1 of rh• �.oard 3 � � �—� y • -----^ .. -....e._, Cons&64utiR fhs �a�sd o# County Commissioners o�a'srgn4 Cc�vniy. Wnsis�ngFon i - -- --- - - -_ __--- � - - �soLUT�o� woz��ET R2 CU[tREENT EXPENSE FI.7ND # 001 � COURTHOUSE FAC�LITIES DEPT. # I12 R3 CURRE�TT �Xl'ENSE 1 C7'�TI3 � 041 � COURTHOLJSE �ACiLITIES DEPT. #� 112 ATTACHII�ENT TO RESCILUTIt�N 99-76—GC APPR{3PRIA.TIO�S PROJECT # 261 G.C.C.S.BLDG. REG.SALARIES & WAGBS RETIREMENT SCICIAL SECURITY ITNEMPLOY.COMP. BLDG. IMI'R4VEMEi�TS TOTAL I+�NANCING SOURCES OPERATING Tk2�.NSFERS-iN LAW & 1USTICE FUNU # i21 518.30.11 518.3Q.21.00 szs.�a.z2.00 51$.34.25.99 59418.62.10 39�7.21 EXPLANATION T(� INCREASE `I�IE COURTH4USE FACIL,ITIES DEPT. BUDGET FQR THE COMPLETION OF T`I3E G_C.CONSOLIDATED SERViGES BLDG. � � 14,300 1,070 1,094 36 140,0(}0 156,504 156,500 IS6,SOa .f�.piil2i, 1999 �.ry �` J /�,� � L�� , f`� .�'' ; 1' �tT� i... ��f������ � s � �� s ��r , . �'s s` � � F Gran.t Coun�y Commissioners Gra�t Ct�unty �aurthouse P fl �a� 37 ��hrata �iA �8823 Dear Comtnzssiamers: .,: _�,-,._�;, �,�;iss�����. ,.�,... 'vv�ili;y', 1`1r3.;:fi:`s�"3�C}il �,jJ�'.'��8 �iS��3'CtZ1� Dis�. �1 �3t�t. ��.,,.........:.�— Jist. �-� �3is�. -�`r�, �i��, �3 �"'� I3ist. ��'-�w....._,:�,_. 'I`��is is a rec�uest for �3�,4f��.C}0 ta finish �'hase 10� the new Gra.�t Cour�iy C�nsolidated Services buil�.�g Ic�caie<i at the fc�rn-�er �iaat's �urniture laeaiion c�� �ieeler �.oad in M�ses Lake. These manies wi1l cc�mplete PARC's new c�ffic�s and a]� public facilitzes fflr Phas� 1 a�d Phase 2 a�� ready far P.A.x.�RG ta eacc�zpy by 7une 1, i99� � Phase 2 wi11 cr�nsist of I3istrici �ourt �ffices an� cauri systern, alc�ng with Mo�es L�kv 3uve�ail.e C�rrectio�s office with a c�mbi�.e� square footage flf 675Q sq. �. �stimated at $18.Ot� per sq. �t, wz� a totai af �121,SOO.C?t}. �tart up of Ph�,se � c�n c�r ab�ut 1VIay 5, 1999 �vi�h completian es��z�ate�i ab�ut Sep�em.�er l, 1999. '�I'l�e total requested �znds for Phas� l. and 2 z� $15G,5��.�0. Tha�k yc�u. S�cer� , �, ,��� ��� ��e �mi�gs, ainte�ance Supervist�r �` � � .«,�� .; � l� �`�l� r���L''- ����1 r �