HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 99-046-CC� GRANT CQUNTY BOARD t�F COMMISSIONERS Grant C�unty, W�.shington RES{3LUTIt�N N4. 99-�6 -CC t)RDINANCE N(�. 99- 46-CC AN ORDINANCE RENEWINCi INTERIM OFFICIALS C(�NTROLS RELATING TO REASC}NABLE USE EXCEPTItJN, A� ND (?THER MATTERS PRC}PERLY RELATING THERETO. RECITALS: W�EREAS, the Board of Caunty Commission�rs (Board) of Grrant County, Wa�hin.gton intends to Cu1Iy comply with the ard�rs c�fthe Eastern Washington Growth Management Kearings Board; and �VHEREAS, the Baard adopted Resr�lution No. 97-143-CC entitled, "A Resolution Adopting Grant County's Work Plan far Continued Compliance with the Crrowtla Management Act", and Resolutian No. 98-25-CC entitled, "Resolutian Adopting GMA Work Plan/Critical Path Schedule, Expressing An Intent To Approve Supplemental Bndget To Complete Elements of Approved GMA Work Plan, and Designating Review and Considexatio� of Additional Tnterim Measuras"; and WEIEREAS, RCW 36,7i}A,390 empowezs the Board with the autharity to adopt is�terim official contrals to protect int� alia., reasonable uses(s), without holding a�ublic hearing t�n the proposed interim official cpntrol ordinance/resalutian; and �%4'HEREAS, Grant County is currently studyzng and pr�paring amendments to its zoning code; and �EREAS, Grant Cc�unty recogn%zes tl�at uncaordanated and unplanned g�owth, iagether with a lack af common goals expressing the public's interest zn the conservation an the wise use o£ lands located within its baundaries, pose a ihreai io the envi�onment, su.stainable ecanomic developm�nt and the hea�th, safety and high quality of life enjayed by residents oithe Caunty. It fiirther recagnizes that it is in the public interest that citizens, communities, local govern�ents, and Interim U�'ficial Controls -1 czvu,s�a�mT�vcu��rnz.o� the private sectox coop�:raie and caordinate wzth one anothe�r in compzehensive land use planuirxg. WHERE�, it is the p�.upase of this title to implement t1�e goals of the Grawth Mana�ernent Act, zncluding but not limited to: 1. Encouraging orderly �owth within Grant County, 2. Encouraging the most appropriate use of the Iand; 3. Pratecting the natural e�viranment; 4. Conserving and stabilizing tl�e value of properiy, 5. Providing the desired Ievels af populat�on denszty and intensiiy of land use. 6. Facilitaiing adequate provisions far communiiy services and utilities, such as water and sewage,. elecirical distribution systems, trans�artatian, schoals parks, and other public requireme�ts; and 7. Generally pramoting and pratecting the public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare. WHEREAS, in striving to achieve these gaals, Gra�t County recagnizes that it must respect the limitaiic�ns tha� private property rights, the Washington State Constitution and the Uniied States Constitution place on iis regulatory authoriiy. Thus, it is the purpose af this seetion t� prevent arbitra,ry and discxi minatory government action by establishing a method by vvhich private property �wners may avoid applicatian ofthe Grant Caun�y Zoning Code where such appficaizo� wauld effeci an unconstitutianal iaking of private properiy. �VHEREAS, the Baard desi_res to re-adopt the interim official zone controls relatan� ta the reasonable use exception in Ordanance/Resolution No. 98-157-CC, adapted on Qctober 6, 1998. NC)W THEREFURE, THE GRA:I'�IT CUUNTY BOARD t�F COMMISSIUNERS DO HEREBY� fJRDAIN � i�D RE-ESTABLISH THE INTEI�SM OFFICIA.L ZUNE CONTR4L� RELATING TO THE REASt�NABLE USE EXCEPTIt�N IN ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NCJ. 98-157-CC, ADOPTED tJN qctober G,1998, AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Reasonable Use E�ceptian A. Generally, nothing in this Grani County Zaning Code is intended to deny a fi�ndaanental attribuie ofprivate properiy awnership or to deny a11 econoanically viabie use of property. B, .A.pplicability ofthe Reasonable Use Exceptic�� l. A landowner/applicant may apply for a reasonable use exception pursuaz�t ta the section if the Iandov�mer/applicant has reasan to believe that ihe application of Grant �aru�ty Zo�aing Cade denies any f�.ndamental at�ribute of private property ownership inconsistent �vith the limiiations upon other properties zn the zone in which the property xs situated. Intez�m t�fficial Ca�ntrols - 2 CLVIL&\flRDTNANG7IIv'TERl�IAFF � 2. A landowner/applicant may apply for a xeasona€�Ie use exception pursuani to this subsection if the landawner/applzcant has reason to b�lieve that f:he application ofthe Grant County Zoning Code denies all ecanamically viable use afprivate pr�perty as a whole or creates a severe �r�pact on a Iandowner's/applicant's econamic ititerest in the praperiy as a whole. C. The applzcation fc�r a reasonable use exception shall inciude the follau�g infonnatian. 1. A descriptio� of site, a�d a descripiion of the areas of �e site which do not canform ta the regulatory requirements of tl�e ordinance from v�rhich the applicant seeks reasanable use exception.. 2. A description of ihe proposed development, inc�udzng a site plan; 3. An analysis of ihe madificatian needed to the siandards c�f the orcti�iance fra�n which the applicant seeks the reasonable use exceptian to accomnlodate the prop4sed development; and 4. Such other informatzon as the County deterrniues reasonable necessary t4 �valuate the zssue af reasonable use as it relates to the propased develapment including, �ut not limited to, ihe infc�rmation required by the Reasonable Use Exception Sub�nittal requirements' checklist. D. Upon a findang ihat the requzred fee has been paid and the appiicatian zs camplete, ihe Director afihe C�mmxnunity Developmer�t andlor designee shall prepare a zecommenda-tion io the Pla.nning Commission. E. Plann%ng Commisszon shall review the reasonable use excepiio� applicatian ara.d sha11 conduct an apen record public hearing pursuant to the Local Praject Permit �.eview 4rdinance. The Planr�ing Cammisszon shall make a recommendation to the Baard of Grant County Comrnissioners. The duties andresponsibilities ofthe Planning Cammission axzd the Bc�ard of Crant County Commissioners may be delegated to a hear�rag e�arni�er pursuant to the applicable pravisions af the Lt�cal Pxoject Review CJrdinance. The Board af Cou�ty Commisszoners shall make a final decision as to whether the xeasonable use e�ceptian will be granted based upan the folla�ving criteria: l. Whether the applicahan of the Grant Cau�ty 2aning Cr�de wauld prohi�it a1T economically viable or beneficial uses 4fthe praperty, absent a demonstratian by the co�nty that the prc�pc�sed use(s) are prohibited by the Iaws af nuisance or other pre- existing limits on the property which prohibit such use(s}. 2. Whether there are na other reasonable uses to which the property can be put; 3. Wheiher the proposed use poses an unreasonable threai to the harm saught ta e Inieri7m (�fficial Conirols - 3 CIVR.810RI31NANC"1IIv'7�.OFF � aVoided by the application af the Grant county Zoning Code, or tc� the public health, safety ar weifare on or off the exceptic�n site; 4. �hether ihe inability of the applicas�t to derzve reasanable �se of the pra�aerty is the result ofactions by ihe applicant �n subdividing the property or adjustzng a bour�dary Iine thereby creating the undevelopabie ca�dition af�er the effec�zve date of this ordinance; S. Whether the use exception is the rni�ni�mum necessary to allouj foz reasonable uses o£ the property; and 6. Whether such use is consistent with i:he general purpases ofthe Grant �ounty Zoning Code and the public iz2terest. F, A landowner/applicant wha satisfies one ar more of the criteria outlined in Sectzon B, may appiy for a reasonable use exception, withaut first applYying for a varzance, anly if ih� requested reasonabie use excepiian includes relief fiam standards %�r w}iich a vaz-iance ca�not be granted. G, A reasonable use exception permit applicatian xs a Type III process for the purpose of the Local Project Review Qrdinance. Sectian I� Combined Review Authoriiy �n those cases where a prc�posed actic�n seeking a variance alsa requiares o�her co�ty permzts, the fallowing procedures �vvi11 apply: A. When other permits require a public hearing before the Planrizn.b Commission, the revieuT of the xeasonable use exception shall 1be combi�ed with the aiher permit(s); or �. When other pern�ts are adminisiratively approved, review af the reasonable use exception may, at the Planning Commission discretian, be combir�ed with other �ermits. In na case, however, shall approval of Qther permits dependent an the graniing af a reasonable use exception 1ay the Board af Grant County Cammissianers/Hearings Exa�niner. C. In all cases of combined revie�v, the znost restrictive pravzsions for natifxcatian and processing shall gav��a the review of the reasonable use exception request. NOW THEREFQRE, BE TT HEREBY RESt�LVED THAT TI�E G�:ANT CQUNI�Y C4MNIISS�C�NERS adopt this ardizaance ta iake effect immediately fox the presez�va�ion of reasonable use(s) duxix�g the time period required ta prepare and adopt an updated Comprehensive �'lan i� complianee with the Growth Management �ct and establish a new Zo�ing Code irn.plementing the GMA Camprehe�sive Plaax, and ihese interim o£� cial controls shall be in fi�Il force and effect to the earlier of six months fram the date csf adoption of this resolutionlordinance by the Baard of Graali County Camm%ssioners, or �e adoption af new znni�g code. It�ierim Official Controls - 4 czvII.s�o�znnva Ncurr'r�zz�. o� NOW 'T`HEREF(�RE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED 'S`HAT THE GR.ANT COUNTY CflI�'IMISSIONERS adapt this ardinance ef%c�ive immediately. PASSED this �th day ofMarcb, 1999. BUARD 4F COUN'I`Y� COh�SSIONERS GRA�.�T'T COLJ1tiTTY, WASKCNGTON _._.--�--'A' � ,, � 4 Tim �`nead, hair . LeRoy C. lisan, Member ��.� � ��� Deborah Kay 1Vlaore ember ATTEST: ���-�^�/t.� r ���i� O� , fl�S't� Inierim 4ffrcial Cantrols - 5 civzLs�o�nnnva�cvnrr�xrn2.a�