HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-075-CCGRANT COUNTY OFFIGE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMZSSION�RS POST OFFICE BOX �7 EPHRATA, WA5HINGTON sea23 1509) 754•2011 ]�UAT�D OF �1�U�i7'Y' �UMI'VrTS�I()l�Tl���- - GRANT COYJNTY, '�VASH�1�GTi)N IN THE MAT'T�R CREA'Z'INI� �'ZV� LO�'S ON LOT l, S.A,K�I SHORT �LA.T IN T�IE LIG�IIT- XNDUST'RTA.I� �(�I�T�. SU�JEC'I' SI'1"� IS z,acAxEn �rr �. �o��r�o�r a� �rr� soumx� W�ST QUAR'�'ER UF S��TION 32, T�WhT�%IC�' J 9 N, RAieTGE 24 �AST, W M, GrRAhiT COUNTY, WAS�IINGTON. R�SOLtJTIUN`NU, 99-75—CC l�ESQI,UI'IQN Ai'PROVING A I'I,AT AL'T��t�TTON HUTC�][ MI�,BRAN].aT/ A�,1� �rn���Rav:� WH�I�A,S, tt�e Board of County �pmrnissiariers of Grant ��unty have been advised by the Gr�nt Courxtyr Planning Commissian tl�at an oper� reCord pubX�c l��aring was conducted oz� A�ri17, 1999 on the ma�ter af cre.�ting S lats on 9.94 acr�s in the L'zght�Indust�tal zone. The subject site is l�c�t�d an Lot r Salcai Shc�rt pl�t in the Southwest quarter of Section 32, '1'avcroship 19 Narth, i2az7�e 24 East, Wi1i�m�tte Meri�ian, Crir�nt Count�, Washing,ton; 'W�i1�REA�, the Grant Courity �'l�tnniaig Cornz�issian madE a recoznm�t�dation ta appr. ave this propnsed pl�t �lteratioti, WZ�EI.tE�S, the C�rant Caunty Board oP Commissioners k�eid a closed recard public meeting on May � 0, 1999; �VV'l��R�AS, the B�ard of Caunty Cammissioners hava xnade a decisian to uphold t�� recommend�tiai� ta approve the prop�sed plat �lteration request; "VVIET��AS, ihe Soard of Counry Ca�nmissioners ha�ve found th�t the propasal is Gons�stent �ith the Grant County Ca�npreh�nsive I'Xan; WW�i�KI�AS, t.�e l�oard of County Cornrn�ssianers have faund tl��at th� publac use and int�°est will appar�nt�y be s�rved by th� pl�t alt�ration; W�I� �AS, the Board of County Commissioners have fqund that the prop�s�l will nat adversery effect the iaealth, sa%ty, and �eneral w�if�re of the �ablic in thc vi�inity of tlae praposal; NOW, �'H�R�F'QR�, BE iT �SUL�A, that tbe Boat°d af County Commissioner5 far Gr�zit Caunty, Washin�ton ap�ro�e by tixis Resolutian�, a plat alt�rati.an creat-i�ig fl�+e (S) iqts an 9,9A� ac�res i�i th� Light�Industrial zone. 7'�e sabject site Lot �, Salrai Short Plat in the Sputhw�st quarter af Section 32, Townshxp 19 Narth, Ra�n�� �4 �ast, W�llamette 1l�Seridian, (�r�nt County, W�shin�ton. IN THE lY1AT'CER CREATiNG FIVE LO'TS l�N LOT' 1, S�I�AI SH012T PLAT 1N THE LIGHT- INDUS'I'RIAI, ZONE;. SUBJECT SIT'� �S LOCkTED IN A�.�OI2TlON OF THE �UUTI�� ��iEST QUAR'TER O� SECTION 32, 'I'C7WNSHIP 19 I`�, RANGE 24 EAST, W M, GFl.ANT CC}UNTY, WASHINGTON. � 1 �' The foilowing are conditions of approval, which wer� used in the Grant County 13oard of County Commissioner's closed record public meeting to approvc t1%e proposed Plat flit�ration. l. Develc�pment shall be in complianc� vviih the Growth Manag�zn�aat Act, The Cc�uniy-V��de Planning Policies, The Washin�t;ton State Environrn�ntal Policy Act, the C�rant Gotu�ty Cornprehensive Plan, ihe Grant Cou�nty Zoning Ordinance, and all applicable local, state, and federal re�ul�tions, rulings or r�q�irements. Z. llevelopment shall comply with all applicable req�irc�ments of the Grant Co�nty Fir� M�rshal including but not lirnited to �he Uniform I�uiiding Code and Uniforrn Fire Code. 3, I�evelopment sha�l ca�tply with all improvements and r�strictions required by the Grant C:ounty I'ublic �orks I��partment, including but �oi lirnited ta: a. Provide � 5' utilit� easement along a111at lines. b. Access �aern�its �equired prior ta the assuance c�f building permlts,. 4. llev�lc�p�r shall cdmp�y with al1 requireme�ats de�ane� n�cessary by the Grant Count�y He�lth District, th� Washington State I7epartrn�nt c�f �Iealth, and th� Washington State Department of Ecalogy r�gaz°ding dornestic watca� supply, sewage systems and storm water �ontrol and treatm�nt incl�tdin�p but not limited ta; RCVV 90.48.Q80 Disch�rge of Pcalluting Wat�r Prahibited; Wt�C 1�3-201, �Surfac� Water Standards; �NAC 1'73�201A, Graund Wat�,r Quality �tandards and tWAC 246-272, Otx-Sit� Sewage Systems. 5, if any Nativc 1�.znexican Crra�e sit�(s} ax arc�aaeala�;icaUeultural resou�ces (Tndian At�zfacis) are found a�i constru�tion activity shall stc�p and the ownerideveloper s�all �mmediaiely nc�tify the Colviil� Confed�rated Trib�� a�d the Washzngtc�n �taie �ffice �f Are%aeology and Historic Preservatz�n. 6. ,Any outstat�ding assessm�nts shall b�: �quitably divided and levied �gaiz�sC ihe rem�inin� lc�ts, �aarcels, tract�, or be l�vied er�uitably c�n the lots re:�ultuag from the alter�iian. 7, Proponent sl�all coxnply tio the fullest ext�nt passible the recommendations of the Was�ington State Departrnent ofFxsh and �Vildlife includin,� but not limited to the fallovvang: a. To preser�ve ihi� sit�'� pc>tentiai fi�r ft�tu�e b�rrowin� owl nesting, with the exceptiioi� of access ta the properiy fropn Base�in� Road West, no str�ctures, siora�e or parl�in� us� be ailawed immediaCely und�r power/telephc�ne lines on ihe West boundary o�the properl,Y adjacen� to Tias���e Raad West, and future active burrowit�g aw] us� b� reported to ihe Epl�°ata �Ft� office. b, �'uture use of i�e sit� be desigiaed t� preserve t��e existin� w�tland� on sit�. c. Place the more iniensive activities of the project along the west edge of tihe property. d. Establish a vegetative screen along the east boundary to create a buffering effect between the development and the habitat areas associated with the drain ditch and Martha Lake. e. Report any active burrowing srte to the Ephrata WDFW of�ce to discuss strategies to protect the site. £ Develop vegetation management programs that promotes habitat and erosion control while minimizing the risk of fire and the spread of weeds. �- - - 8. Proponent shall comply to the fullest extent possible the-recommendations of-the Washington- - - ' State Department o�Ecology including but not limited to the followirig: a. Avoidance of the wetland area to development. Done this �,r� day of May, 1999, ___.._.�,�.�� f�,�t �.. ���. Y. Chai�'man, im S ead ���..�1� ���.�.. Commissiorier, Deborah Moor� Cominissioner, LeRoy A1lison . ATTEST: Cl r the �oard Constituting tl►e �oard of �ounty Com�e►issfoners of �rant Couaty, Wash[ngton