HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC � C{�I��ISS��I�ERS' FRC?CEEDINGS Week o�N��rrch 1,1999 The C�rant C�unt� C�mrnissiQners session �vas called ta arder at 9.00 a.m. by Chainnan Tim S�ead. A1I of the Cam�missioners ujere in attendanc�_ The Commissioners read a�.d approved tihe minutes a�the ��-eceding sessit�n as written. rR {��,��Th� Cc�mmissiaa�er� signed �be Payroll �Jarrants L�st #1{}1�03 �ro�gh#102�37 far fi.�e z�onth Qf�'ebr�ary. t '��-C�.��i The �c�m�niss�oners apprc�ved the requ�st from the Juvenile �'robatio� Departme�t for the replaceme�t flf�he Air Handler uz�t in the boys' �vi�g af the detention facility. ����� 'I'he Ct�rnmissiflz�ers �equested the Budget D�rec�c�r �o revise �he 1999 Veterans Fund totals �n tbe amount of $1,Q�fl for a danatian to �he �Var1d �Uar II�Vlemtarial �und. r�r!�'��Y�'he Cammi.ssiane�s sig�ed th� Tra�'ic Nla.nagement Ag�eexnent w�th xh� P�.blic Utility Dzstrict ,#2. ��-j�-�� ��'I'he Coanmissit�ners l�eld a continuation. of Pub1�� He�.aring on the Han�ord �each I�terim Fla.n. After revie�v and dis�ussion af oral and written testimc�ny a�a�otio� was made by Commis�ia�er Moo�e, secc�nded by Commiss�oner Allison to adopt the I�terim Ac�on Plan as recc�mmended by t�lae Czt�zzens Advisoz� Panel, with the chaz�ges outlin�� in the letter of transmittal from t�e P1a:�aing Cc��n.missian dated Febrnary 3719�9 and the Memarandum from the I�anford Reach Coardinator dated February 26,1.999. `�he �aotxon carried. A further �nation was made by CQ�n.isszo�ze� Mac�re, secand�d b� �a�nmissio�er Allisc�n to instruct Staff to prepar� findings of fact and an reso�u�i.on far signing at a later date ar�d that t�e Hanford Reach �Qo�din��c�r �r�pare a �ina1 unified t�� of the Inter��a Actio� P�an as adc�pted by �h� Bc�ards c�f�ount� Cc�mmissioners �c� ir�cc�zporat� the cha�ges as indica.ted, and provide fin�.I editing and printzng. TI�e �atit�� carried, A� there wa� no fi�rther b�si�ess t� came befc�re the Bc�az-d the �ess�o� was cc�nti��ued u�t�l March 2,19�9. March 2,199� The session was cont�nuecl at 9:O�J a.m. �vit�z all c�f the Coz��issioners in a�t�ndance. The Commiss�oners met wzth �� Publ�c Works Directc�r r�gard�g Bid A.�ard Recomz�endat�on-Asphalt Tank, `�"iIt �'railer, Cc�n�ract Exec��tzc�n-Bridge No. 3S5 & 31�, Timber Purchase �2eques�, LTGA �.pacts, 10:30 Bid C}pening (�erbic�des�. !���� The Cammissioners recezv�d cer�i�cation that the �3r. #1�0 `18' NE Rt��c� projec� was built i� accardan.ce wi�h the plans and speczficat�ons, a�d t�l�.t ��� �Illa���`1�.�5 ll1Ct3I'p{}I"���{�. lIl${3��.1�p�'C}��Gt�3]��C0111T�C� S��C�C��14I1S. ��.�.�-��,The Co�nmiss�one�s apprQved the recc�mmendation of ��e Pub�ic �1orl�s Dir�c�or and awarded Burke Heating System. the bid on t�e Asphalt Tank Trailer in the amount of$52,5�0 and N��star �dustries t}�e bid on the T�1�'Trailer %n the amount of�45,370.91. ���7�The Cc�mmissianers held a bid openzzng �n Herbicide Ma�erials and a mc�tion wa.s lnade by Com�nissianer Allzsan, seeonded by Cc�z�missic�ner Maore tc� re�er the bids to Public Works fc�r tl�eir review a�d xecornmendat�on. Th� matzon ca�ried. ��:��-i�The Con�unissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Vouc��r Approval #2-1 ##hrough#2-2 in the�ota� amount c�f�21,591.�8. �v��.�-`���'he Cor�missiazzers sig�ed a can�rac� with Tommer Construct�on Campany, Inc. for wc�rk on Bridge #385 a:r�d Bridge #314. 4�r���;� 1�s c�f t�is date the Baard by a majority vote do�s approve fox payme�t those vc��ch�rs included in the Iist �Ied in the Audita�s (Jffice 21�6/9� in the total aanount of�23�,984.45. ��.;-f� � 7 As of thzs dat� the Board by a �najority vote does approv� for p�yr�ent thc�se vc�uchers included in th� l�st �Cled in the Aud�to�s �?�ce 3/�/99 in the tc�tal amflunt af�444,42�.2�. As there was nc� fi�rther business to cozne befare the Baard the sesszo� was �.djauurr�ed un�i1lVV�arch 8,1999. BQARL) C�F Ct�UNTY�0��55I(�N�RS ATTEST: �RANT C(�t��IT�, WAS�3�{�'�C�N _.._..�..._...�`�'�r -� ��� � d ��� ��� Clerk�c�f�th� $c� C�airman�,,�' , ���� � ���