HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-074-CCGRANT COUNTY C),FFIC� OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMN�ISSIONERS POST QFFICE BqX �7 EPHRATA, WASHINGTON 9s6za (5091 7&4•2Q11 - �OA�.0 (��-C()Ul'V�TY-�tJ11�N.�ISSI�N�R� - - - - G1�.AN'I' C�UN'�'Y,'WASHIN�TON IN'I'HE MA'I"'T`�R CItEAT1NG TWO LO'Z'S UN LOT l, REPLAT fJ� STAD� 01t.CHAX2DS PLA'I' IN TH� �wU�URBAN-2 �ON�. SUB�ECT SIT�, TS LOCATEI� TN A I'(?RTIfJN QF THE �OCJTI�W EAST QUA�tT'ER 0� SEC'TIQN l9, TOWN�T�' 19 N,1�.ANGE 2$ EAST, W M, GRA.NT COUN'.f'Y, WASHINGTON. �.2ESpLi7'I'�C}NNU, 99-74—GC l2�SOLtJTIOI�T APPRQVIIVG A P�.AT AL'I"�ItA,'I'ION �os��.,�aa �ior�.� WH�R�AS, the ]Board of County Conarnissioners of Crant Cau�ty have been advist d by the Crrant �ou�1y Plar�niri� Commission that an open r�cord publ°rc hearin� was ca��duct�d an A�ri17, 1999 oM the m�tt�r of creat�ia� 21ots on 4.� 16 acres in the SuburUa�n-2 zQn�. Th� strbjecc s�t� is lacatec� on �,pt 1 Replat nf Stade (hch�°ds P1at in the Southeast quarter of Section 19, 'X'ownsk�ip i 91�'�rtta, Range 28 East, Willamette Msr�dian, Grant County, VVashin�tan; W�I�REAS, the C.�rant C4r�nty k'lanning CQtumissian made a r�etk�nraendatian to apprave this prcrpos�d pl�;t alteratian; WHE�t�AS, the Grant County Board of Commissioz��rs held d�lased record publxc meetin� on May 10, 1999; ��VHEIfi�AS, the 13aarti of Gout�ty Comxnissianers have mad� a decisinn ta ti�phald the recc�mm��endat�oz� to a�i�rove the pxopas�d plat altc�ation requast; WIHEREAS, tlze �3�ard of County Cazaunissioners h�ve faund �laat the prn�nsal is consist�nt with t1�e C7rant Ca�rrty Comprehens��ve �'1an; WlE3ER�AS, t�e l3oard of Cauniy Comnairsion�rs have faul�d that the public �s� anGi inter�st wiil apparently be served by the pl�t alterat�an; WHE�CAS, the Board of Cou��ty Coinmissianers have faun� that the praposal wi11 nat adversely effect the h�alth, safEty, �nd general wulfare af the public in the �iciruty o�the propasal; NOW, T��E��'U�, B� I'X' ItES(J�.'V�',I�, that the �3aard of Caunty Comnnissioners far Grant Cout�ty, W�slaington a�ap�°ov� by this Resaluti�n, a pl�t alt�rati�n aeating Cwa (2) lats on 4.216 acres in tbe Suburban�2 zone. The subjeGt site is I,ot 1, Replat of Stade (,7rck�ards �'lat in the Soutl�east quarter of �e�tio� 19, iownship 19 North, Range 28 East, Willamett� XVJ[eridi�z�, �rant Caunty, Washington, IN THE MATTER CREATiNG TWO LOTS ON LOT 1, REPLAT OF STADE ORCHARDS. PLAT IN THE SUBURBAN�2 ZONE. SUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE SQLJTH- EAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 19 N, RANGE 28 �AST, W M, GRANT COLJNTY, WASHINGTON. I . -- - - - - - - -- - - - The following are conditions of approval, which were used in the Grant County Board of County Commissioner's closed record public meeting to approve the proposed Plat Alteration. 1. Development sha11 be in compliance with the C"rrowth Management Act, The County-Wide Planning Policies, The VVashington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant County Comprehensive 1'lan, the Grant Counry Zoning Ordinanc�, and all applicable local, state, and federal regul�tians, xulings or requirements. 2. Development shall comply with a11 applicable requirernents oithe Cxrant County Fire Marshal including but not limited to the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code. 3. Development sh�11 cornply with ali irnprovements and restrictions requu°ed by the Grant County Public V�Iorks Department, including, but not limited to: a. Access permits required prior to issuance of buildin� permits. b. Westshore Drive �s a County Arterial. Therefdre, an additional 10' of Right-of way should be dedicated to Gr�nt County for road purposes. 4. Developer shall comply w�th all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District, the WashingCon State Department of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding dornestic water supply, sewage systems and storrn water con�rol and t�•eatment in�luding, but not limited to: R�W 90.4$.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Surfaee Water Standards; WAC 173�201A, Crround Water Quality Standards and WAC 246-272, On-Site Sewage �ystems. 5. If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeologicaUcultural resources (Indian Artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Colville �onfederated Tribes and the Washington Staie Office of Archaeology �nd His�oric Preservation. 6. Any outstanding assessments s�all be equitably divided and levied against the remaining lots, parcels, tracts, or be levied equitably on the lots resulting from the alteration. 7, Any outstanding assessments shall be equitably divided and levied against th� rerriaining lots, parcels, tracis, or be le�vied equitably on the lois resulting from the alteration. w IN THE MATTER CREATING TWO LOTS ON I,OT 1,12�PLAT OF STADE ORCI�ARDS PLAT IN THE SUBiJRBAN-2 ZONE. SiJBJECT SITE IS LOCATED IN A pORT�qN OF THE SOUTH- EAS'I' QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIi' 19 N, RANGE 28 EAST, W M, GRANT COUNTY, WAS�IINGTON. ', Done this —�� day of May, 1999. .�._.n.�._..-M--�.• ,� � � ,; ChaiTman, .T ' m e ad � �,��� Q�..�..- Cammis�ioner, D�borah Moore ATTEST: Comrnxssioner, LeRoy C. Allison of the Boar Cons4ituting the Boax�d of County Commissioners of �rant �ounty, �'sshington