HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� � _ � r- . � � . �` ; � ., , � � �. ,: :t 1 i # T'�e Grani County Co�nissioners sessio� was ealled to ard�r ai �:00 a.�n. eo�issione� Allisom and �ommissi�ner Moo� were i� attenda�ce wi�l� t�ie Clerk o� t�i� Bo�..rd. �o�nissio�er Snead was o�-of ihe office ��r tlae day. The �o 'ssioners read and a�prov�d tlie rni�uties of t�e pre��ding sess�offi as wr�t�en. `��� L� �'he Co�issio�iers sig�aed t�e Rec�uest for Tra�sfer of Funds i� the Ma�ten�ce I�epa�tr�ent #112, �.�.C.S. �uilding Fu�d #001 i� t�ae arnou�� of $30,OQ0. t�-��' �� The C�mmissioners sigmed the Wage Addendurn for the �orrecti�ns O�fcers. `��z �'I'he Co�missione�-s approved ihe req�aest by ihe She�i�s C�f��e to allow �orreciioms Sergeani John O'iVI�.IIey i� ira.aas�er 20 da�s of acc�a.�d sick leave io his �vife, Tany�. O`Nialley of the Maintemaffice Dep�e�t. �;��iT A m�tion vvas �ade by �o�issioner Moore, se�c�r�ded bg� Co�ssio�er A1lison tha�t Resoluti�n Nu�nber 99-57-�� in t�e �.a�ier of unredee�ed �arrants be p�ss�d. �i� n�oti€�n carried. As �fiere was �o fi�rihe� busi��ss �o c€�me before the Cognmassione�s sessi�r� vv�s �onii_�ued ��i1l�pril 20,1999. Ap�il 20,1999. 'I'he sessio� �vas continued ai 9:00 a.m. �th Chair�a� Sr�ead a.n� �oa��issione� Moore in a�tenda.nce wiih the Clerk o� the �o�d. Co�issioner Allison vvas o�.� a� the c�ffice for �he day. Tl�e �o�issia�ers an�i wi�h the Public �Torks I��ect�r regarding RA�' Co�%acts, VEISDOT/Developer Agreement-SRl7 c� '� 1' SE, Road �T�cati�a�lCor��laint, �TC'rA's, �asel�e Road. �� ��- �� Chair�aan Snead �as authora�ed to sign the Ru�al �ie�a� Prograrn Project 1�greeme�t for C�ns��ction P�o�osa.� for W NE Road, �.nd fo� � S�/1 SE Raad. ����. e�. The C��illdiilSSl�ii��'S approved tl�e requesi by �he ���iy ��e�-k to anove $8,424 from Praject #10� io a�d fo� their i�ile se�-v�r. �r�����. As of ihis date t�e �oa.�d by a�ajor�ty �ot� does ap�ro�r� f�r payn�en� ihose v�uche�s included an the list fi�ed in il�e Auditors Of�ic� 4/19/99 in the tot�.l a�nount of $412,193 .96. ���� The Cv�mm�ssi��ers s�g�ed ih� ��te�lc�c�.i Imrdus�al �'rocess �ater Sys%�as Agreer�en� wit� t�e Pc�� o� 14�Ic�ses Lake and the City o� Ii�o�es Lake. '�`h�s doc�e�� �as the� sea�i ta ihe �ort �r�d Czty for �heir signa�es. �:� �. #: - .:a� • -� � �' � - , - � # s , � s:� � �� � �t � �� � •� •. . �� � �.. ..:I.�� � � ��: � � I : �... ;� j .�.:..� : : ♦ :�� � �� : 1 � . �. .� • � � � � . • � : � � �� . .. .; 1��.. �. #. . � �. �. � , . ... t. �. ����-i� The Cc�n�ssic��e�s appr�ved a rec��.esi by the Gran� Co��ty I,a�vv I,�brary tr� reallc�cat� funds �o� nec�ssary ���puier �work �d p�ogra�s. `T�.e �ogn�iss�o�ers set the �allowi�g �a�te�s frc�m �e P�a�.��ag L�ep�ment f�r P�blic N.�ee�ings: ��.F: t� �.!� Prelrmana�y P'l�.t request by �i� �oster/The ASPI Group tc� �reate a fr�ur lot subd��ision c�� 18.6 acres � the I,igb.i I�d�.sir�al Zone. I�.b�ic M�et�g ia� be held l�ay 3,1999 a.t 1;3� p.m. ��-� �.-�� Req�esi by Tr�n N1. Jo�eslAs�� E�terprises L.�,.C. �c� re-zcane app�r��ma�tely t�ree acres £�am Suburban-� �o I�te�gl�b�rhood �ommer�ial f�r the p�c�se �� p�ac�g a gas s�atic��/cc��ve�i�n�e st�re and sia�a.ge facz�iy. �bli� �ee�ti�g tc� b� h�ld IVTa.y 1.0,1999 at i:30 �-m. �,� ��--; Requesi b� �3utc� 1VV�ilbrandt fa� a Plat �4lieratian tc� s�bdiv�de �c�t 1 of S�ai Short Plat i�tQ S Ic�ts. �,�� sizes �-a�ge from �.�a ic� 4.5� acz�es i� s�ze. 1'ubl�c Meei�ng t� be he�d 1VIay 10,1999 ai 2:3{3 p.�za. a�����, P�equest by Warren Nic�r��.�Ba.seli�e �,a,ke I��� fc�� �. Za�e C�ange from �a��n�rc�al F�ee�r�y Service ta �.�ght Indus�rial, ta re-.zc�me ap�ro��ate�y � 0.� acres. �.b�ic �Vleet�g to be h�ld IV1ay l'7,1999 at 1:3� p,�.. � il�er� was nc� :fc�riher b�zsz�ess ia c�me bef�re �he Bo�d. tne sess��n �v�.s adjo�a�e� unt� April 26,� 999. ���D {��' �C?UNTY �C�I��SSIC��R.S A�"T'�S�': C`r�:ANT �C)L��'Y, �rVAS�3�T�`a-TC}I�I ____.-�-~�-�-� d ,�--� ' '�pp �+��r��" �g B V �4� j4/��� C�e�� � e �c�a �haa��a�����" � ��� ���.,�., �