HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-049-CCB�ARD t�F COUl�TY �+C�MMISISC�I4�EIi� Grant �c�u�t�, �ashingt�n . � �; ,; . � � , A RESC3��TTItJ� �ela�ing to ih� change af a�undldepartment �.��a.ed Federal Drug Seizures Fund #107-149. �G�I�REAS, it ha� been call�d to the attentio� af the Board vf Grant +County C€�mmissia�ners that a fund/departmeni shouid be c�anged as set f�rth h�reinabove; a�d �-IEREAS, the change ai said fi�ndldepartmeni m�y b� acc€r�piished withaut �. public hearing pursuant to state a�d ca�nfiy budget �a.ws; �C1W, THEREFt?R�, SE I'I' HEREBY R]ESC}LVED B�'" �'H� BO,t�RD tiF C()UNTY C(JMIVIISSI(�:t�TERS {JF GRANT Ct�UNTY, STATE C�F WAS]EIIl'�GTQ�I�t, tha� the following �undldepariment is hereby chang�d to the Sh�riff 13rug Seizure Fund �#It17-149 an� the +Grant Coun�y Auditvr �nd G-�ant Coun�ty Tr+�asur�r �re hereby direeted to ch�nge saxd fund/d�partment in �th�ir respec�ive o��ces. This r�solutivn is in the bes� in�erests of goad governmeni and shali take e�fect ianmediatel�. Done ghis ��� day of Apri�, 1999 �� � ¢ / i.E P ��@i'k {���I)E' �Qa. � .� � � � � �hairma�� ;� Consfitutiug the Board of County C:omrnissioners of Grarit County, Washiz�gton