HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-037-CC _ . BUARll C?F COUIV"I'Y Ct)MMISSION�RS � GRANT COUNTY,V6'ASIiINGT{3N �soz.u�rlor��vu��. 99-37—CC A RESOLUTIQN relating to the transfer of funds within the 1999 budget af the LAW AND J(TSTI�E�'D 121,DEPART�NT#163 WHEREAS,it has been brought to the attention of the Iioard of Grant Cam��ussianers that it is necessary to transfer funds witlain the current budget af the abave named County Department(s}in ttze amounts enumerated below;and 'WHEItEAS,�rere is no expenditure of funds not previausly budgeted but a transfer pursuant to R.C.t�.36.40.100 and Caunty and State anditing procedures; _ N4W,THEREFORE,BE�'I`RESQLVED BY THE Bt�E1fiD OF C4LJNTY COMMISSI4NERS of GRANT Ct�tTNTY,STATE OF WASHI�TGTON,that the following transfers wit�in#he current budget are hereby made: I999 BUDG�T OF TI-TE LAW A�V�JTTSTICE FUND 121,DEPAR'TMENT#163 &ROM TO ACCOUNT NtIME3ER AMOUNT ACCOUNT NU141BER E2vDIt�tG FITNL7 BAL�t�tCB 508.OQ.00 $ 5,156 I17.594.27.64.04 CAPITAI.OUTLAY- MACHINE&EQUiP1VIENT '6 5,156 EXPLANATIQN Tt}12E-ALLOCATB APPROPIx1ATTONS�t}I2 COMPUTER EQIIII'MENT FOIt THE ICtVEiVTLE DEPT_ This resolution is in the best interest of good government and shail take effec�izx�nediately upon passage. Done this 23rd day af March,1999 ��_ t �.� � Chairnlan ATTEST: � a �I�P�O� qa2'C� � �� Baard of Goutity 'sszoners ��ca�:�,w���o� _ _. - C.�RANT CCJUNT'� ��� A, �r�Mn��R Adr.n+rvis-rrza�ro�z of Juv�Hit� Couu-r 5�szv�CEs �jUVElVl�.E �33(�tJI:77ATIflN C�E]�,�.RTMENT , HoNaeaf7iF EVAN E_ SPERLiNE.ludc,e SUpE[2tC)R CC3Ut�T oF T�tE HarvozzabE�KENNETH L, JC}RGE(�ISEf�2,ludc,e Hoivo�ab[e JAMES R� BROWf�! STATE t� WAS�[NCjTC?N c����c�MM�5sR4�Ea March 11, 1999 �������� Board of Co�nmissic�ners ��� � � `�,�� Graut Cawnty Court�ouse P{}Box 3'7 Epbrata, WA 98823 Re: Capital Outlay Request � � � Dear Cnmmissianers: TI�e luvenil� Depar�ment currently has three computers that are failing in our local area network. They were purchased in 1993, and do not have the memory or speed capabilities that make it possible to ef.fectively process the infornaation needed by staff to camplete their dutzes. Ca�zsequentip, it is necessary tc� replace the�e camputers with new madels for #he cc�st of $5,156. I am respectfully requ�sting the purchase of three eompu�ers and monitors for the purpose af upgrading equipment in our depart�nent. Thank you for your considexatian in this ma�ter. � h �.�'V� ��� � ,.�£�' .�--� ���� •,.gy�1,� ,��� -.,t x;fJ! f?� !e f� �/` f( ) Y r il/�.1 � j` jr �y�f s,kT1Cf:T$1�, ,�'� `� tf "�,� �� �" r �� J'� ,c� }1 �`�"�R�""^'.'""""'^+2 , f � ! t, �F Greg A. Gramrner, Administrator Board of County Commissioners; cc: Accounting -----�-""'"r�� r? ��1.. ,. Chai.rn�ax� � � ���� . � !'os-r C7fF�c� Box 878 • Ep�l-��aTa, Wast-�tNCTa�v '�8823 • Pkra�re (SO9) 754-5b9C7 • Fax {5CJ9) ?54-579?