HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-017-CCResolu�ion No. gg-�7-�� A RESC}LUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSIOI�T OF AN APPLICATItaN T(a THE STATE DEPARTMENT QF C4N�Vl[LINITY, TRADE, AND ECONOMIC DEVELQPIVIENT FQR A CDBG GRANT TO CON�TRUCT A C(JM1��IUNITY FACILITY FOR TI-� BOYS & GIRI.,S CLL3B ,GRAN1' COUNTY C(�1VIlVIUNIT'Y ACTIQN CC?UNCIL, IVIQSES LAKE LITERACY CQUNCIL, AND COLUMBIA BAS1N RED CROSS. WHEREAS, Grant County is applying to the state Department of Community, Trade, and �conomic Development far funding assistance; WI-�ER�A�, it is necess�ry that certain conditians be rnet as part af the application requirernents; WH7EREAS, Tim Snead, Grant County Commissioner is authorized to submit this applicati.on ta the state Department af Community, Trade, and Economic Development ta request up to $750,000 to build a comrnunity center b�ing developed by the Boys & Gir1s C1ub of the Columbi� Basin, and certifies that, if funded, it: , Will comply with applicabla provisions of Title I Housing and Cammunity Development Act of 1974, as amended and other applicable state and �'ederal laws; Has provided opportunit�es for the citizen partzcipatian comparable to the state's requiremenis (those described in Section � 04(a}(2){3} af the Housing and Com�nunity Deveiopment Act of 1974, as amended}; has compiled with all public hearing requirements and pravided citizens, especially law- and moderate-income persans, with reason�ble advance notice of, and the apportunity ta present their views during the assessm�nt of community develapment and housing needs, during the xeview of avail�ble fiinding and eligible activities, and on proposed activities; Has provided technical assistance to citizens and graups representative of low- and moderate-income persans that request assistance in c�eveloping proposals; 'Will provide opportt�niiies for citizens ta review and comment';on proposed � changes in the funded project and program perfarm�nce; ��- Will not use assessments against properiies owned and occupied by iaw- antl moderate-income persons or charge itser fees to recaver tlle capital costs of CDBG iunded public improvements from law- and moderate-income owner occlipa�its; Will establish a plan to minimize dis�lacement as a result of activities assisted with CDBG funds; and assist persons actually displaced as a result of such activities, as provided in the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended; Will conduct and administer its program in conformance with Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act, and will affirmatively further fair housing, (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968); and Has adopted (or will adopt) and enforce a policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by �aw enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against ant individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations; and has adopted (or will adopt) and implement a policy of enforcing applicable state and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstration within its jurisdiction, in accordance with Section 104(1) of the Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. V�ill pxovide, upon request, and prior to any obligations of funds being made, a. complete and accurate CDBG Federal Funds Disclosure Report detailing the required applicant / grantee information, and as appropriate other gOvernment assistance provided or applied for, interested parties and expected sources, and : uses of funds. �. � Grant County designates Tim Snead, County Commissioner as the authorized Chief Administrative Official and authorized representative to act in all official matters in connection with this application and Grant County's participation in the Washington State CDBG Program. Signature Name Date 2/23/99 Title County Commission Gha�r Attested � Date J23/99 _ �,