HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC � �C)��SSIQNERS' PRfJCEEDII'�GS Week af March I 5,1999 The Grant Ct�unty Cc�mmissia�ers session was called ta order at 9:�0 a.m. by �laairman Tzm Snead. AII of�he Commissio�ters were in at�enda.nce with the Cler�.af the �oard, Th�e �ommzs�sioners read and approved the minutes of the precedin.g sessit�n as w�ittern. ;�:��:��� The Comzn�ssianers a�groved the starting salary of 1`�Tatalie Garrett of t�e Gra�fi Caunty Fa�x at $1,3'77 per mc�nth effective Mareh 22,1999. K:iraa Wy�a�. is �novz�ag ta the pc�sitian of U�ce Manager ef�ective Ma�ch 22,1999 a�the sa.lary of$1854 per mant�. ; '���� The Commisszoners approved fhe sala:ry incr�ase c�f Cc�rrec�ans C)f�cer Dan Hc�lland�a 9�% af contr�l salary, effective 3anuary 1,199�. t'�-���`� Chainnan 5nead was aut�.orz�ed �o s�gr� the Notice Qf Separa�ian of Darlene Ka1ma�as a �orrecnc�ns t��cer e�"ective MarGh 11,1999. ������ The Commzssior��rs apprc�ved the salary increase c�f �c�rrections C}ffic�r Bill Macomber to 1�0% of cantral salary, �ffec�ive Feb�'uary 1,1999. P��o� Chairman Snead was au�c�rized to szgn the CDBG l`�c�n-Cc�nstnzction Gra.nt Subrecipi�nt Agreement between �rant Count� and the Sentinel Gap �a�er A.ssacia�ic�n. ���..��c� T�e Com�nissioners appraved the salary af K�tbe�in� K.enist�n as a Pa.rt-tin�e Court Commisszflner at $1,6�� pe�-manth. ���� � TI�e �ommissioners approved the xeques� by the Juvenrle Probat�on D�partme�.t for the purchase of 3 cc��nputers in the amaunt of $S,1S6 frQm Law and Justic� �unds, and a new �opier frc�m the Capi.tol C1u�1ay Fund. i���-��.A mofiion was made by Gc�mmissic�ner Moore, seconded by Comz�.issioner A11isc�� that �.esalution Numb�er �9-2�-�C adopt-�ng ue�v applica�ic�� fc�rn�s for preliminary subclivision appl�ca�€�ns be passed. The m�tzom car�ied. ���,�� TI�e Ct�mmissione�s se� a Closed Record Public Mee�ing for Mar�1i 2�,1999 �.t 1;OQ p.m. r�g�.rding the Plat alteratian req�aes� from Hucl� Goodrich to subdivide a 5.7 acre par�el into rivo 2.85 acre pa�cel in tJhe Sub�rban-2 Zc�ne. The p�aperty is Iocated on Lc�t 20 cr�Crab Cre�k �sta�es P1at #2 which I��s in a portian of the Sautheast Quar�er of the Northwest t��arter af Sectzc�n 35, To�vns�ip 20 North, Range 28 East �Nlllanaette M�rzdian. tr�..���r�{�c�mmisszon�� Moore signed the Appl�cation fo�r Public Interest Determination ret�uested by Harold and (sertrude 3�avey at Z�75 Rd. R �`�W, Quincy,WA. t�`���� A Publ�c I�[ea,riaag was held and a motifln was made by Cammissic�ner Allisc�n, seconded by Cammissic�ner Mar�re that Resc�lutian Nu�abe� 99-25- �C, (.�rci�.nance Number 9�-28-CC clarifyx�g �he a�eas in Gra�t County subject�o the speciallodging exczse tax, �emc�ving th� pena�ty viola�tio� and �ate paymen� sections of Chapter 3.68 Qf t�e Grant Cflunty Code, a�d at�er matters properly relating�hereto be passed. The matian carrriied. ���,r� �. motion was made b� Commissi�ner .A�lison, seconded by Co�nmzssianer Maore fi1�a� Resc�Iut��n Number 9�-29-CC se�ing a public hea�ng for April 6,1999 �t 1:0� p.m. relating to the facts requiring an approp�iatian and e�pe�ditur� of fi�nds for the C.R.I.D, Bond 92-� Fund #222 �n the amc��ant of$�,OOQ be passed. The ma�ion�arried. As �here was no fia.rther busine�s to come before the Baard the sessiQa� was ctantinued uz�til March 16. Ma.rch 1�,1��9 The sesslon was cantinued a-t 9:0� a.m. with aI� of the Commissioners zn atte�dance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commzsszoners met vvith the Public �orks Director regarding Ca�trac� Exe�utian-Ti1t Trailer, Bid Avvard I�.ecammenda�ian-�Iexbicides, �RA�3-An�t�a1 Certification, Ge�ie Access`?, Q+C,B�D Conce�s. g���� Tl�e Commiss�aners approved the recom�enda�ian by the Publzc Works Dire�tor that the bids for 1�}99 H�rbicide Materials by awarded as fc�llows; W�1ber-Ellis Cc�.-Item No. �, Item�To. 3, Item�To. 6 and Iter�a No. 7. UAP 1`�orthwes�-It�m I'�To. 2 and Item I�TQ. 5. ���.��� The Commissivn��s signed a cc�ntract wzth Norstar �ndustries ft�r o�a� 1999 L�ndo11345B Tilt Trail�r. ������ A mQ�c�n ��s made by C�mmissione� Moore, second�d by Cammiss�4ner .All�son that 32es�l�.tic�n Nu�nber �9-30-CC reiatzng to the transfer of funds wzthin the 199� budget af the Law and Justice Fund #121, Depart�nent#163 in the amoun�c�f$10,406 be passed. The motaon carried. ���3� The �ammzssic�n��s set a Closed Reeord Publzc Mee�ng ft�� Apr�I 6,1999 at I:QO p.m. regarding fihe Pla�Alteration request by Rames and Raul Ganzalez to create �va lc�ts from Mattavva Acres Na. 2, Lat 2$. The prapo�ent s�eks to create tvvo 2&1/2 acre parcels fr�m a pa�r�e� 5 acres in szze, �ocated in a pa�ion of S�ctic�n 4, To�vnsb.�p 14 hTorth, Range 23 �ast �rV.M. i�..�/ The �omn�isszoners signed the Applica�ion �c�r Publ�c �iterest Uetermination by Robert Swartzen�n�ber Iacated at 14357 L3odson Road Narth. ��}��-�As of this date the Bc�ard by a �ajority vc�te daes apprave for payz�e�t thQse vauche�rs z�.cluded zn the list �t�d in �he A�d.itars fJf�ice 3115f99 in t�e �atal amount of$523,874.b7. ����3 A me�tion was made b� Cflmmis�ioner �llis€�n, seconded by Co�mz�sioner Mflare that Res�lut�an Number �9-31-C� in the ma�ter of changii�g the zoning frc�m Agr�cu�ture tQ Heavy Industrial z� a pc�r�c�n of Section 21, Tc�wnship 19 N., Raa�ge 29 �., W,M. �e�ques$ed by Larrry and Diane Campbe�l be passed. The m�tion carried. f'�..��y�A matic�n was made by Cc�mm�ssioner Moc�re, �ecc�nd�d by �Qlnmissxc�ner A�l�san that Resgluti�n Nut�ber �9-32-CC relating tc� the �ransfer af fi�nds �vithin the 1999 budget flf f.�e �umulative Reserve Fu�d #�OS, Department #147 in �e total amount of $138,446 be p�.ssed. The motion carried. ��C���The �ommissioners approved the r�quest by the Sheriffs �ffice fo� the purchase af 35 ball�stic vests far the �orrectic�ns sta;E`f in the �t�rtal amount o�$3,187 frc��Law and Justice Funds. �„ir����The Commissianers set a Closed Record Public Meeting far A.pril 5,1999 at 2:30 p.m, regard�zag the Preliminary Plat request by M�chael Bernsen ta create an 11 1Qt subdivisaan €�n approximi.a�ely 3.20 acres i� the Residential 1 �one lc��ated in �. �aortic�� of the West half af Sectic�n 3, To�nship 18�orth, Range �8 East, V+�.M. A� there was no �iarther busi�ess to came before the Board the sesszo� was cantinued unti�March l.9,1999. M�rch 19,19�� The se�sz�n was ca�tznued at I0:0(} a.m. wrth �I1 of �he �ammissi�ners in at�endance tivith the Clerk ofthe Boaa�rd, �c1���'� A. motz�n was made by Com�m�ssaoner A.11zson, second�d by Caznmissioner IVloare that Resolutit�n Number 9�-33-CC declar�ng a..z� �mergency�'or the Town c�f(3�ar�c� Coulee be passed. The motion carried. As there wa� no further business to came before the Board the session was adjaurned unt�1 lV��rch�2,199�. BCJARD OF �C)C:JNTY�(JI��SSIt�1��RS ATTEST: G�T CC} Y, WASI�IlwTGTt�N � � Cl��f he Bc�a �haizman ° P F � /�'� ��t� �����