HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-020-CC I3CIARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIQNERS � GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON ) RESOLUTION NO. 99-20-CC ) ) ) RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISED AND ) COMPREHENSIVE APPLICATION FORMS ) FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ) VARIANCE REQUESTS � Wi3ETt�AS, the Board of County Conunissioners of Grant Caunty have been advised by the Current Planning Division of the Grant County Co1ru��unity DeveYopment Department tl�at there exists various versions of outdated application forms requesting Conclitional Use Permits and Variai�ces and; W�EItEAs, the current forms contain canfusing, incomplete, and atnbiguous language and; WIIEREA.s, the current applications request an i�sufficie��t arnount of informatian for proper dissemination and undersCanding of the request of�he applicant; NOW THERE�C}RE� BE IT ItESOLVED, that the Board of Caunty Commissioners for Grant County, Washington adapt by this Resalutian new application forzns far Conditianal Use Permit and Variance requests. .. �-�' ., Done this�Zday of 1Vlarclz. -----�Q `-�� Cllairman, im ead r C.�4,� (Lnl✓ `f` Attest:�� °� �,.aa" —, Clerlc Board Cammissioner, Deb a�a ay Moore Peggy Grigg Co nissio , eRay A xson Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washingtan ���T COU�� '� � G�E�.ATT COU�TTY I��ANTVIl�� II�I�L�RT�VI�+N`� � ��_ � . ! � •�'., ",.,: 3� �s ti7�X'��� lrs�'V e U ,6 � 3.�� P.O.Box 37 • Ephrata,Washington 98823 o Ph; (509)754-6093 . FAX: (509)754-6097 tiU�U`��cOl ll•.•4b; , \ rr�r�oR WA4H1N�t�a Grant County Current Planning Department VARIANCE APPLICATION AND PROCEDURES Application Fee: $75.00 SEPA Environmental Checklist(if applicable) $75.00 PARTI PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING FOR A VARIANCE 1. The applicant must complete the following and prese�it it to the Planning Department. The permitting process for an application will take an average of_60_days to complete. However, Grant County will issue a decision on the variance application no later than_120_days following the determination of completeness. a. An application for a variance(see attached); b. A scaled drawing showing, in detail,the site of the proposed use in which a variance is ' needed. 1. Vicinity map 2. Legal Description of property(be as complete as possible) 3. Map or plot plan of the layout of property and proposed use including the following: a. Scale of drawing. b. North arrow. c. Location of the proposed project including existing and proposed structure dimensions and distances to property lines. , d. Location of all proposed and existing utilities including power,water, septic tank and drainfield. e. Off street parking(if applicable). £ Location of all proposed and existing roads providing access to , property, driveways,parlcing areas,rights-of-way and easements. g. Location of any distinguishing physical features located on the property including but not limited to streams, culverts, drainage ways,wetlands, bluffs,etc. c, A check for$75.00 made payable to the Grant County Auditor and submitted with the completed application. This fee is non-refundable. d. When required,an Environmental Checklist form for the concurrence of the responsible , official to ascertain if a determination of non-signi�cance, a mitigated determination of non-significance or an Environmental Impact Statement is required. Fee: $75.00 non- refundable. e. Please note that if you are requesting a Variance to the setbacic requirements,you may be required to make changes to the building to comply with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code,and Americans with Disabilities Act, etc. You are requested to contact the Grant County Building De�artment to determine if any modifications are required. This may prevent spending money on the permit process only to find out later that the structure cannot be cost effectively constructed at the proposed location for the intended use. Page 1 of 5 2. Tlxe Planni►xg llep�rtment Staff will do the followii�g: a. Prepare a list of names and addresses of all pt�a�erty awnet•s witlxin tllree ht�ndred(304} feet of the exterior boundaries af the subject property; b. Pravide noticc oi'application upon the issuance af a detarrnination of campleteness; c. Mail notice of any open record hearing(if applicable)to the applicant and the applicant's representative,the above list of names, and any person who subinits written or oral comments on the application at least fifteen(15)calenclar days p��ior to tlie hearing;and shall d. Publish tegal notice of public hearing af a variance request accardin�to the requirements of the Local I'rojcct Per�nit Review C7rdinance 97-192-CC. ' 3, The I3oai•d of Adjustment meets on the sccond(2°a)Wednesday of the inonth. `rhe application will be heard before the Board at a open record public heari��g. The applicant or representative shall be present to auswer any questions the Board members have relativa to the pro��osed use. You will be notified by mail as ta what data youz�application w�ll be heard before,the Board af Adjustment. ; 4. Hearing; After the open record public heaz�ing ai�d based upon fmdings af fact,the Board of Adjustment will determine whetlier the vaxiance is to be granted,granted with canditions,o�� denied. Written noti�cation af tiie decision is then mailed ta the applicant within 45 days after the issuance af the Decision. Upon 7�eceipt af written confirmatian that the conditions of appraval,if any,have been met,your variance will be granted. 5. Time Frame for Decision: Once the application is deemed complete,the review process will begin. Provided there is no continuatioll af the application, a decision on the variance will be made within I20 days,subject to an open record publ3c hearing, 6. Appeals: Decisions of the Board c�f Adjustment shall be final unless the original applicant or a party with standing makes an appeal ta the Superior Court af Grant Caunty pursuant to RCW 36.70C and the Grant County Lacal Project Permit Review Ord'rnance,9�-192-CC. Page 2 of 5 A1X requested inform�ition shall be provided and must be filled out in ink or typed for phatocopying purposes PAftT II VARIANCE APl'LICATION General lnformatian Legal Owner's Name: _ ._ . Mailing Add��ess: ^ , - City: �. State: Zrp� .� _ Phona: (Warlc); F'ax: _ _ __ If applicant is not lhe owner, include the written awner authorization fortn below designating the contact to serve as representative. Owner's Designated Contact: _._ Mailing Address: _ ._ City: _ _ State: zip: _ Phot�e: _ (Work): Fax: _ ProjectlProposal Site Area(t�cres or sq.ft.}: , , . Assessor Tax 1'arcel No.(s)of Proposal Site: _ _ Adjacent Area Owned or Controlled(Acres or sq. ft.): _ Assessar'I'ax Parcel No.(s)of Adjacent Land Ownad or Controlled: . _ Street Address of Proposed Site(if any): � Describe�:xisting Use(s}on Propased Site(Such as buzldings,well,sewer d�'ai���eld and others}: Bxisting Zoning Cla�sification: _ _ _. - ColXiprehansive Plan Category: ._ _ — Grawth Management Act Designation: Within lUGA or UGA? Oyes Ono School District: __ . . _ , -- — tiire District: ,. — - Water Purveyar: -- - _ _ Irt•igation Distz•ict: _ _ � �'age 3 of 5 Proposed Use of Property: ' ( ) Duplexes ( ) Business ( ) Multi-Family dwelling ( ) Industrial ( ) Mixed Use ( ) Single-family dwelling O Manufactured Homes O Other: Please describe List Previous Grant County Actions Involving this Property: (Such as tvc segregation application,certificate of exemptions,subdivision,lot segregltion or Agriculture District segregation,zone change,variance,temporlry use SEPA review, estate transfer,zoning code violation or others� LEGAL INFORMATION LOCatlon Of PPOposal Slte(General description by which direction and how far from roads and intersections and other community features�: Section(s): Township: � Range: Name of Public Road(s)providing access: Width of Property Fronting on Public Road: I have attached a legal description of the proposed site: O yes O no Section of the zoning ordinance under which it is claimed that a variance should be granted: Purpose for the requested variance: Are there special circumstances such as lot size,slope,topography or necessary size or shape of the , building which prevent compliance with the zoning ordinance? If so,please explain; Does strict application of the zoning ordinance deprive subject property of rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under the saine zoning classification? If so,please explain: Page 4 of 5 , i Is the granting of the variance inaterially detrimentai to the puUlic welfare? If sa,please explain: , If you laave any�dditio�all comments,please attich them on n separate sheet of paper. " PART IIl LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal ownez•or representative as autharized by legal owner) I,the undersigned, swear or affirrn under penaity of perjLary that thc above respoz�ses are m�de �z�uthfully and to the best of my lcnawledge. I further s�vear or affirm that I am the owner of record of the area praposed for the previously identi�ed land use action,o��,if not the ownet�,attached herewith is written perniission froin the awner authoricing my aclions a11 his oz•hcr behalf. Namc: Date: .—. — —— Address: �-- Phone: _ _ _ Zip. � � _ Signature af Applicant or representative Date Notary (�'or Part III Above) STATE OT'WASHINGi'ON } ss: COUN`CIT t3�'GRANT ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to me this __day of__ _, 19__ NO'I'ARY SEAL _. .— —..— Nota��y Signature Notary Public in a��d far the Stata of Wasl�ingtan Residing at: _ My appoint�nent expires: _ � _ PART IV (Ta be completed by the Planning Departznent} Date Submitted: _ _ Planner: _ Tot��l Fees: � _ ___ _ Receipt# _ _. ___ File#: � Cornpiete Application: _ __.__ Page 5 of 5 ��'�� C� �� N�' <��' ��2A�I".�" ��UI�T1"Y P�A.�11��� D�F.A�TI1�� �� � 32 C St�°e�t I�T.W. �� � .�_M�..�.____ � .;,. P.O.Box 37 b Ephrat�,Washin�;ton 9$�23 � Ph; (S09)754-6093 . FAX: (509)754-6097 ' ti.'1W�l�l BC�t ii'R�U�� i �`^.�r'9T p� . �,_r�P WASH�M�... ' Grant County Current I'lanning llepartment ' CONDITIONAL US�P�RMIT APPLICATION ANl)PROCEDURES Application F'ee: $75.00 SEPA F.',nvironmental Checklist{if applicabla} $'75.OQ PAR'T I PROCEDUIZES FOR APPLYING FOR A CONDITIONAL USB 1'EIZMIT 1. The appNcant must coxnplete the following and present it to the Plalmitig Department. 7'he perznitting process for an application will take an averagc af_b0_days ta complete. Hawever, Grant County will issue a decision on the conditianal use permit application 11a later•than_220_ days following the determination of completeness. a. An applic�tian for a conditional use permit(see attached); b. A scaled drawing showing,in detail,the site of the proposed use in which a conditional ' use is needed. 1. V icinity map 2. I,egal Description of property(be as completc as possible 3. Map or plot plan of the layout of property and praposed use including the fallowing: a. Scale of drawing. b. Narth arro�v, c. Location af the prapased project including existing and praposed structure dimensions and distances to property lines. d. Location of all proposed and existing utilities including power,water, septic tank and draiufield. e. Off street paX•icing(if applicable}. f. Lacation of all propascd and existing roads providing access ta property,driveways,parking areas,rights-of-way and easetnents. g. Location of any distinguishing physical features located on the property including but nat limited to stt•eatns,culverts,drainage ways,wetlands, bluffs, etc. c. A check far$75,00 made payable to the Grant County Auditar and subxnitled witl�the completed conditia�lal i�se pernlit application. This fee is non-t�efundabie. d, Wl�en required,an F..nvironmenta] Checklist fartn for the concurrc;nce of the responsible off'tcial to ascertain iE a determination of notx-signi�cance,a nlitigated datermination of non�signi�callce or an�nvironmental Impact Staternent is required. Fee: $75.00 non- refundable. e. Please note that if yau are changing tiie use af a building ar portion thereof,you may be required ta malcc changes ta the btailding to camply with the Uni forrn Building Code, Uniform Fire Cade,and Aanericans with Disabilitics Act,etc. You are raquested ta contact tl�e Grant County 13uilding D�partment if you are changing the use of a building or modifying a structure for the Conditianal Use Permlt to determine if any modifications are required. This may prevent spending money on thu perinit process only to later find out that the structure cannat be cost e£fectively�'emodeled for tlie intended use. Page 1 of S 2. The Planning Department Staff will do the following; a, Prepare a list of names and addresses of all property owners within three hundred(300) feet of the exterior Uoundaries of the subject property; b. Provide notice of application upon the issuance of a determination of completeness; c. Mail notice of any open record hearing(if applicable)to the applicant and the applicant's representative,the above list of names,and any peison who submits written or oral comments on the application at least fifteen(15)calendar days prior to the hearing;and shall d. Publish legal notice of public hearing of a conditional use permit according to the ' requirements of the Local Project Permit Review Ordinance 97-192-CC. ' 3. The Board of Adjustment meets on the second(2°`�)Wednesday of the month. The application will be heard before the Board at an open record public hearing. At the public hearing,the applicant or representative shall be present to answer any questions the Board members may have relative to the proposed use. You will be notified by mail as to what date your application will be heard before the Board of Adjustment. 4. Hearing: After the open record public hearing and based upon findings of fact,tha Board of Adjustment will determine whether the conditional use permit is to be granted,granted with conditions, or denied. Written notification of the decision is then mailed to the applicant within 45 , days after the issuance of the Decision. Upon receipt of written confirmation that the conditions of approval,if any,have been met,your conditional use peimit will be granted. 5. Time Frame for Decision: Once the application is deemed complete,the review process will begin. Provided that there is not a continuance on the application,a decision on the coriditional use permit will be made within 120 days, subject to an open record public hearing. 6. Appeals: Decisions of the Board of Adjustment shall be final unless the original applicant or a party with standing malces an appeal to the Superior Court of Grant County pursuant to RCW 36.70C and the Grant County Local Project Permit Review Ordinance, 97-192-CC. Page 2 of 5 All requested information shall be provided and must be lilled out in ink or typed ' for photocopying purposes PART II CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION General Information Legal Owner's Name: Mailing Address: City: State; Zip: Phone; (Work): Fax: If applicant is not the ownar, include the written owner authorization form below designating the contact to serve as representative. Owner's Designated Contact: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Phone; (Work): Fax: Project/Proposal Site Area(Acres or sq, ft.): Assessor Tax Parcel No.(s)of Proposal Site: ' Adjacent Area Owned or Controlled(Acres or sq. ft.): Assessor Tax Parcel No.(s)of Adjacent Land Owned or Controlled: Street Address of Proposed Site(if any): Describe Existing Use(s)on Proposed Site(Such as buildings,well,sewer drainfield and others): Existing Zoning Classi�cation: Comprehensive Plan Categoiy: Growth Management Act Designation: Within IUGA or UGA? Oyes Ono School District: � Fire District: ' Water Purveyor; _ Irrigation District: Page 3 of 5 Proposed Use of Property: ( ) Duplexes ( ) Business ( ) Multi-I'amily dwelling ' ( ) Industrial ( ) Mixed Use ( ) Single-family dwelling O Manufactured Homes O Other: Please describe ' List Previous Grant County Actions Involving this Property; (Such�s t�c segregation apptication,certificate of exemptions,GA or EA affidavit,�ubdivision,lot segregation or Agricuhure District segregation,zone change,vari�nce,temporaty use S�PA review,estate transfer,zoning code violation or others� LEGAL INFORMATION LOCatIOri Of PPOposal Slte(General description by which direction and how far from roads and intersections and other community features�: Section(s): Township: Range: Name of Public Road(s)providing access: ' Width of Property Fronting on Public Road: I have attached a legal dascription of the proposed site: O yes O no Section of the zoning ordinance under which it is claimed that a conditional use should be granted: Purpose for the requested conditional use: Is the proposed use to be temporaiy or permanent? If temporary,please explain: If you have any additional comments,please attach them on a separate sheet of paper. ' Page 4 of 5 PART III LEGAL OWNER SIGNATUR� (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I,the undersigned,swear or af�rm under penalty of perjury that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my lcnowledge. I further swear or affirm that I am the owner of record of the area proposed for the previously identified land use action,or, if not the owner,attached herewith is written permission from the owner authorizing my actions on his or her behalf. Name: Date: Address: Phone: Zip: Signature of Applicant or representative Date Notary (For Part III Above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF GRANT ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to me this day of , 19 NOTARY SEAL Notary Signature Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at: My appointment expires: PART IV (To be completed by the Planning Department) Date Submitted; Planner: Total Fees: Receipt#: _ File#: Complete Application: .� Page 5 of 5 � /^ � ` 4 �� � � ��.� � � /,���T CO� ` �y � � � GRANT COLTI�ITY PLA,NNING DEPARTMEN'� ' �'� 332 W. Division Street � �' , r�• „� P.O. Box 37 + Ephrata, Washington 98823 • (509) 754-2011 Ext. 321 , ,�f�l iUL Ll•q����2 /� ' �\rA`r�01 WAtNIN'�t/�?''/ , � ' APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST FEE SCHEDULE Conditional Use Permit $75.00 S.E.P.A. Checklist Fee(if applicable) $75.00 PAYMENT I5 DUE UPON SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATION IN ORDER TO COVER THE COST OF HEARING NOTICES I. Pre-Applicati.on Procedures A. Prior to submittal of an application for a Conditional Use Permit,the applicant must meet with the Planning Staffto discuss the request in relafionship to permii�uses by�he Zorr�i��Oedujac�ee. This discussion will focus on the use of the property, development criteria, and the procedures for processing the application. � B. When the sponsor of a Conditional Use Permit request seeks to reqnire a hearing from the Board of Adjustment through the petition process, it must be submitted on forms provided for that purpose at the Planning Department. II> A,pnlication Submittal All applications for Conditional Use Pernuts will be submitted to the Board of Adjustment through the Planning Department in accordance with the schedule of dates for Board of Adjustment hearings and deadlines for submittal of applications. Normal Board of Adjustment meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesdav of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Courthouse in Enhrata. Depending on if the proposal requires a S.E.P.A. Checklist, the . repuest must be submitted at least 30 davs nrior to the next meetinQ date. Applications unless othenvise provided for,will be accompanied by the required fees and information specified by the Ordinance as well as the following application documents: A. Application Form . B. Legal Description of property(please be complete as possible) C. Vicinity Map D. Adjacent property owners as known E. Layout of property and proposed area for Conditional Use ' ' - �/� � � �1.7J � J ( C�� � � �7 APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR All applications must be in the Planning Department office no later than nvelve (12) working days prior to the Board of Adjustment meeting Deadline date GENERAL INFORMATION Phone ' Date � Name Mailing Address ' Legal Description of Property: Section_ Township � Range_ lotlor Farm Unit Block Plat Site 5ize Acres or sq. ft. Zone in which property is located Who holds title to the property? Address A PLOT OR SKETCH MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: A. Scale of Drawing B. North Point C. Dimensions of property, existing buildings D. Off-street parking areas if applicable E. Access to Road � F. Locations of well and septic tanks , Also a Vicinity Map showing all properties within 800' and ownership within a 300' radius of all property lines. IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR A VARIANCE, COMPLETE PART II. IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT COMPLETE PART III PART II -VARIANCE INFORMATION State law and County Ordinances stipulate that a variance cannot be granted as a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations placed upon other properties in the same zone and vicinity. Variances may only be granted when some special circumstance, such as property shape or size, topography, location oe surroundings tend to prevent the subject property from being used as other properties in the same vicinity and zone may be used. Special circumstances and hardships may not be self-imposed (e.g. monetary in nature,purchase of too small piece of property to conform to zoning required, lot size, etc.) , � ' �.._.. I "' �+ � . ; . � � C� � ; l. What are the speciai circumstances appticabic ta ��aur property that you feei �varrant a Variance? 2. If this Variance were granted,how�vauld it affcct'in yaur opinion,the following: NETGHBORING PROPERTY GENERAL PUBLIG (e.g, -Traffic safety) 3. If this Variance was denied, what hardship�ti�ould result? ***����*** PART iTI CUNDiTiONAL USE PERMIT l. What provision of the zoning ordinance is appticable to the Conditional Use Permit request? Section Paragraph 2. What interest does the appiicant have in the property? , 3. Do you fell you meet the canditions as stated in the Zoning Ordinance? (SIGNATURE} DATE: , i