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�Ieek of �ebruary I6,1 �9�
The G�ant �ou�aty Commissianers session was called tc� oxd�� a.� �:00
a.m. by �h�man T�m Snead. All af the �ommi.s�ianers were in atiendance
wzth the Clerk of ihe Baard.
The Cflmmissianexs read a�.d a.pproved the minutes af the jpr�ceding
sess�a� as �vri�ten.
��� �The Commissic�ners approved the starting salary o� �'ra�k Martir�ez,
Jr. as a Data Ar�alysi ix� the Infoz��ativn Services Netwarkizzg and Hardware
Depa��ent at �2,321,93 per mont�.
The �o�missic�ners z�aei with the P�blic Works �ir�cic�r regarding
Bzd Authc�riza�ic�n-Her�icide Maierials, Contract �xecutic�n-Vehicle
Purchase, �SDOE, and G�nze Industries.
��;� �� �The Comm�ssioners s�gr�ed i��e Authorizat�on to CaII for �zds for
�erbiczde Maiexials. B�� f�pe�ing ta be Ma�ch 2,1999 ai 1�:3t3 a,m.
��,��,�T�e Cc�mmiss�aners szgn�d a co�traei with Mc�ses Lake Fc�rd fa� ihe
purchase af ane 1999 Ford Explorer.
���.��,� � The Co�,ss�4ners signed a cc�ntra�i with �e�dle �'t�rd �ales for �he
p�rchase �af fQ�r 1999 Ford T�urus sedans and Qn 1999 Fc�rd �'35�.
��G�; ,: .� The �a�nmissic��ers apprc�ved the request by the Juven�Ie Pr4bation
Depaa�tment for �'unding tbrt�ugh �ant county Juvenile Depa.rt�nent fo�
Juve�i�e Accountability Incentive �3�ock Crrant fiznds �rcr�n March 1,� 999
�hrc�ugh July 31,2000 in t1�e amount of $220,8Q7.
#�,�, �;��Cha�an Sne�.d was a.utharized tQ sign �`r�rm Amendme�i I�Io. 3
a�nendi�g the i��eragency �greement be�w�en the �tc�r�h Ce��ral �Iashin�;ton
I2egion�� Suppc�rt �Tetv�rc��k a�d {�rant Cc�uniy.
s�-'�� ;�ha��rnan Snead was authoz�zed to sxgn approval of ihe ZiquQr
�.��ense �ssump�ian from Ra�lc�rrac, LLC to Mar �t.on Inc. et a1.
��v ��� As c�� t�vs date the Baard by a r�aj c�riiy vc��e does apprave for payment
th�se vouchers included in the l�st filed in the Aur�it�+rs C}�fice 2/i6l�� in the
total amou�t o� $489,338.99.
��!�.�.�.-`� The Cc�m�naissioners held a Pub1�c Hearing xegarding dispc�sal of
couniy prc�perty, parcel #17 1(}�� 025. There was no public z� ai�endance.
A mc�tio� was �ade l�y �ommzssioner Allison, seco�ded by Cc�mm�ss�o�ez�
M�ac�re to approve the ��sposal c�f the prc�perty �oca�ed �. t1�e Nort�east af �he
S€�uthwest c�f Section 32, T"crwnsh�p 20 North, Range 28 Easi �,M. Qn
�..,�rsc�n Air Farce Base. The Com�nisszoners set the Ic�v►� b�d �Qr clisposal t�f
, the property �t �5,0{�0. The matic�� carried.
�^� ��-� -�'The Comznissiozzers appc�inte� Debra Adams to a position c�� the
Gra�i �ouniy Board of Adjus�me�at,
y��; The Com��zissioners recei�ed a szgned cc�py o� �D�� Contr�ct
Number F-98-74098-044, Second AA�endment.
As ihere was n� fi.�iher business to co.n�e before �he Board the session
was adjoc�rned uniil Februa�y 2�,1999.
.! *' � # i # ! ! '
AT�'EST; GR.AN� T �flfl� , , �AS��NGT�N
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�Ier ihe B� Claairman � �
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