HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-052-CC�1�' i ! ! ' i 1 1 � ' GR.ANT COI1N'I'Y, WASHINGTON iN TT� MATTER OF SUBDI�IDTNG A 5.'T � ACRE PARCEL INTO TWt� {2) 2.$5 ACRE j PARCELS FOR THE SITTNG t7F A HOIvIE j HEALTHCARE FACLLITY IN THE S-2 ZONE. � SUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED IN LC�T 20 4F ( CRAB CREEK ESTATES, �'LAT #2, WHICH LIES j IN A P4RTiC?N C}F '� SOU'I`�IIEAST QUARTER j OF `1'HE NflRTI�WEST QUARTER UF SECTItJN � 35, TflWNSHIF' 20 N4RTH, RANGE 28 EAST, � WILLf1.METTE MERID�4N, GRANT CC7UNI"Y, I WASH:INGT{�N. ( �sa�,uu�rzo�rr�a. ��-.��-cc RESOLUTICJN APPR{.�VING A PLAT ALTERATTON Hnck Goodrich '44'EiEREAS, the Board of Gouniy Camn�isszaners af Grant Caunty have been advised by the Grant Co�znfy Plannizxg Conunission that an open record public heaxing was couducted on �'Ularch 3, 1999 on the mattez of subdividin� a 5.7 acre parcel into two {2} 2.85 acre parcels for the szting of a hame healthcare facility in tbe Snburban — 2 Zone. Subject site is 2ocated in Lot 20 af Crab Czeek Estates, Plat #2, wlvch lies iu a partion af the Sautheast Quarter of the Narthwest Quarter af Section 35, Townsl�ap 2{3 north, Range 28 Bast Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washiagton; WHEREAS, #he Grani County Planning Cammiission znade a recammendation to appzpve this propased plat alieration; WHEREAS, the CYrant County Board of Cammissioners held a clased recoxd public meeiing on Mareh 29, 1999; WHEREAS, the Board of Caunty Coz�missianers have made a decision to uphold the recammenciaxion to approve tl�e proposed plat altera�ion request; W1�:EREAS, the �oard of Cauniy Comm3ssioners have fo�nd that tl�e pzaposal is conszstent with the Graut Caunty Campxehenszve Plan; WHEREA�S, the Board of County Commissianers have fa�d that the publzc use axad interest wall apparent3y be sez�ved by the plat alteration; WHEREAS, tha Board af County Camnlissioners have found that the propasal will not adversely effect the health, safety, and general welfare af the publie in the vicinity of the propasal; NOW, THERE�4RE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board af Couuty Com�issianers for C"rrant County, Washington appzove by this Reso2ution, a plat alferation of subdividing a S.7 acxe parcel into two (2} 2.85 acre parcels far �lie siting of a home healthcare facility in ihe Snburban — 2 Zone. Subject site r's %cated iu Lat 20 of Gxab Creek Estates, Plat #2, which lies in a portion of flze Soutlaeast Quarter of t�e NorEhwest {�arter of �ection 35, Township 20 north, IZange 28 East Witlamette Mericiian, Cszant County, Washington; Page 1 of 3 IN TEIE MATTER OF SLTBDiVIDING A 5.7 ACRE PARCEL 1NTCi TWO (2} 2.85 ACRE PARCELS FOR THE SITING Q�" A HOME HEALTHC�RE FACILITY IN THE S-2 ZONE. SUBJECT SITE IS LC7CATED IN LOT 20 OF CRhB CREEK ESTATES, PLAT #2, WHICH LIE� IN A PORTION QF THE SOUTTIEAST QLtARTER t}� THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTiOiV 3S, TU WNSHII' 20 NORTH, RANGE 28 EAST, WTLL�.METTE MERIDIAN, GRAN'�' C�UNTY, WASHiNGTQN. CCiIYDI'TIIa►NS: The foliawing are canditions of appraval, which were nsed in the Gxant County Board of County Commaissianer's clased record public meeting to approve the praposed Plat Altexatian. i. Development shalt be in campizance with t1�e �irowth Management Act, The Cvunty-Wide Planning Policies, The Washington State Environmen#a] Policy Act, the Grant Caunty Comprehensive Plan, the Grant Caunty Za�ing Ordinance, and a11 applicable local, state, ar�d federal regulatians, r►zlings or requirements. Z. Z3evelopment sha11 conzply with alI applicable requirements af tize Grant Caunty Fire Marshal includiug but not limited tcs the Unifarm Building Code and Unifarm Fire Code. 3. Development shal? comply with all impravements and restrictzans required by the Grant County ftiblic Warks Deparnnent. 4. Developer sha11 camply wit1� a1i requirements deemed necessary by the Grant Caunty Health District, the Wa�zrngton State Depariment of Health, and the Washington 5taxe Department af lEcology regarding do�estic water supply, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment including, but �ot li�nited to: RCW 90.48A80 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohzbited; WAC 173- 201, Surfac� Water Standards; R�AC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Stan.dards and WAC 246- 272, On-Site Sewage Systems. 5. If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeolagicaUcultural resources (Ind'zan Artifacts} are found all cansrruction activity shall stop aud the owmer/c3eveloper shatl immediately notify the Colville Confederated Tribes anfl the Washington State lJffice of Archaeolagy and Histaric Preservatian. 6. Any outstazzding assessr�.euts shall be equitably divided and levied against the remaining lots, parcels, tracts, or be levied eq�itably on the lots resuiting frorn ihe alteraiion. Page 2 of 3 IN THE MATTER OF SUBDNIDING A 5.7 ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO (2) 2.85 ACRE PARCELS FOR THE SITING OF A HOME HEALTHCARE FACILITY IN TT� S-2 ZONE. SUBJECT SITB IS LOCATED IN LOT 20 OF CRAB CREEK ESTATES, PLAT #2, WHICH LIES IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTf�AST QUARTER OF 'TI� NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RANGE 28 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, GRANT COLTNTY, WASHIlVGTON. Done this �. day of March 29, 1999. � �� Chairman, im S�ead Q�.��.� � �� Coxnmissioner, Deborah K. Moore � , Commissi er, Le oy Allison � ATTEST: .p`, of the Bo� Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington Page 3 of 3