HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-070-CCBt�ARD O� C{�UNTY CCiMMiSSit�t�ERS Grant County, Washington IN THE MATTER OF ESTABUSHING ���alution N�. 99-70-�c CERTAIt� R(�ADS AS PART t3� THE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM t�0�'ICE CJF HEARING WHE�t.EAS, in accardance with RCW 3�.81.010, the Board o€County Commissaoners declares its inienti�n to es�ablish certain rc�ads as county roads and declar�s that it is a pub�c azecessity, and VV�iER.EAS, the Baard af Coran�y Commissioners arders the Couzity R,aad Engineer io make an exami.n.ation and survey thereof and repc�rt the resulis of his examina�zon a�d provzde suxveys, mags, and other related data related to t�e Iocatic�n a�d establishm�nt of certain rc�ads #�i �he B�ard of Caunty Gommissioners at the time and place designated beiow, and W�IEREAS, that certain roads commonly known as Han.dicap Dr. aud {�ut-Of-Bounds Ln are shown as follr�ws: � � 3'Z � L = 1��5 �t�- 26 35 �� 1 f 75.95 �� � S 85' 17' S$" E �'" Is2.ts' ?�� .,`.." � 6 ^ 4 � `� Cy � �� �)I} /t V �t yy f, nf C� �' a ���`�f ��U!? `��..._. r _ �� � n � � —�� �t?C(Ci 2730.52` t �`� j�� � 147.s�'�`� -�--c� 5Q`R Nt�W, THEREFtJRE, BE IT RESOLVED that a public hearing on the Cc�unty Road Engin.eer's repart aud other related matters shall be held i� the Hearin� Room of �he Board of Co�znty �ammissioners o� Grant Caunty, Washir�gtan, Ioc�ted in the Couuty Court�.ouse, Ephrata, Wa�hington at 10:30 A.M., Tuesday, June �,1999, and all persc�ns interested may appear a�.d be heard a� tl�is hearing upan the repart and recommendation of the C.�unty Road Engineer ezther io proceed or not to proceed with esiablishix�g the raads, aud BE IT FURTHER RESC}LVED the �ounty Ra�d Engzneer is directed ta pubiish a noiice of this eause c�n� each week for two consecutive weeks in the official caun�y newspaper and to post nc�tice of ihzs cause for at least twenty days at eaGh termini of'the prc�pased road. DC}NE THIS iZthDAY C}F May , 1999 ATTEST: ,� Clerk f ., �.�'�v � � ' �� � � sn�a, Gn��, ����;��_ �� �� �•..: „- Canstituting the $aard o£ Caunty Ccrmmissionars of Grant Couniy, Washingion