HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-053-CC8f3��R:L� C)� CC3UN'I"'Y CC}1t21V�iSSI+C.)I`rT�I�.S ��A.l"�'T' C{3L:TN'I`�.', �ASHII�TG'I`ON RESC3Y.U'I'ION NUI�IBER 99- 53 -CC t�UOPTING A FLl��:IBLE BEl'�iEFITS FI..AN WHERE.t�S, the uandersigned her�by certifies that the fc�llawing described Resaluti.on was officially and legallp adc�pted at the duly au�horiaed ofFcial rneetiug vf the body with legal authoriiy tv pass said Resolution, and WHEREAS, the Authority wishes to adngt a cafete�a plaa wi�l�in the cQnte�t of Secxian 125 �f th� I�ternal Reve.�aue Cat1e ft�r the beanefit af the empic�yer`s eligible em�rioyees, NC��, THEREFCIR.E, 8]� IT HEiZEB� RESt}JL�ET3, '�"HAT THE Authc�rity �ereby ad4pts �e Flexible Beraefits Plan {consistaizg of the fle�.ib1� be�e�its plan dvc�unent, the Ade�pticrn �.greement, and component bene�t plax�s and p�llicies) fc�r the Employer named h�rein bel�w ef.fective as o£ the d�te sgecified in th� 1�doptzon A�;r�ement. BE I'T FURT�7[ER RESC}LVED, that any c�fficex af the emplayer r�.ay� without a fiirth.er resoiutivn, execazte �he AdQptian Agreement and a�y relaied documents or amend�nents which may be necessary or appropriate ta advpt the glan ar maintai�t its cc�mpliance with applicabl� feder�l, state and local Iaw, I}one fhis 3U� day n#' March,1999 A'I�ST: l ;�`�` ,% ��,ar�.� ���,�� � �'rt �F Cierk c�'�e �ioard�,� �.� B€�►,►A�.D CfF Ci�TJNTY COI�tMISSI�}NERS G�:ANT CC?U1�;�C, WASHING'I'QN Chair�aa.an c��