HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC r,,.� ��}1��MISS�C�NERS' PRO��EDINGS Week of Nlarch 8,1999 Th� �ra�t County Cc�m�nissione�s sessican was ca�led to c�rder at �:00 a.m. by ��aizman Tim Sn�ad. A�l afthe Commzsszoners were � at�enda��� �vith the Cler�Qf�he Board. �'he �Qtnmissio�ers read and appraved the minutes af the preceding session as written. ;��.��� The Com.missianers szgned th� Interlc�c�.1 Agreement far �he provision of services for Misd�m�a�ar ��f'enses with the Town crf Coulee I3am. ��.�.°��7�The C+�mmissioners �eceived a copy of a Sumr�ons and Complaint from Vaugh�a L�ow�ing. '�he matter was re�"erred to the Prosecuting A�orr�ey for handl�ng, ��-;�.,a,��The Commzssio�e�s signed the Second Addendum �tc� �'ro�essional Services Agreement fvr Public Informatzon and Cc�m�un�catior�s Consultan�. '����The Ca�nmzssivners signed approval c�f the salary �ncre�.se of ��an �3��� of the District �ourt C�f�ce. �:.}�°�.�,;I'he Corn�missioners apprc�v�d t1�e requ��� by the Treasu�er for a budg�et increas� in the Crid�ond 92-1 budget in the amount of$2y04�. �c���--`-�The C€�rrramzssioners approv�d c�ut t�f state t�avel for Marge �eacock af the �Iew Ho�e Domestzc V�olence Services C)ffce tQ �.�tend Supervisc�r train�ng in Po�land. �c��1�.� The �oz�missianers approved the reques� by Grant Mental I�ealthcare ta adj�st the Man�.gemen� Inforn�ation System Manager and the A.ccaunts Receivable Manager pasit7o�z jab descriptic�ns from Na�-E�e�npt tc� Exea�pt �tatus�vi�h sal.a�ry �ncreases fc�r bo�h positions, �,�',��.,��The Con�z�issioners appro�ed the request by the Sheri�s {��ce to begin co�s�zc�ion af the pc�l� building at the �irant County Jail with p�ev�c�usly autho�zed capz�al outlay fiznds in the amt�un� c�f$6952. �,�,��� The Commzssione�s appxaved tlie �equest by the Sherif�s Of�ice far �he a�nount of�10,40� from La�v a.n�. J�strce furzds ta �nake their dc��ument imager Y2Z� co�.plzant. �����-� '�`he Commissioners signed the Interlocal Agree�nent �p�emen�ting ,_ � �ity Gonstnzc�on S�andards for �e�v public facilities �oca�ed wit.h�n the u�zncc��poratec�..�reas c�f the desigt�a�ed interim urb�n grQwth area af the �ity t��`�S-and Co�lee. ��'��.�;��;��hairman Snead vvas at�thorized. t� sign ap�art�val of t�e new Liquc�r Li�ense A�plica�ic�n of Freddy Ra.n�Enterprises. ���:��� The C�mmissianer� signed the Notic� of Public �Ieari��g far a supplementa.l budget for Current E�ense Fund #�001, Juvez�il� Department #I17 i� the amount of $122,�71 from unanticipated s�atelf�deral fiznds. Public I�earing ta be held 1Vlarch 23,I999 at I:00 p.m. As �3aere was na �urther business ta come b�fo�e the B�ard the sessi�n was canti�ued unti�March 9,199�. March 971999 The sesslon was ct�ntinued at 9;00 a.m. with all of the Commissia�ers in attendance wi�h the Clerk o�the Board. The C��umis�ic�ners met wzth the Public Warks I�arector regarding 1�:�0 a.m.-Mz�. Mayhew{"�' l�f� & SR 28}, Reimbursable �Nork Agreement- I7epar�ment of Correc�ions, Material Remc�val License, QuitClaim L)eed- �SI�OT, SR 17 Ac�ess. �;���,q� The Commissioners szgned a Contrac� with Selland Construction, Inc, for the Sag�brush Fiats Rd. prt�ject. �c[�,��� The Cammi ssioners signed the License to �emove Material unth Luis C�rtega. ;����,q�As �f this date the Bc�ard by a majo�.ty vot� ddes apprav� far payment thos� vouchers i.�cluded in the list filed an �he Audita�s C)f�ce 3/9/99 in the ta�al am�unt of$1,�39,644.18. � �.�,r���.A. Ix1C}�1fl11 tivas made by Commissioner Allison, secc�nded by Cc�mmzsszoner MoQre �h�t Resolution Number 99-20-CC adoptzng revised and comprehensive appizcation forms for Cc��ditic�nal LTse Permit and Varian�e Requests b�passed. The motian ca�rraed. ;f����'� The Comm�ssioners a.pproved the recammendation by the Public Warks Direct�r �hat Bridge #314, and Bridge #3$S prc�jects be awarded tc� To�nmer Construction. �����A mc�tion was znade by CommissiQner .A1lison, secc�nded by Commissioner Moare that Resolution I�u�aaber �9-21-CC establishing a procedure for creating vendQr Iists and securing telephone or written bid quotatic�ns �'ar mate�als, equzpment, supplies and services �re passed. The mo�on camied. ;���.��Tbe Gommissianers signed the Public Warks �laims Fund Vou.cher Apprcr�al#2-1 throu�h#�3-1�9 ir��e total atnount of$7t�4,OS6.87. c�e�,��; A m c�tian �vas made by Commissaoner Moc�re, seconded by Commis�xoner Allison that F.esolutic�n �Tumber 99-22-�� in the matter of executing ar�.d delivering a qui�claim deed tc� the �#ate c�f �ashingto�., Depa�:�.ment of Transpor�atian is pa.ssed. The motic�n caxried. ����� A motion �,avas made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 99-23-CC setting a Public Hearing for March 23,1999 at 1:00 p.m. relating to the facts requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Veterans Assistance Fund #104, Department # 14b in the a,mount of $1,000 be passed. The motion carried. /�F��� The Cor�missioners approved the request by Corrections Sergea.nt John O'Malley to transfer 20 of his sick leave days to his wife, Tanya O'Malley of the Maintena.nce Department. ������The Commissioners approved the request by the Sheriff for out of State travel for he and Mike Shay to attend the Western States Sheriff s Association conference and training in Oregon. �`�-.��vabf The Commissioners approved the request by the Sheriff for out of state travel for Undersheriff Michael Shay and Chief Deputy Brya.n Pratt to return Steven B. Smith to Federal custody. f���- A motion was made by Com�nissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 99-24-CC relating to the transfer of funds within the 1999 budget of the Law and Justice Fund #121, Departmen�#163 in the amount of$3,075 be passed. The motion carried. ;����A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Moore that Resolution Number 99-25-CC stating that William Murray was no longer designated to provide the services of a Designated Me�tal Health Professional since he is no longer an employee of Grant Mental Healthcare be passed. The motion carried. ����� A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Moore that Resolution Number 99-26-CC in the matter of establishing a Grant County Water Conservancy Board be passed. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was adjourned until March 15,199�. BOARD OF COUNTY COMNBSSIONERS ATTEST_ GRANT C_ OUT�Y, WASHINGTON �� /,¢�p ' � - !� �,,(f, f'��4�� i / � �li1�l'� �� � �:�?!V:l�'�t+�-t:�<� Clerk��he Boar Chairman �,�' �'f ���,�.�� ,l�r�� � � s . �, _. _ �