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The +Commrissianers read and appr�t�ved �he minutes
o� the precet�ing session as wri�ten.
�;����The Cammis�ion�rs approv�d the salary increase
for M�inten�n�e ;�up�rvisar �ern �ummir�gs durir�g his
involvem+�n� in ma�or new pr�oject coardina��an ar�d
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f� �� �` The �c�r�tm ission�er�s approved the sa[ary increase
c�� Je�si�� Hin�n af the District Cc�urt C�fifice tc� $8.00 per
ha�r e�feci��� Apri[ 'i �'1999,
���� The Cc�mrn��sior�ers received a Clairn for� Damages
from �Ul�c��e� LlQyd Wilson. ihe ma�#er was referred t�
the Pr�secuting A�orney fc�r hanc�ling,
f����a The �omrn�ssi�ners app�t��red speciai accasic�n
liquc�r iic�r�ses for the Deser� Aire Ga[f Cc��ar�e fc�r �llay 1
�nd 2 2�nd tJctc�ber 2 and 3,'1999,
� a��� � Th� �orr�rnissioners received a Petitian for Redress
LJ4 �I �fill�idlV� �i i�i� V4./�i i L.Y�ri 7✓4:.r �/!� 1II�44M/ 1I���7 I fil�{ ���
�o the Prosecu�ing A�tt�rney fc►r hand�ing.
�� ���The Commissi�ners recei�red a signed lntertocal
Agreernent fdr the Pr�ovisivn t�f S�rvices for
Misdemear�c�r rJ�ifertses Commi��d by A�ults from the
Tc�wn af Cerule� Dam.
;����� The �ammissianers app+�ir��ed Jay D. Ba�r �a a
fur�her terr� o� �h� Crant �ouni�/ Civil Seavi�e
�.� ��� � The Comrniss�can�r� ap�r�ov�d the salary �ncrease
t �-c.���- ,
af C�er�1 A� +�arar�vay �`or the Pros�cu�t�ng Ait�rney's
{�ffice t4 90 per�ent of a� l.�gal Se�retary 1 effec�ive Aprii
'1,'i 999.
;���� T�� CamrnissiQner�s h�ld a c[osed recard pu,�alic
m��ting regarding �the Pla� Aitera�ion request farm Nuck
C�aadrich �o subdivide a 5.7 �cr� parcel into �nrc� 2.85
�cre parcel� in the s�burban-2 Z�ane. The pro�osa� is
�oca�ed �n Lc�i 20 of Cr�ab �reek Estaies P1at #2 �nrhich
iies in a poc��c�� af the sou�heast �uarter of the
Nc�r�hwe�t Quar�er of Sec�ifln 35, Ta�vns�ip 24 Nor�h,
Range 28 Eas� Vllillamette l�eridianm A mvtion was made
by Gomrnissioner Ai�ison, se�canded by �ommissioner�
Moor�e tc� uph4[d t�re Pta�nning Gommission
recora�r�en�l�t�o� fc�r approval with the fi listed
cor�ditic�ns �nd 3 listed finclings of fact. The matior�
As there v�as r�e� further bu�ir�ess �� com� before
th� Board the sessic�r� was c�ntirtue�d urt�tii l�larch
IViarch 30,19�9
Th� s�ssia�r� �nras cvntinued �� 9=QU a.m. w�fih a�l of
the Cc�mmissic�ners in a�tendar�c� with the C1erk af the
The Cornmi�sioners me� w��th the Pub�ic VV11"orks
Dir�ectc�r reg�rdir�g �/ehi�ie r�p�acement schedule, SVIiAC
�ra�mbers?, lRaad Vaca�ion Requ+�st, Genie Access and
� f>� ���ha��man Snea�! was autharized to sign the Natice
CD� `�'"..>' ��1c��"�'�1Qt� i�� LIt1C�e1 .�. �/i��t��l'lS► t)� ��'iC:' �1SS@SStDi°S
C�ffi�e e#fective �arch 3�,'�999.
`'��� The Cor�missic�ners sign�d the Public Wc�rks
Ciaims Fund �JQucher Apprvval #3-1 through #3-Z in the
total amount of $22,142.69.
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�t 1,�� The Commissic�ners signed the Pub�lic Works
Payrolt Journai fc�r� th�e manth of I►�arch.
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As there was no further business to corrte before
the E�oarc! ihe se�sion was acljour�ec� until April 5,1999.
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